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Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Beyond The Book

    An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

michael's podcast

John Chapter Sixteen

13. When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come.

Galatians Chapter One

11. For I would have you know, brothers, that the gospel that was preached by me is not man’s gospel. For I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it, but I received it through a revelation of Jesus Christ.

Ephesians Chapter Three

1. For this reason I, Paul, a prisoner of Christ Jesus on behalf of you Gentiles assuming that you have heard of the stewardship of God’s grace that was given to me for you, how the mystery was made known to me by revelation, as I have written briefly. When you read this, you can perceive my insight into the mystery of Christ, which was not made known to the sons of men in other generations as it has now been revealed to his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit.

Romans Chapter Eight

14. For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.

    As I was praying today Father spoke to me and asked me to listen and write and publish his words for all to hear. Here are his words, he said:

    My beloved children, I long to have conversation with each of you but so many of you are stuck in this book called the Bible and can’t hear what I am saying to you. The Bible as you call it is a holy book in its original writing. It contains words of the prophets and apostles and great words recorded that my beloved Son spoke to the people. However this book was given to you to be an introduction to me and not to be read as if it is all I have to say to you. Throughout the centuries men who did not have your best interest at heart changed the meaning and used it to trap you inside its pages.

    My loved ones even in my Son’s days of walking on the earth he told you that the scribes and Pharisees had taken over Moses place and had twisted the original meaning of scripture. Do you remember that my Son said “you have heard that it is written to hate your enemies but I say to love your enemies and do good to those who persecute you?” He wrestled with the same thing. People used a book that was written in love and written in parable and allegory and twisted the meaning to put people in bondage. He told the Pharisees that they put rules on people that they themselves didn’t keep.

    Today many who call themselves my ministers rule over their congregations by using parts of the book that do not pertain to you to keep you in fear and in prison. Let me make it simple: any verse you read that is not seen through the eyes of a loving father who gave all he had to save you is a wrong translation. If you read the book and find condemnation then you did not properly divide the word of truth.

    As our beloved Paul told you that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ. None, whatsoever! So if you read and don’t feel encouraged then you misunderstood the original meaning and need to dig deeper into the original meanings. Yet there is a much better way.

    On the day of Pentecost my Holy Spirit came. Holy Spirit didn’t come handing out books and rules. What came was the indwelling presence inside you that knows all and sees all and came to teach you all that you need to know.

    Think of it this way. So many of you say if it’s not written in the scriptures then you don’t accept it. So what about those who wrote the scriptures? What they heard and wrote was not in the book before they heard and wrote it. Can you imagine when the prophet said that a virgin shall give birth what the people who read it thought? They declared the prophet crazy and said no such thing had ever been heard of.

    My loved ones, your teacher who dwells within you will teach you the meaning of the scriptures. You need no man to teach you for you have the greatest teacher dwelling inside you.

    What I am saying is that what was meant to be a roadmap to the destination has become the destination for so many of you. You are stuck two thousand years in the past when I am trying to lead you into a glorious future. Some worship the book and call it "The Word of God." My glorious son is my Word. He is who that the prophets of all spoke of. He said if you have seen me you have seen my Father. John said "in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God." There was no version of your book with me in the beginning but my glorious Son was there.

    Another thing that those who imprison you with the book misunderstand is that scripture was written for you but not to you. Yes there are eternal truths written in my book but there are timelines in scriptures that are not for your day. For example; there was a time before Moses gave the law when people were not judged because there was no law. There was a time when the children of Israel agreed to a covenant with me and lived under this law until after my Son fulfilled the law and sat down at my right hand. There was another time period from when my Son fulfilled the law until the whole system of law was destroyed when the temple and the Old Testament priesthood ended with the destruction of the temple.

    As it is written in the letter you call Hebrews the way into the holiest of all was not available as long as the earthly tabernacle was still standing. Just as the forty years were spent in the wilderness all those who had been born under the Law of Moses were given a generation to come into the new before the old was destroyed.

    What you call the New Testament letters were written in this time. That is why it seems confusing to some. Some try to take the warning of the apostles and push them forward into your day but they were teaching people in their day how to live in their day. For example Paul told his followers that it was best not to get married but this didn’t mean forever. It was because he knew the tribulation was coming in their time. It is also why he said this "present suffering" is nothing compared to the glory about to revealed in them. This is why John said he was in “The Tribulation.” This is why John said that it was “the last hour.” They weren’t speaking of the end of the world but of the end of the age of the Old Testament. You can learn greatly from what is written but these events are already finished.

    Do you remember that my Son told the people standing in front of him that some of them would not taste death before all the things he warned them of would come to pass? You must consider the audience that the letters were written to in your understanding.

    When the Apostles made statements that included the words “we” they were speaking of themselves and others in their time. If you write to a friend and say “we will go fishing when I arrive” you don’t mean people two thousand years from now. If someone reads your letter two thousand years from now they will not expect you to show up and take them fishing. This is one way people who call themselves ministers keep you trapped in the book. They see everything as future and don’t realize how much was already fulfilled.

    Remember this is the New Covenant. I will write my laws in your heart and on your mind. This is so each person in each generation can have truth to live by that pertains to their day and their situation. I am God of all but I am God of each of you personally and desire a one on one relationship with each of you.

    The scriptures are holy as originally written but they were the roadmap to the destination, they were not the destination. Suppose you look at a map to go to your friend’s house and when you get there you just ignore your friend and keep staring at the map. Yet this is what my church has done. They deem the study of the book more important than face to face fellowship with the one who the book was written about. When you go to a restaurant do you eat your food when it arrives or do you keep reading the menu?

    My loved ones it is time to know and be known. I want you to know the one who loves you so much that I have to live within you because anywhere outside you would be too far away. I love you too much to be a faraway God and I don’t want to be just the God you read about in a book when I live inside you.

    Do you remember when they spoke about my Son they said if all the things he did were written in books the world couldn’t contain the books? So are those things he did thrown out because they weren’t recorded in the book? Are only things recorded legitimate?

    I have given many of you dreams and visions and visitations but because you don’t have scripture and verse you discarded the encounter. Many of you ignore the love words I am writing on your heart and have your head in a book that you don’t understand because it was twisted and used to control you.

    I am not saying to throw away the book. I inspired the book and my words were written by the hands of those who wrote it in the beginning. I am saying that you have the author inside you and you should consult the author with any question you have about meaning. Or better yet, when you read the book ask my Spirit to give you the true meaning of the words. Please remember my Son taught in parables and without a parable he taught nothing.

    Paul said he would show you a mystery that had been hidden for ages. That mystery was in the book and misunderstood for thousands of years. Only when revealed by my Spirit did it come alive to those who read it. As it is written: The letter kills but the Spirit gives life, so without revelation you don’t get life from the book. This is why my Son told the Pharisees that they searched the scriptures looking for life but didn’t find it.

    So if all you get from reading is a history lesson you completely missed the original meaning. If you take all the prophecies in the book and think they are future then are you looking for another savior to be born in Bethlehem? My Son told the Pharisees that the law and the prophets were all written about him. They were not written about people thousands of years after him. In the book you call The Revelation our beloved John was told over and over that the time of these events was "at hand." Not thousands of years in the future.

    My loved ones I know I tell you these things often but many are still not hearing. I will not stop teaching until you understand because I love you too much to leave you in ignorance about how wonderful you are and how much you are loved. I long to show you what wonderful gifts are lavished upon you because of that love. You are adored and I live and breathe inside you because of my love for you. I want you to know the one who lives within you. I want to be your God, not just Paul’s God or Peter’s God or John’s God. You are just as beloved as them.

    I want to write my love letters in your heart until you understand that you have been my plan for generations. Yes you are happy when your friend is in love but isn’t it better if you experience it yourself? It is written “taste and see that the LORD is good.” It doesn’t say to read and see.

    The Apostles and Prophets and my beloved firstborn experienced amazing adventures in me. Don’t you want to do the same? I long to do just as many miracles through your hands as theirs. This doesn’t come with reading a book. The Pharisees memorized my book and used their understanding of the book to crucify my first born Son. Yet when people saw my Son’s disciples coming they said that these men had been “with” him. Not read about him.

    They experienced him face to face and yet were told that the Spirit that was in him would be in them also. He told them it is better for him to go away and send Holy Spirit for he was one man with them and Holy Spirit would be Almighty God within them.

    It’s the same with you: As long as you see me as a faraway God beyond the blue that people in a book wrote about you will not experience my indwelling presence. You can’t look for me in a book and look for me inside you at the same time. Here is my plan for all of you. I will live in you and walk in you and I will be “YOUR” God and you will be “MY PEOPLE.” There are great and wonderful experiences for you to have if you will come Beyond The Book!

    These are the words He gave me to share with you today.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

For more information please click on the links below:

Saturday, June 17, 2023

The Door Is Open

    An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

michael's podcast

Philippians Chapter Three

12. Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

    As I was praying today Father spoke to me and asked me to listen and write and publish his words for all to hear. Here are his words He said:

    My beloved ones: It is the day when you must trust me with all your hearts and don’t lean on what you understand with your minds. Everything you know is changing. I am removing all the lies you have been taught for generations and I am restoring the truth of the finished work of redemption that my Son accomplished when he offered up himself in place of all people and drew all people unto himself. As it is written if one died for all then all were dead. It’s time to arise to a new day and the whole truth about who you really are.

    My loved ones, almost everything you have ever learned from education and newscasts and books has been a lie. All of these lies were woven together to keep you from knowing who you truly are. It is really this simple. Just as my Son said “I and my father are one.” The same is true for you. We are one spirit as it is written “he that is joined to the Lord is one spirit.” Soon you will understand what this means.

    Each of you individually is my child. Not one is favored above another. There is no difference in my love for you than the love I have for my first born. You are all my adorable children who were born of my Spirit long before we made the world. You are not a body; you are a life giving spirit just like my first born Son. Each of you existed with me long before we made the world. Each of you is my beloved and each of you has a name that only you and I know but you have forgotten who you are.

    You believe you are the person who your parents told you that you are. They gave you an earthly name and taught you that you were their child. If you remember my firstborn told you that you should not call any man on earth your Father for your Father is in heaven. Your true identity is heavenly and not earthly.

    Do you remember that when my Son’s earthly parents lost him and had to go back and get him that he said he was about his Father’s business? He understood even at an early age that his birthright was from heaven and not earth. Soon you will understand what this means and will walk in the fullness of all the things that are written about you. I am the One Father from whom all the families of heaven and earth are named.

    My loved ones, you must begin to lay aside all ties to the earthly realm and live according to the sprit realm and your true identity. As you identify with your true identity as my children then all things will change. This is why you were told to no longer know any man after the flesh but to know each other spirit to spirit. As long as you see yourselves as human and not Godly you will live as a human and not a God from God.

    Many of you have prayed over and over asking me to release to you the power that my firstborn son displayed but the problem is not that you are lacking power but that you are lacking understanding of your identity, therefore you don’t have the faith to wield the power you already possess. As person with a servant belief system will never sit down at the table with the sons and daughters. You must see yourselves as you truly are and then all heaven will break out.

    My loved ones, I tell you these things over and over so that you will learn. I want you to know who you truly are so that we can have true fellowship. As long as you see yourselves as slaves you will not feel like you belong at the master’s table.

    Our beloved Paul told you to come boldly to the throne of grace. Not timidly like a servant who is afraid of being punished but boldly like a beloved child who knows he is welcome in Father’s house. A servant will wait and eat the crumbs left on the master’s plate while he is cleaning the dishes. A child who knows that he is a beloved child will sit in his Father’s lap and eat with him from his Father’s plate.

    It is written without faith it is impossible to please me for those who seek me must believe that I AM and I reward you just for seeking me. You must believe that I am pleased and come to me knowing that I am well pleased with you. I am so pleased I can’t help myself. When my children come to me my heart melts and I have to give them something just because I love them. My love overflows and it thrills me just to know you are looking for me. You are absolutely adorable in my eyes.

    There are so many things that false religion has entrapped you in and I am so happy that you are beginning to break free from that bondage. By grace you are saved through faith and that is not from yourselves but faith is a gift from me. It’s one of those things I give you for seeking me. I gave everyone the measure of faith so no one is lacking enough faith to come to me. False religion tells you that you must work to please me. The truth is I have been pleased with you since you were born of my Spirit before the world began.

    Those of you with children will understand this. When your baby is born you are in love with the child and it doesn’t matter that they can’t even care for themselves. You are happy to serve them their food and their bath and provide all that they need just because you adore them. This is how I feel about you. It doesn’t matter what you choose to do for a career. I love you if you perform surgery on brains or clean toilets. I just want you to be happy. If you know who you are you will be like my firstborn. He was just as excited to wash dirty feet as he was to heal the blind or raise the dead. Love turns any task into pure joy. Your value is in who you are not in what you do.

    My loved ones, it’s time to let go of the lies and truly understand that you are my greatest joy and the joy of all of heaven. I mention your name and the angels rejoice and the saints in heaven break out into song about you. You are that loved and I long for you to know that and hold on to that because your world is about to be turned upside down from dark to light. The lies will fall away but some are addicted to the lies. They are like a bird in a cage that fears freedom when they could be an eagle soaring into the heavens.

    Many are like those whom I delivered from Egypt. They preferred the stability of a place to sleep and steady work of that of true freedom. It’s no different today. Almost all of you have lived in slavery even though the cage door was open all the time. Those who knew the door was open told you it was shut so you wouldn’t leave. If you tried to leave they called you dreamers and crazy. The warned you of the dangers of thinking for yourself and belittled you if you didn’t stick with the herd mentality. They didn’t dare tell you that you are a spirit being who ranks higher than the angels. No way they would tell you that you could tap into the power inside and live far above the world you know.

    My loved ones I am telling you today. The door is open. You can learn who you are and live high above sickness, disease and poverty. You have all of heaven to help you but you must let go of your false identity and take on your heavenly identity.

    Be ready for extreme change. Forget what lies behind and look to the future with excitement.  Be ready to put the earth into order and turn earth into the image of heaven. Be ready to let go of the past and press on to the high calling. Your spirit is above and it’s time for your mind to come up higher. My loved ones: The door is open!

These are the words He gave me to share with you today.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

For more information please click the links below:

Sunday, June 4, 2023

You Are What You Eat

    An audio version of this message will be available soon at the link below:

michael's podcast

John Chapter One

The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!

First John Chapter Two

He Himself is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.

First Timothy Chapter Two

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

First Timothy Chapter Four

9. The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance. For to this end we toil and strive, because we have our hope set on the living God, who is the Savior of all people, especially of those who believe.

Romans Chapter Eight

1. There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death.

Galatians Chapter Five

1. For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.

    As I was praying today Father spoke to me and asked me to listen and write and publish his words for all to hear. Here are his words, He said:

    My loved ones, it is time to come out of the system that was fulfilled and removed almost two thousand years ago and live in the truth of the new creation. Old things have passed away and all things are new but most of my children don’t believe that because they still judge by the system that was taken away and not by the truth of the laws I write on your hearts.

    If you go back to the commandments written on stone to judge others then you put yourselves back under the condemnation of that system. As my Son told you. “Judge not lest you be so judged for the same method you judge with will be used to judge you.” It’s basic sowing and reaping.

    So many of you want to live under my grace while judging others by the law that Moses gave but you can’t have it both ways. You must judge only by the truth of the finished work of the cross. My Son took away the sin and judgment of the whole world. He took all sin upon himself. If you judge others as guilty you are heaping that judgment upon my Son for as it is written, “if one died for all then all died.” Remember it is written: “I did not send my son into the world to condemn the world but that through him it would be saved.”

    My loved ones, you are free from the old law that could only bring death. This doesn’t mean you will be free to live any way you want. If you believe that it just means you don’t understand that the blood of my Son didn’t just set you free from the punishment of sin but from sin itself. You can’t have a sin consciousness and righteousness consciousness at the same time. If you know that you are forgiven and are righteous and holy then you will live that way. Focusing on sin will bring more sin and focusing on your holiness will free you from sin.

    My dear ones, this goes back to the tree of knowledge of good and evil. If you judge one thing as good and another as evil then you are still eating of the tree that brings death. The tree of life is what Paul was eating when he said “we present every man perfect in Christ.”The tree of life is what my firstborn Son was eating of when he told people their sins were forgiven even before they asked for forgiveness.

    Remember that I was in my Son when I reconciled the whole world unto myself. People are not good and evil they are awakened to righteousness or asleep to righteousness. Sadly it is the condemnation of those who call themselves my church that keeps them asleep. When the church tells them they are evil and forsaken then they live that way. If the church told the truth that their sins were taken away at the cross and all they need to do is come home to the truth and they can be free then that will become their reality.

    Do you remember that Paul told you that as long as Moses is read the veil remains over their eyes? The law that Moses gave could only blind, condemn and kill. It didn’t have the power to change the hearts and minds of people. They had to make a sacrifice every year to remind them of their guilt. Christ made a sacrifice that was eternal. His blood cries out better things than the blood of Abel or the blood of bulls and goats. The blood of Abel cries for vengeance, the blood of bulls and goats cries out for judgment and the blood of my Son cries Father forgive them for they don’t know what they are doing. So as long as you tell them of their guilt you are blinding them with the law and keeping them from seeing the truth. As it is also written “the veil is taken away in Christ.”

    This is the same reason my children are in bondage to a system that you are actually above. Because you haven’t believed that you are righteous and holy you expect to be powerless against those who rule over you. One day you feel righteous because you know you are in Christ and the next day you use the written commandments to judge yourselves and when you do you fall from the grace and the power of it.

    Nothing is as it seems to your natural mind. For example: Our beloved one whom you call John was abandoned on the island called Patmos. It seemed he was a prisoner on the island and could not escape. He was called up to is true reality and realized the truth was that he was not really stranded on an island but was free to move about as he wished. The door was open and can never be shut.

    My loved ones, the absolute truth is that you are seated far above anything in this world. Because you keep blinding yourselves and others by judging the world by the law that was already fulfilled in Christ you believe yourselves to be of the fallen world and not of the world from above. You are in my Son so how much higher than the world and its fallen ways could you be? You are a new creation who is more powerful than anything this world could throw at you but you see yourselves as from below and not from above. When you awaken to who you really are then you will no longer be a slave to anyone.

    My beloved ones remember that you are the garden. The tree of life who is my Son lives in you and you in him. In you also is the tree of that knowledge of good and evil. You must choose which tree you feed from. If you see all men as fallen and judge the world according to Moses law, then you eat the death that comes from that tree. If you see all men as forgiven in Christ and know that his eternal purpose is working in all to teach them of their true identity then you eat of the life of Christ. Remember it is written that the law came by Moses but grace and truth came by Christ. Remember also that our beloved Paul called the law the ministration of death written on stone tablets. Any time you judge yourself or another by that law you submit yourself unto the curse of it. This is why Paul called the Galatians foolish. The law of the Spirit  of life in Christ has made you free from the law. Don't get yourselves entangled again in what I made you free from. 

    So how do you overcome centuries of bad training? You become not a judge but an observer. When you see those who are overtaken by the fallen mind and living in what you call sin then you don’t judge them but proclaim their freedom and their deliverance that was already accomplished in Christ. He told you that if he was lifted up on the cross he would draw “all men” unto him. Not just the believers.

    Those who walk in darkness don’t know about the freedom that was already given them in Christ and how will they know without a preacher? How will they ever know if those who call themselves preachers constantly condemn them for living in ignorance of the truth? Their sins were taken away at the cross but they don’t know it so they continually live as if it never happened.

    Here is another example: Suppose you see someone who is addicted to drugs. You don’t call them derogatory words. Instead you might say: “This is a beloved child of God. I declare their freedom was obtained by Christ on his cross. I call them forth into their true identity of a righteous, holy child of Almighty God and proclaim that they are free from every problem that leads to bondage!” It’s not calling things that are not as though they are, but instead proclaiming the eternal truth about things that already are and therefore dissolving the illusion that is only a temporary fact.

    Remember as I told you again and again. I was in Christ on that cross reconciling the whole world unto myself and “NOT” counting men’s sins against them. Sin wasn’t the problem. Not knowing they were my children and instead living like wild creatures was the problem. 

    Ignorance is the only evil you will ever need to overcome. My Son made peace with all things in heaven and earth by his own blood. All authority in heaven and earth was given to him and he dwells in you. He defeated all enemies and the only enemy you have left is ignorance. As it is written "my people perish for a lack of knowledge."

    I sent my beloved One to show you who you are and how you should live. He is the firstborn of all of you. You are no less than he is. The only difference is that He knows who he is and you are just beginning to believe. Once you fully know then you will live like a heavenly child and not be entangled by the world but just as my Son did you will go about proclaiming the good news of reconciliation and deliver many from living in the ignorance of their minds and not in the truth of the Spirit.

    Eat only from the tree of life. See all people as forgiven and treat them accordingly. Judge only righteous judgment as my Son did when he determined that people didn’t know what they were doing. No longer judge people as good or evil but as awake or asleep and try to awaken those who are asleep but do it with love. Remember within the garden called you there are two trees: The tree of life or the tree of judging by good and evil. Remember this. You are what you eat.

    This is the end of the words He gave me to share with you today.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

For more information please click on the links below: