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Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Abounding Peace

    An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

    As I was praying today Father spoke to me and asked me to listen, write and publish. Here are his words. He said:

    My beloved ones; you are more loved than you could ever imagine. There is a war going on for the attention of your heart. The world longs to drag you down into political arguments and worrisome things about the division among you. They make you believe that you are divided when you are not.

    I told you in the scriptures that old things have passed away and all things have become new. Some of you are awake and understand these things and some are totally asleep and unaware that things have changed and some of you are in between awake and asleep.

    Through the blood of my Son I made you all one. He told you that if he be lifted up (crucified) then he would draw “all men” unto him. Do you remember that it is written that if one died for all then all died?

    Raging against the darkness of ignorance will not fix the ignorance. The only way to change the world is to display the love light that is within you. This will lead those who are asleep into the glorious light of day. So how do you do this? You must do as you were taught in the letter to the Ephesians. Do you remember what our beloved Paul told you?

    "For this reason I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man, that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. "

    As you fellowship with Holy Spirit within you, your spirit will be filled with our strength to understand how much you are loved. As you become totally rooted and grounded in our love, you will understand that love is the reason for all we have done and all we will ever do. This understanding will make you truly alive. Only knowing how much you are loved will empower you to live and be as Christ lives.

    Do you remember what I said? “This is my “Beloved” Son in whom I am well pleased.” Knowing how much he is loved is the basis for all the miracles and wonders that my Son accomplished. Those who seek for power will not find power or love. Those who seek for love will find love and power.

    Knowing how much you are loved will change everything in your world. As you come to know our love there will be no room for fear in your lives anymore. Overflowing peace will abound in your hearts until it spills over into the world, changing all who are around you. This is how you change the world. Jesus didn’t come railing against the government or railing against the darkness. He just let the love in his heart change everyone he met.

    As you learn how much you are loved you will no longer fear the events in the world. You will understand that we came to save the world because of our love. You will believe the words of the prophet Isaiah who spoke the truth when he said that to the increase of my Son’s government and of peace there shall be no end. Our Kingdom will grow and grow until it fills the earth with love. No one or no government can stop what is coming. On earth as in heaven is coming and is already here if you understand that it is within you.

    So my loved ones surrender to my love for you and let me drive away the fear in your hearts and let me fill you with my abounding peace. You don’t have to live in worry and wonder. You can live in peace and harmony and in faith that all things will change for the better.

    Let go of anything that does not bring peace. Trust in my plan and be filled with my abounding peace!

    This is the end of the words he spoke to me earlier today.
I hope you are encouraged by these words,
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

     For more information please click the links below:

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Never Be Afraid

    An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

michael's podcast

Habakkuk Chapter Three

17. Even though the fig trees have no blossoms,

and there are no grapes on the vines;

even though the olive crop fails,

and the fields lie empty and barren;

even though the flocks die in the fields,

and the cattle barns are empty,

yet I will rejoice in the LORD!

I will be joyful in the God of my salvation!

The Sovereign LORD is my strength!

He makes me as surefooted as a deer,

able to tread upon the heights. 

    I know things in the natural world look dark these days. But we are not natural people. We are children of the Almighty God. As I was praying for each of you this day and asking Father for encouraging words to share with you He spoke to me and said:

    My Son, listen and write and publish and tell my loved ones to never give in to fear. If you want to change what you see with your natural eyes you have to change what you see with the eyes of your heart. Things don’t change from outside in but change from inside out.

    Generations of people have traded faith for fear and this is what you see in the world today. You are powerful people who are born as a powerful spirit. This spirit within you has the power to create. You can choose to use this power to create good and bad. Whatever you meditate on in your heart comes into the physical world whether good or bad. This is why you must change your thoughts to change your world.

    The key is simple. Change your thoughts and change your world. Think of everything man has created in the world. Did it begin in the physical realm or in the realm of thought? It begins as a thought in the mind of a man, woman or child and then by the power within you it is brought forth into physical form.

    What I am saying my beloved is that you are causing your own chaos. Not just you specifically but as a whole. Those who would rule over you know this and this is why they show you bad news continually until you are unable to imagine good things. Sadly because most of my church believes in a cruel God who wants to punish the world I have already forgiven, they assume evil must advance until punishment comes. As I have told you before, this is not my plan.

    My plan is simple: As it is in heaven: So let it be on earth! You have been taught to fear the future when the future is glorious! Religious zealots who don’t know what day they are in are taking past events and projecting them into the future. All they know is gloom and doom and this they preach and use the collective power of the people who follow them to create chaos.

    Once again consider the cross of my Son. Would I send him to die and save the world and then hand it over to my enemy? Would I tell him that he failed and I must turn the world that he died to save over to an enemy? Should I tell him that his blood was not enough and I’m sorry Son but we just can’t overcome the evil?

    Am I not Love? Does love ever fail? No, love always wins! I promised you in scripture that all would know me from the least to the greatest. I promised you that it is my will that none should perish. I promised you that every knee would bow and every tongue confess that my Son is Lord and do so not in shame but for the sake of bringing me glory? My loved ones; what part of on earth as it is in heaven do you not understand?

    My beloved ones; rest your minds and your hearts. Put away the earth and set your minds on things above. Look at the stars in the sky. Look at the sun and look at all the things I created. Consider this and how easily I put them in their places. Consider the fact that I didn’t even break a sweat to do this! Now look at the problem you are facing and ask yourselves. Which is harder, build a universe or fix my problem? When you take fear out of the equation then all that is left is faith. Just remember; I am big, your problems are small.

    Think continually on these words: My Father loves me so much that He sent his Son and then Holy Spirit came upon the Son. And then as our beloved Paul told you in his letter to the Corinthians that I was in Christ on that cross reconciling the cosmos to myself, not counting your sins against you. What does this mean? It means that the entirety of the Godhead was on that cross. Remember I told you that the fullness of God was bodily in Christ? We came to save you because we love you. If we would do this for you then why do you think there is a limit for what you can receive?

    Moses made a covenant as a representative of all. His covenant demanded death for all who broke it. So when all had broken it all had to die. So we came and represented all mankind and took the punishment of that covenant. We were unwilling for you to be doomed forever because of your mistakes. Christ not only kept all the commandments and fulfilled the law but he also took all the punishment of the law and fulfilled the punishment also. This was done because we love you and we love all mankind.

    When this covenant was fulfilled we made a new one. Christ represented all of you as a man and made that covenant as you and for you. This new covenant was not guaranteed by the blood of animals but by the blood of my Son. The old covenant was completed by his blood and the covenant was guaranteed by his blood. All your future mistakes were payed in advance by the sacrifice of my Son. Some would say that this means you have a license to act foolishly. If you think this then you don't understand the power of my grace to lead you into holiness. 

    This is the new covenant: I will walk in you and live in you and I will be your very own personal God and you will be my child. I will write my love laws on your heart and in your minds. Your laws are internal and not external. I will never, ever, ever remember your sins. Do you remember that this was written in the letter to the Hebrews?

    And the Holy Spirit also testifies that this is so. For he says,

“This is the new covenant I will make with my people on that day, says the LORD:

I will put my laws in their hearts, and I will write them on their minds.”

Then he says, “I will never again remember their sins and lawless deeds.”

And when sins have been forgiven, there is no need to offer any more sacrifices.

    I told you all these things so that you would know that you are secure. No matter what you see around you there is this anchor for your faith to rest upon. As you fill your hearts with my peace and my promises these things will begin to appear in your physical world. Peace will break out and wars will end. Conflict will be overtaken by brotherly love. I promised you I would make one people out of all nations and tribes and tongues. This is my plan so as my people begin to trust my plan they will put aside the doom and gloom and it will disappear from the earth.

    Please my loved ones: Rest your mind and throw away your worries. You are one with me so what do you have to be afraid of? Remember what Paul said? “To live is Christ and to die is gain!” The worst the world can do is promote you to heaven so what is there to fear?

    My children, my beloved children; I am with you and in you and I Am the creative power within you. As a man thinks in his heart so is he. Change your thoughts and change your world!

    Rest in my love for you and when trouble comes to mind think of my love instead. Think of how I gave all I had because I wanted to demonstrate my loving grace to you forever! 

    This is love, not that you loved me but I loved you. This must be the anchor for your mind. Meditate on my love until fear is not even in your vocabulary. Love each other with the love I give you. Remember my beloved: Never be afraid!

    This is the end of the words He spoke to me this morning. 
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

    For more information please click the links below.

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Awakening To Glory! Part One

    An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

michael's podcast

    As I was praying today Father spoke to me and asked me to listen, write and share his words with you. Here are his words: He said:

    My beloved ones: Do you know who and where you are? Did I not seat you in heavenly places in my Son in his glory? You are not an earthly being trying to experience a heavenly reality. You are a heavenly reality of Spirit experiencing an earthly event.

    My loved ones, you were told to never again know anyone after the flesh. You are not flesh creatures; you are spiritual sons and daughters of God living inside a physical body. 

    As long as you focus on the fleshly part that you are experiencing you will neglect the spiritual part of you that is eternal reality. This is why you were told to set your mind on things above. You must begin to see yourselves as the spiritual beings that you are so that you will change the things around you.

    Imagine it this way. Suppose you were from a powerful kingdom and you were an ambassador sent to a poor, dilapidated country to put things in order and bring this country up to the standard of the one you call home. Now imagine you forgot what country you came from and started living as the locals do in poverty and brokenness. Soon you would be broken and powerless just like the local residents even though you have all the wealth and power from your home country available to you.

    This is who you are. You are not earthly beings. You are heavenly. You come from heaven with all the power and resources of your home country available to you. The only problem is that religion has taught you that you are a poor lowly creature trying to claw his way up to be a part of the heavenly kingdom; when that is who you have been all the time.

    My beloved ones; you are a spirit. Where do you suppose that spirit came from? I am the Father of all spirits. I didn’t say the creator of all spirits, I said the Father of all Spirits. Do you not remember in the letter to the Hebrews it is written:

“Besides this, we have had earthly fathers who disciplined us and we respected them. Shall we not much more be subject to the Father of spirits and live?”

    If you will pause a moment and think of this it will occur to you who you really are. If your last name is Smith and your Father’s name is Smith are you not both Smiths? You are my children. Not my creation but my children. I made Adam’s body from earth but I breathed life from inside me into him yet the “last Adam” was my Son. He was not born from the will of the flesh but by the will of the Spirit. This is the family you come from. You are not Adamic! You are Christ’s!

    This is what my Son told you when he was speaking of John the Baptist. Of all those born of women none was greater but anyone who is born in the kingdom of Spirit is greater than John. The part of you that was born from me is spirit of my Spirit. 

    It is time to get to know yourself as you truly are. You are not this vile earth creature roaming about waiting on some blessed day. You are my ambassadors sent from heaven to put the earth in order. All of creation is not waiting for some rapturous event but rather waiting on its owners to tend to it as a mother tends her child. Do you remember what the Psalmist said? “The highest heavens belong to the LORD, but the earth He has given to mankind.”

    So let me put if plainly my beloved: You have forgotten who you are. You have been asleep for a long time. You are my sons and daughters and you are on the earth to put it into the order of heaven. You are powerful and without limit. 

    I told Moses to look into the heavenly realm and make the earthly look like the heavenly. I am telling you the same but as long as you are gazing at the earthly then earthly is all you will reproduce.

    All that is necessary is to know you are and why you are here. As long as you see yourselves as victims you will live in defeat. As long as you see yourselves as slaves you will live in slavery. When you awaken to the truth of your heavenly reality you will take your places and begin to accomplish what you came for. 

    So my beloved: When you look in the mirror look past your physical being and look into the realm of the spirit and see who you truly are. Again do you see what was written in the Psalms?

“I say, ‘You are gods; you are all children of the Most High. But you will die like mere mortals and fall like every other ruler.’” Rise up, O God, and judge the earth, for all the nations belong to you.

    Because you believed the lie and forgot who you are you have entered into the fate of the world you believe in. You are all gods. You were born from me but you have fallen because you forgot who you are.

    So in this very Psalm is your assignment. Awaken to who you are and do as the Psalmist said:

“Give justice to the poor and the orphan; uphold the rights of the oppressed and the destitute.
Rescue the poor and helpless; deliver them from the grasp of evil people."

    Remember my children. There is one who sits at my side. He rules over all. He wore flesh like you but he overcame that limitation by believing that he and I are one. He still wears his flesh but the flesh did not overcome the glory of who he is, but the glory of who he is overcame his flesh and changed it into glory also.

    This is who you are my loved and lovely ones! You are gods from God. The only way to overcome where you are is by knowing who you are. You are my children and your kingdom is high above the physical realm. You are empowered by me to overcome this dimension and put it in order. Your kingdom is unshakable and has the power to shake all things and remove everything that is not like itself.

    I will that you should know me in Spirit and Truth. I want you to fellowship with me not as a faraway God but as a loving Father who is closer than your thoughts. As you do this you will awaken even more. Soon all will be awake and this is the change that is coming.

    So take your eyes off of political change and financial change and all other kind of change. Yes I want you to care about your country and be a part of making all things more like heaven but remember that your true citizenship is in heaven and not earth. 

    Your hope and help is not in politics and earthly things. I am your helper, your friend and your Father. It is not about your rank on earth. You are royalty from heaven. There is no title higher on earth than child of God. Wake up my children and know yourselves as I know you. Just because you were asleep doesn’t mean that you weren’t always my children.

    The awakening is underway. Soon all will know me from the least to the greatest! As promised the earth will be full of the knowledge of my glory as the water covers the sea. You are my glory! Jesus was the firstborn of many brethren. My glory is arising because my children are awakening! Awaken unto the glory that you are!

    This is the end of the words He spoke to me moments ago.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

    For more information please click on the links below: