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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Becoming Love Part One

     While praying and writing today Father's voice came to me and said:

     My son, speak to my loved ones and tell them that it’s time to walk in a new hope and new faith and it’s time to not just love but it’s time to become love. I am love and it is the substance I am made of. Yes love is a substance just as faith is a substance and hope is a substance. I told you in scripture that faith it the substance of the things you are hoping for. In other words when you are hoping for something then I take a substance called faith and build it for you.

     It’s the same with love. Love is my substance. It is the purest substance that ever was or will be. The outward acts of love and kindness you see are just that substance flowing from me and becoming other things. The act of kindness that is shown to someone is that substance called love creating a pathway and an action to express itself. All the good things you have seen or will ever see are just expressions of me for I am love.

     I know these things may be hard for you to understand but if you will think on these things then the very love itself will create a thought to explain it to you. This is how meditation works. As you give your time and thought to my love then my love flows into your thoughts and reveals truth to you.

    As you think on these things you will become more like me because I will fill you with the same substance that I am made of. When I made you in my image I made you with the same substance I am made of.  Your spirit is made of this material and now I long to fill your souls and minds with the same substance. This is a spiritual substance that is far above any realm or physical dimension. It is my plan to fill all of creation with this substance until all dimensions including the physical universe are full of the truth of my love.

     So how do you become love? It is really simple. Thanksgiving is one key that opens a door to this. When you begin to meditate on how much you are loved and think about all the things that love has provided for you such as salvation, everlasting life, healing, deliverance, blessings of friends and family, clothes, houses and all other gifts then you open the door to your spirit to all that I am and all that love is. This is why thanksgiving and worship are so important. These things are not for me. They are the valves that open the flow of my love and blessing into your natural world.

     The opposite is also true. When you meditate on negative things you open doors of your spirit to darkness and destruction. This is why the world is full of images and things that draw your focus onto them so they can open the door of your subconscious and control you from the dark side. This is where the war between light and dark is being fought. You will make room for whatever you focus your attention on and those things you meditate on will flow into your life.

     Think about this. Wars and destruction are in people’s hearts and thoughts before they are acted upon in the natural world. Some people’s souls are completely polluted and acts of anger seem to occur naturally. This is why I told you in scripture to keep your eye full of light and your whole body would be full of light. My love for you is the light that I want you to focus on.

     Focusing on my love causes you to be full of my love and that love will naturally flow out to others. Do you remember what I told you in scripture? “This is love, not that we loved God but that God loved us.” Focusing on my love fills you with that same substance and it will flow into you until you are overflowing and then seek ways to flow out of you to others. Love is extremely contagious.

     Jesus said “I am the vine and you are the branches.” This is how love flows. Love is to the Spirit realm like blood is to the natural realm. There are two types of blood in the spirit realm. There is love and there is darkness. 

     When Jesus died on the cross he poured out his natural blood and also poured out more love than the earth had ever seen. When he presented his blood on the altar of heaven which blood was it? His natural blood was spilled on the earth? So what was the blood he brought into heaven? 

     Through his act of love all of history was changed in the physical world and the spiritual world. He put away sin once and for all. He reconciled all things back unto me but it takes faith in his act of love for that substance to cause you to be reborn into his image. Receiving him and his sacrifice opens your spirit and soul to the love that causes all things to become new. All receive forgiveness but not all receive his blood and become born of the spiritual blood.

     As you take time to think on these things more will be revealed to you and you will see how the physical body represents the spiritual body. The spiritual is so far advanced above the physical but the physical body represents what happens in the heavenly realm.

     Jesus, the lamb was slain before the foundation of the world but the physical representation of that spiritual act didn't appear until thousands of years later. All things in the earth are like a movie portraying what happened in the war in heaven. This will be revealed in its time but the most important thing to focus on is love. Remember that focusing on how much you are loved opens your spiritual veins to receive a transfusion of my love that will change you from the inside out.

     I am conforming you into the image of Christ and love is the substance I am making you out of. In the heavenly realm parts can be broken down into much smaller bits than you can see on earth. On earth you can look at atoms and protons and electrons and neutrons, but in the heavenly realm these bits of matter can be broken down into much smaller substances and at the center of it all is the substance called love. If you disassembled me down to three particles they would be faith, hope and love. The greatest of these is love for without love faith and hope are useless.

     So my beloved will you open your heart and your minds and let me fill you with light and love and make you into the image of that love? Will you meditate day and night on my great love for you and let me write my love laws on your heart and in your mind? Will you let my love cleanse you and heal you and make you into the mirror image of me? Will you become love with me?

     I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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