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Monday, February 4, 2013

The Song, The Faith, The River

     April 18, 2012: I am sitting here at my computer praying and waiting on the Lord’s voice. I have my headphones in my ears to block out the noise from the next room. I feel that warmth in my heart and I know His voice is speaking so I tune in. Here is what He says and the conversation that followed:

     My son, my beloved, can you tell me, where does music come from? Where does the song you sing come from?

     I know the answer is not from the recording I’m listening to and I am not sure but I think he is referring to the songs that I write, so I ask: What do you mean Lord? Suddenly I see what He means, I suddenly see a new song forming in my spirit and beginning to bubble out of my heart.

    "That’s right, He said, the song lives inside you if you are singing or playing it. It was born out of the heart of the one who first created it, just like the songs you write, but what physical location does it exist in before it comes out of your mouth or off the strings of your instrument?:

      "That’s right my son,It's inside your heart. Focus on the place of the song as you sing it. Before you ask I’ll tell you why I’m asking." 
     (So I began to look inside my heart at the words and music were flowing from deep inside of me.)

     He began to speak again and said:

"The songs in your heart live in the same place as your faith. That’s why music is so powerful. It can penetrate your very spirit and the songs that I have given you to write are born inside your spirit."

     "Now this is why I’m telling you this. The place where faith for miracles comes from is the same place where the songs live. You can learn to pour faith out for healing the same way you pour out a song out of your heart."

     "It’s not a great mystery. You have known for a long time that faith lives in your heart but you didn't know how to release it. Speak it out like a song my son with the same emotion and anointing that you would pour out a worship song. Speak out faith filled words and watch miracles flow out of your inner being. It’s the river of life that I spoke of. It will come to you like a song does."

     "When you first write a song it starts tricking out a word or two at a time and you go over it and over it until you have it perfected and then you sing it out with power."

     "Faith is the same way. Put words of faith in your heart to draw from. The same way you feed on music and words feed on my miracles. Look into the spirit and draw out whatever you need my son."
     "The reason the river of life is unending is because it is in you but it does not begin in you. It flows through you from heaven. Its source is my throne as I told you in scripture. Learn how to tap into that river and let it flow through you like a song. At first it will be a drop or two at a time, then a trickle and then a gushing fountain. This is the reason why so many miracles happen while people are worshiping me. The power for miracles flows from the same well as the song does."

     "I wish all of my sons and daughters would learn to be an open stream and not a dam. Rip the valve off the faucet of your spirit and let it flow my son. I want to fill the earth with my glory and you are the pipe that I flow through. Will you open up and let me flow? Will you be willing to let me tear down the gates that dam up the flow of the Spirit? Just say yes and I will break down the hardened walls that hold back the flow."

    "I promise you it will be the greatest joy of your life and remember you get to drink first out of all that flows. Will you say yes my son? Meditate on these things and talk to me about it tonight. I love you my son. I love you. I love you."

I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time.
Grow Rich in His Grace!
I love you all,

For more information please visit our website at:

Multiplication, A vision of April 17 2012

     It was April 17 2012 and I was praying and spending quiet time with Father and as I was listening He started speaking and we had the following conversation:

     Take your eyes off the natural and look into the spirit and tell me what you see my son?

     (I see a cross my Father and the world behind the cross. Everywhere I look the cross is between me and the world.)

     You see well my son. Now you realize that your old life is dead. The ways of the world are crucified to you and you to them. Anytime you look back you should see the cross. If you don’t see the cross behind you then you are not dead to the world. I want my children to know that there is nothing in that world that they need. All they need is in Christ and nowhere else. Now turn around and tell me what you see.

     (I turned around again and I saw nothing so I said  "Holy Spirit my God and my teacher, I see nothing; absolutely nothing.")

     You see well again my son. I want you to forget about the world behind you. Not the people and the loved ones but the ways of the world and the way of the struggle that all people are caught up in. They are toiling and wasting their lives building treasure that can’t save and gathering things that will be destroyed.

     Forget about the ways of Egypt my son. Those ways don’t work in the kingdom. It’s a different place with different laws and rules. You can’t take the ways of the world and prosper in the kingdom. 

     The world says "I must do to have."
The kingdom says, "I've already been provided for so I do.” 
It’s a mirror image. You don’t do to get, you do because you have. Until the old ways are gone the new ways won’t work properly for you. The old way was thou shalt, thou shalt, and thou shalt. The new way is it is finished, it is finished, it is finished.

     Even under the old system righteousness was never obtained by what you do but by what you believe, or rather who you believe in. In the kingdom righteousness is already imputed to you as a free gift. So now you are free in Christ and you can choose to serve in love out of the abundance of the kingdom.

     See how most of the church works today? They try to take from one and give to another. Giving is good but it’s not the best way. All they are doing is redistributing from one pocket to another. They can’t create wealth all they do is redistribute it. 

     The kingdom works by multiplication not redistribution. Jesus took loaves and fishes and multiplied it. He didn't go into town and borrow loaves and fishes from thousands of people and then give them to the poor.

     There is a place in me where everything you have is multiplied and you can freely receive and give because your supply is never limited. Churches today pass a plate and those that have give what they have to those that have not. Of course this is after ninety percent is taken out for the cost of the building projects and salaries and such. People do these things because they don't know any other way. They haven't learned the ways of the kingdom yet.

     If Jesus was in charge of the meeting it would go much different. Whoever had would throw what he had in the basket. Jesus would bless it and everyone would take out of the basket all that they needed until they had plenty including the person who put into the basket. Even though he only had a little to put in he would take out all he needed and more.

     The old system says give and God will give you more. The kingdom says you have been given all things that pertain to life and Godliness and blessed with all blessing in Christ so you are lacking nothing.Whatever you have will be enough. Once you understand the multiplication system then you will never see lack again because you will know in your heart that whatever you have will be more than enough. You will be able to give out of riches and not out of need.

     People in the church today are told to give if they need and they will get more. People misquote the scripture that says give and it will be given to you pressed down, shaken together and running over, but they take that out of context. Go back and read the whole chapter. Jesus wasn't talking about multiplying your resources here. He was talking about forgiveness and anything else it takes to show the world my love. Whatever you had to give in forgiveness and love would be multiplied and given back. Whatever it costs you to show my love to the sinner will be multiplied to you.

     The church today tries to bend everything into money, because they worship money. They think if they have enough money they can change the world. Here is a news flash. All the money in the world won’t save the world. One Jesus Christ is all it takes to save all. They even try to take the parable of the sower and think that the sower sows money, even though in the same text Jesus explained that the seed sown was the word of the kingdom. If my people really understood what is freely given when you receive the kingdom then money would never be a problem.

     So why am I telling you all this? It’s because I want you to get free from anything you have ever learned from the church world about building the kingdom. I want you to do things totally backward from what they do. I want you to see me as an unending source of anything you could ever need and learn to multiply whatever you have.

     There are so many people in need of love and healing and money will never be the answer to their problems. They need the power of the gospel to change their situation and set them free. All the money in the world can’t cure cancer. All the money in the world can’t cure aids. Learning how to multiply the healing power that is within you can do all things. There is a river of life inside you and it is inexhaustible. You can learn to multiply the life force within you and give it freely to others and still have more than you could ever need.

     It’s going to take sons and daughters of truth to stand up and show them the way. Don’t judge those caught up in the mammon system. You've been there yourself and you know it’s hard to break free but when they see the kingdom system they will gladly leave behind the old ways. 

     Just remember that until there is a cross between you and the world you can’t overcome it. You can’t be resurrected until you are dead. Are you ready to totally leave the ways of the word behind you my son? Meditate on these things and we’ll talk later. I love you my son.

     I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace!
I love you all,

For more information please visit our website at:

Am I in Love?

Am I In Love? 

First Corinthians Chapter 13 

Love is patient, 

love is kind. 

It does not envy, 

it does not boast, 

it is not proud. 

It is not rude, 

it is not self-seeking, 

it is not easily angered, 

it keeps no record of wrongs. 

Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth 

It always protects, 

always trusts, 

always hopes, 

always perseveres. 

Love never fails. 

     Sometimes in life we find ourselves dealing with situations that are beyond our limits. We all deal with people that we think should behave a certain way. We as a society have our rules and we try to force everyone around us to mold into the likeness of the group.

      Lately the Lord has been directing people into my path who are sometimes troublesome. After seeing this pattern for a few days my slow thinking finally realized that God was trying to teach me some things. Finally He just came right out and spoke to me and said “My son, you need to let your head go dead and restart your heart.

     Suddenly it dawned on me that I was dealing with these people from my head and not my heart. He told me to go to the scriptures and read these verses that I listed above. That’s when I realized I had some repenting and apologizing to do. 

     I realized that even though I wanted the best for the people that I was dealing with I was doing it for the wrong reasons. The bible tells us to speak the truth in love. It doesn't just tell us to speak the truth.     The truth spoken in anger doesn't contain the power to heal like the truth spoken in love. 

     Trying to force the truth on someone does no good at all. Besides maybe we are looking at a person’s faults on the outside and never know what they are facing in their hearts. God changes people from the inside out. We should do the same. In every situation where we are counseling or teaching others we should ask ourselves the following questions:

     Am I being patient? Am I being kind? Am I being envious? Am I being boastful? Am I being proud? Am I being rude? Am I being self-seeking? Am I doing this in anger? Am I keeping record of their past failures and is that affecting my actions toward them? Am I delighting in their failures or rejoicing in the truth? Am I protecting, hoping and trusting? Am I willing to persevere until love gives them the victory?

     After replaying some events in my heart I realized that I don’t always live what I believe. Though I have God’s love and mercy living inside me I don’t always choose to dispense the same grace to others that He has given to me. For this I publicly repent and to anyone in my past whom I may have injured with word or deeds I do sincerely apologize and ask forgiveness.

     I purposely left the last part of the scripture above for my last point. Love Never Fails! If we fail it’s because we didn't walk in the love that God has given us. If we continue to love people the way the scriptures say in this chapter then sooner or later we will win. We only lose when we quit loving.

I hope you are encourage by these words.

Until next time,

Grow Rich in His Grace,

I love you All,
