Contact me at this email address.

Friday, July 31, 2020

You Are Amazing!

    This weeks' blog is a new song that I wrote last week. It's called You Are Amazing!
You can listen to it by clicking the link below and the lyrics will be below the song so you can sing along if you like. Thanks to all of you and God bless you!
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

link to song:

You Are Amazing 

I see the sun, the moon the stars.
I tremble at how powerful you are!
Heavens so vast, who knows their span?
Yet all of it still fits within your hand.

My God you are amazing, 
creation does declare!
My God you are amazing, 
no one else compares!
My God you are amazing, 
you made land and sky and sea.
What I find most amazing 
is you live inside of me!

The mountain tall, 
the valley low.
Your fingers carved the paths 
where the rivers flow.
You set the bounds 
to raging sea!
Yet somehow you still live inside of me?

My God you are amazing, 
creation does declare!
My God you are amazing, 
no one else compares!
My God you are amazing 
you made land and sky and sea!
What I find most amazing 
is you live inside of me!

Each tree its blossom, 
each flower its bloom.
Each songbird worships you
 with its own tune.
You know them all, 
each by its name.
Oh the beauty of your wisdom, 
who can explain?

My God you are amazing, 
creation does declare!
My God you are amazing, 
no one else compares!
My God you are amazing 
you made land and sky and sea!
What I find most amazing 
is you live inside of me!

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Truth or Tradition?

    An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below.

John Chapter Sixteen

13. When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come.

John Chapter Seventeen

15. I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth.

Mark Chapter Seven

13. Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.

John Chapter Four

24. For God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth.”

    Early this morning Holy Spirit started speaking these verses to me in this order. I pondered what the reason was for them being in this order. As I was thinking about it and listening I heard Father speak to me and He asked me to listen and write and share with all who will listen. He said:

    My little ones, are you worshipping in truth or tradition? Are you living in truth or tradition? Are you willing to let go of your traditions so that you can understand truth?

    My loved ones think about your lives. Why do you do what you do? Why do you think what you think? Why do you live as you live? Are you living from the leading of my Spirit or from the traditions that you are handed down? Do you believe everything that those who are of the world tell you without even questioning if it is true?

    Think about the early Church. They had no official organization. They had no bible to quote. The New Testament bible you have wasn't written until hundreds of years later. Most couldn’t read or write but they healed the sick and raised the dead and turned the world upside down. So how did they do it?

    They lived by the voice of Holy Spirit. They lived by revelation and not by tradition. There are so many traditions of men that have sneaked into your lives that did not come from me. If you sincerely take a look at your lives you are living more by habit than by revelation. These traditions cause you to walk in failure and not in power.

    Do you remember that Jesus asked Peter who do you say that I am? Peter said “you are the Christ.” Jesus told him this didn’t come from man but came from having a revelation from me. He then told Peter that the whole church would be built upon the rock of direct revelation from heaven. This hasn’t changed.

    Most of your churches are built on tradition and on popular fads. You sing three fast songs and three slow songs and then when people do shake off the world and tune into the Spirit it’s time to stop all that and take up an offering. It’s time for the Pastors to pimp me out and use the truth of my Spirit to make you think that you need to give something to keep that feeling going. Their whole purpose of getting you to let go in worship and to awaken in Spirit was not to connect you to your heavenly home but to get you to give more.

    Then once they have your money, it’s on to a twenty eight minute rehash of the same slop you had last week and then send you back to your habitual lives so you can grind out more money to bring next week. My loved ones; how much longer will you tolerate this?

    Yet it’s the same in your everyday life. You do things because others do things. You follow the crowd so that you won’t feel like you are odd. Do you not realize that it’s the crowd who is odd?

    It’s time to question all that you do and everything you have built your lives upon. You can’t live by worldly traditions and walk in heavenly power. All the tradition in the world cannot save one life.

    Are you afraid to ask yourself the hard questions? Why would you be? Do you already know the answer? Are you working the job you have because I led you there, or are you there because someone told you that this is where you belong? Do you drive the car you drive because you believed it’s what you needed or because someone told you that it was best for you?

    My loved ones, it’s not about micromanaging your lives. You are free and free to choose what you want to do but you have made yourselves slaves to the system of the world because you make all your decisions based on tradition and not revelation.

    It’s time to awaken. You are not worldly. You are heavenly. Inside you is Almighty God and your life should flow out from there instead of from outside in. I am the only one who truly knows who you are. No one else can even describe you. You listen to the world and you are just a number to them. You are a vote or a customer or a demographic but to me you are EVERYTHING!

    So why am I telling you all these things? It’s so that you can see that you can come up higher. You can live above all the fray of the world and walk in the Spirit with me. You can live in the heavenly realm while upon the earth. I called you to be Kings and Priests not slaves to the world. As long as you live in the tradition of men and not the traditions of God then you will suffer from the world you live in.

    Think of my beloved Jesus. He lived upon the earth and suffered the same way as you. He worked and sweated and when it was time my Spirit  empowered him to live his true identity. He then walked as man and God upon the earth. He had power over all sickness, death and disease and nothing was impossible for him. This same Spirit lives in you. You are just like him except tradition has taught you that you are just lowly humans and humans suffer from human problems.

    My loved ones; there is a better way. You can set aside your traditions and listen to my Spirit. You were promised that Holy Spirit would lead you into all truth. You can live without even one lie affecting your world if you are willing.

    Consider this: because of tradition you can sit in a dead church service for two hours but to sit alone and pray for two hours is a chore for you. Why is that? It’s because tradition has trained you. You can work at a dead end job for years knowing that it’s not what you want to do or have to do but you do it because tradition tells you that if you follow your dreams you will fail financially.

    Here is great news. We are ready when you are! When you are ready to ask yourself every time you think a thought or do something “why did I do this?” Then we will be ready to empower you to change. If you will really truthfully consider this you will find that most of your life is lived out of habit and tradition and not from revelation.

    Are you ready my loved ones? Are you ready to live from heaven while standing upon the earth? Are you ready to be more alive than you have ever imagined? Are you tired of crawling when you know you can fly? It’s truth that makes you free so it’s time to find out the truth. Are you living by truth or by tradition?

    This is the end of the word He spoke to me this morning.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Take A Look Inside

    An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

Michael's Podcast

Proverbs Chapter Three

5. Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths.

Isaiah Chapter Twenty Six

4. Trust in the LORD always, 
for the LORD God is the eternal Rock.

    I hear from so many who tell me they are afraid because the world seems to be going crazy. It seems like everything is coming apart at the seams and no one seems to have any answers.

    So in my prayer time today I prayed for each of them and as I was praying Father spoke to me and told me to write down his words and give them to all who will listen. He said:

    My little ones: why are you afraid? Believe in me and believe that I am with you and I am more than with you; I am in you and we are one! 

    Lean on me and not on what you understand or what you see with your eyes. If you watch your television you will believe there is no hope, but you must remember that actors are not just in movies, they are on the newscast also.

    My loved ones; you must know that I have a plan for the earth and no matter what those who disagree with me do they will not stop my plan. 

    My Son came and demonstrated the plan when he brought a revelation of who I am and displayed it to all who saw him. He demonstrated our love when he broke the chains of those in bondage and healed all who were oppressed. He destroyed the power of the devil and made a public spectacle of him. 

    He then told his disciples to heal the sick and raise the dead and cleanse the leper. Do you think we changed our mind? I don’t will to do one thing today and a different thing tomorrow. I am unchangeable and I am the same always and forever. 

    Keep your eyes on the plan and take them off what you see on the television and what you hear on the broadcasts. The plan will not change until there is nothing left that needs changing. I insist that earth be just like heaven. No exceptions. All will be conformed into the image of my Son. 

    My loved ones remember that the gospel is good news. Not gloom and doom and craziness. Do you remember the prayer? Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth just like it is in heaven? What is the Kingdom? The Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. The earth will be filled with righteousness, peace and joy until it overflows and just like heaven there will be no more sickness or pain or brokenness.

    I know it’s hard to throw away all the traditions you have been taught about what you call the end times. It’s been hammered into you for most of your lives but a hammered in lie is not the truth.

    I told you in Paul’s letter to the Ephesians that I am gathering all things together in heaven and in earth into one. No exceptions. This is why you see the craziness right now. Darkness if feeling the heat of the Son arising in the hearts of my people. Those in darkness are terrified of you and they are projecting that terror back to you to make you think it’s you who need to be afraid. They know you are waking up to who you are and they will not be able to sustain their lies much longer.

    My loved ones you are in the early days of the greatest awakening ever. It’s the true gospel that is coming alive in my children. Soon you will have no doubt in whom you are dwelling in and will know the one who is dwelling in you. You will know you are my beloved ones and you will know that as my Son Jesus is so are you. Those who know their God will do amazing exploits. Those who know their God dwells within them will be unstoppable.

    So please my beloved ones. Don’t be afraid. I need you to be wide awake and ready to shine. I don’t want you to hide the light within you under bushels of fear and worry. I gave all I had to rescue you from the fallen mind and I need you to trust me that it was enough. 

    You are in the world but you are not empowered by the world but you have heaven’s power within you. You are only subject to those things you allow yourselves to be subjected to. You out rank any being or trouble upon the earth. You are seated with my Son on our throne. You are not below. You are above.

    Heaven dwells within you. Think about that for a moment. I am the Almighty Creator of all things seen and unseen and my home is in you. Please my loved ones spend more time looking inside for the answer instead of outside at the problem. 

    There is only one who doesn’t understand who you are. Heaven knows you are Royalty. The dark minded ones know you are Royalty. The only one who isn’t sure is you. All you will ever need is already within you. Turn off the world and have a look inside. You will love who you see!

    This is the end of the words He spoke to me moments ago.
I hope you are greatly encouraged by these words!
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

     For more information please click the links below:

Friday, July 10, 2020

In With The New! Out With The Old!

     An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

Michael's Podcast


Isaiah Chapter 43

16: This is what the Lord says.

He who made a way through the sea,

A path through the mighty waters,

Who drew out the chariots and horses,

The army and reinforcements together,

And they lay there, never to rise again,

Extinguished, snuffed out like a wick:

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.

See, I am doing a new thing!

Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?

I am making a way in the wilderness

And streams in the wasteland.

Matthew Chapter Four

1.Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward hungered. And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread. But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

Hebrews Chapter Three

Remember what it says: “Today when you hear his voice, don’t harden your hearts as Israel did when they rebelled.”

    As I was praying today these verses came to me one by one. I meditated on them for a few moments and I heard the loving voice of my Father. He said to me. Listen, Write, and Share!

Here are his words:

    My dear children: I love you with an unquenchable love. My love for you is never cold but is always hotter than the sun. You are my desire and I only want what is very best for you.

    It’s time to let go of traditions and lies and grasp on to the truth of my voice. No more third party conversations. I want each of you to know that you already hear my voice but many don’t realize it’s me because it doesn’t fit the mold you were taught about my voice.

    It’s time to let go of the past and grasp the new thing. The new thing came two thousand years ago but my people are stuck in the distant past and won’t embrace the new life that is available.

    My loved ones: You are hearing me because you are my sheep and my sheep hear my voice. But you are missing me because you are looking on the outside when I am on the inside.

    My Son came and took away all barriers so that I could dwell within you by my Spirit. It’s Christ “in you” the hope of glory. As long as you look on the outside you won’t get the treasure that is within.

    Yes, I speak through all of nature and through events but not because I want to. Sometimes I have to speak that way so that you will listen. I told you in scripture that there is one mediator and He is my Son. He dwells in your heart just like Holy Spirit and I dwell in you. If you are still seeking a God outside yourself then you are looking in the wrong place.

    Do you remember that the new covenant I spoke of was not about getting you a book to memorize or a new religion to follow? This is the new covenant. I write my laws “on your hearts and in your minds.” I walk in you and live in you and I am your God and you are my children!

    The whole thing is about fellowship with you inside you. Do you remember that the scripture says that the fullness of God dwells bodily in Christ? The same is true of you but because you are looking in the wrong place you are not finding access to all that you have been given.

    Imagine this. Imagine you are hungry and you look all over the yard for food. The food is in the house in the refrigerator but you are seeking to be filled from the outside.

    It’s the same way with my children. They go from conference to conference and teacher to teacher seeking what they already have inside. Please my children; learn to live from my voice and not from what you read or what someone else tells you. True teachers will always teach you to look inside and not look at them.

    There are so many things I want to do in your generation if you will let go of doubt and fear and the false religion that you have learned. Listen to my voice and you will find that I am gentle and kind and I will lead you in the way you should go. I will not scold you or torment you. I love you and I only want what is best for your life.

    When you hear thoughts of love for you or another, this is my voice. When you think about things that are pure and lovely and glorious this my voice thinking thoughts through you. You think it’s just you because it sounds like you. Remember that we are one and when I speak through your Spirit it sounds like you. Any voice you hear that is not encouraging is not me. Even if I must warn you I will do it kindly.

    Now, I hear some of you immediately thinking; but what about what happened in the Old Testament? That was not your covenant and has nothing to do with you. That was the covenant of servants not the covenant of sons and daughters. Let go of the past and embrace the truth of Christ in you.

    You have not failed. You were led astray by false religion but the truth is inside you so it won’t take you long to find the right path if you will just listen.

    You are free for freedom’s sake. This means you are free to fellowship with me and there is nothing that can separate us. Your mistakes do not disqualify you from being my child. If your children make mistakes you correct them you don’t disown them. You correct them because you love them and it’s not about punishment it’s about teaching them about who they really are.

    My loved ones: Do this for me today. Set aside some quiet time and listen in your deepest thoughts. Any negative thought about you is a lie because you are made in my image and you are glorious my children. Any thought that lovingly encourages you is my voice. Any thought that discourages you is a lie. This is why you were told to cast down imaginations. Any imagination you have in your mind or heart that does not enlighten you to the truth of who you are is not my voice. Throw out the bad and hold on to the good.

    I am writing my truths on your heart and in your mind. What is in the mind? Thoughts are in the mind. This is the way we communicate in heaven. We only use words for pleasure. You can think a hundred thoughts faster than you can say one sentence. This is the way I communicate with you. Will you listen?

    Thought with feeling is more powerful than words alone. Imagine the one you love telling you they love you. Now imagine they are holding you in their arms and hugging you so tight and don’t even say a word. Which is better?

    This is the new thing that came. It was Me living inside my children because I love you too much to live anywhere else. I live in you because I choose to because of my love. You might as well learn to communicate with me inside because I am not leaving. I can’t leave you. We are one Spirit and are eternally inseparable.

    Don’t listen to the dividers. They tell you that you are divided from me and divided from each other by race, religion or gender but this is not true. You are all one body. I have made of all nations and peoples and tongues one holy race. Some know they are mine and some are still asleep to the truth.

    Soon all will know me from the least to the greatest and joy will fill the earth as all will lay down their weapons and disagreements and will love and care for each other. There will be no war and no hate and no one will have to preach to another for all shall know me.
    The plan never changed. Subdue the earth and make earth just like the garden where I walk with mankind and we rejoice together. Anyone who tries to sell you doom and gloom is either mistaken or lying.

    Remember that I told you over and over again to “fear not.” Anyone who tells you to be afraid is still living in darkness and they have not allowed my perfect love to drive out all the fear. I live within you so why should you be afraid?

    My loved ones, this is the new thing even though it’s been available for a long time. Hear my love words spoken into your hearts with words and thoughts and images of beauty. No more fear and no more listening to false religion when you could be listening to me singing love songs to you in your heart. 

    In with the new: out with the old. Heaven is inside you, come on in and lets fellowship together!

    This is the end of the words He spoke to me this morning.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

    For more information please click the links below:

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Completely Divine

     An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

Colossians Chapter Two

9. For in Christ lives all the fullness of God in a human body. So you also are complete through your union with Christ, who is the head over every ruler and authority.

     As I was praying today these verses came to me. I was meditating on them, which sounds like something super spiritual but really the way I meditate is simple. I read the verses a couple of times and then I read them out loud and then I listen and watch to see if I see or hear anything.

     Well as I did this today I listened and I heard the voice of Jesus speaking to me telling me to listen and write and then share. I love it when He speaks and I love sharing with you so we can all learn together. Thank you all for sharing this journey with me and now I give you his words. He said:

     My lovely ones, yes you are lovely! Don’t believe anyone else’s opinion about you. I see you as the lovely children of my Father that you are. I am not ashamed of you in any way. You are my delight and the reason for all we do and all that we will ever do.

     Before the world began you were complete in me. You were chosen long before the world was made. You were with me then and you are with me now and the only difference is that you have forgotten where you have come from. 

     You are not earth creatures. You are children of God just like me. I am the firstborn and each of you in your order, but not first born on earth but first born in heaven.

     You were in me in heaven first. Now you are on the earth, but you are the same you except you have flesh clothing now. I do not see your physical body in anyway except perfect in me. I came to earth born through the womb of a woman just like each of you. I still wear the body that I received on earth although it’s been glorified now and it is different because of the glory. I don’t want you to think of yourselves any less than you think of me. You have born the image of the earthly and you will awaken to the image of the heavenly.

     My loved ones; I tell you these things because you let others tell you that your worth is small and that you are not worthy because you wear flesh bodies. The spirit within you was birthed from our Spirit. You are not a stepchild. You are full blooded God from God!

     I know this is hard to hear but in scripture I told you that you were Gods. There is a great difference between humility and false humility. I humbled myself unto death but I did not deny who I am to do so. You have been told so many times that you are awful, sinful creatures and now you believe that you are not worthy of your heavenly inheritance. Nothing can be further from the truth.

     Remember in Paul’s letter to the Philippians he said that I counted it not robbery to be equal to my Father but took on the “form” of a servant. I used the power of my deity to serve. I didn’t deny my family name and call myself a sinner or an unworthy son.

     My loved ones, the time for the greatest awakening is upon you. When you awaken to the fact that you are God’s beloved children all things will change. You say it now, but soon you will know who you are and no one will ever convince you that you are a lowly sinner, barely squeaking by into heaven because you fed the homeless or gave someone used clothing.

     When you deny your divinity you deny your inheritance. I told you in scripture that he that is joined to the Lord is “One” Spirit. You must stop dividing yourselves from me in your minds. I told you that I and my Father are one. Until you realize the same about yourselves you will continue to struggle. How can you change the world if you don’t even know who you are?

     The greatest revelation my Father gave me was the revelation of who I am. I heard all the stories of how the wise men came and brought gifts when I was born. I was taught the scriptures and when I read them I had an understanding of who I was. But just like you I needed to hear my Father say it. When you hear it then everything changes.

     This is what is missing in the church today. They teach you scriptures and formulas and all kinds of man made doctrines but they don’t teach how to hear your Father’s voice. How does a child really know who they are? They know when their parents tell them who they are.

     So here I am, your brother, speaking to you telling you that as I am so are you. I am my Father’s child and just like me, you are your Father’s child. If you would learn to listen then you would hear him not only telling you who you are but you would hear him singing over you and rejoicing over you. Then you will truly know who you are.

     My loved ones; slow down and listen. Tune out the world and the news. The news you hear next week will be the same as today. Those who are stuck on the world plain will always fight and try to destroy each other while those who know who they are and come up to the truth of their divinity will see things completely different. 

     You can’t fix the fallen mind it has to be transformed to the Christ mind. You have the same mind as me. We are one Spirit and by that Spirit you have access to all that I am and all that I know.

     When you are fully awake then you can awaken others. Once they all know that they are divine children of God they will behave like divine children of God. Nothing else is going to fix the problem.

     My beloved ones, once again I am telling you who you are. You are Spirit born from Spirit. Your permanent address is in heaven. You are a natural born citizen of heaven. You were born here before you came there. You must begin to see yourselves as heavenly and what you focus on will change the outside into the image of the inside.

     So please hear me beloved of your Father, Know who you are! Stop living like a being that crawled out of a cave and live like a being that was sent from heaven to bring a part of heaven to earth.

     You are the city on a hill; you are the light set on a stand so all can see. You were born with the light inside you. You were justified, sanctified and glorified. As you awaken to this truth you will shine brighter and brighter and those who walk in the darkened mind will come to you for light. When they come you can show them the light inside them and take the bushel of worries and problems off of them so they can shine like you do.

     You are complete in me. I am in you and you are in me and we are completely divine. We are one; and you are the light because I am the light within you. The spirit of a man is the candle of the Lord. You are my beloved ones. All of heaven adores you. Awaken to your righteousness. Awaken to your divinity. You are complete and you are divine. You are completely divine!

     This is the end of the words He spoke to me moments ago.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

     For more information please click the links below: