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Saturday, September 28, 2019

An Inside Job

     An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below.

Matthew Chapter Thirteen

31. He put another parable before them, saying, “The kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed that a man took and sowed in his field. It is the smallest of all seeds, but when it has grown it is larger than all the garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches.”

He told them another parable. “The kingdom of heaven is like leaven that a woman took and hid in three measures of flour, till it was all leavened.”

Colossians Chapter Three

1. If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

Colossians Chapter One

15. He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent. For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross.

And you, who once were alienated and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds, he has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death, in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before him, if indeed you continue in the faith, stable and steadfast, not shifting from the hope of the gospel that you heard, which has been proclaimed in all creation under heaven, and of which I, Paul, became a minister.

Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I am filling up what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions for the sake of his body, that is, the church, of which I became a minister according to the stewardship from God that was given to me for you, to make the word of God fully known, the mystery hidden for ages and generations but now revealed to his saints. To them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.

     As I was praying and meditating today these verses kept coming up in my heart so I read them and began thinking about them and then asked Father what does all this mean? He started speaking and asked me to write it down and share it with you.

     He said: my beloved ones, this is an inside job. You have been taught all your lives to look everywhere else except for where I am. You are my treasure so I bought the world to get you. I wanted to give you something so I gave you myself. I hid the treasure called Jesus into you. We live in you and plant our garden in you and we govern from inside of you. The fullness of Father, Son and Holy Spirit are all in my Son and he is in you along with us.

     When will you realize that we are no longer three of us plus you? We are not four. We are One times One times One, Times One, which equals one.

     You are the body of Christ. All that you could ever need or want is inside you. You don’t have to go anywhere else. Do you need an answer? Ask me, I’m inside. Do you need a miracle? then look inside and release it. Do you need Wisdom? I am your wisdom. You are lacking nothing except the understanding that you possess all things. You live in me and I live in you so it’s not possible for you to be lacking.

     It’s time for my people to stop seeking the kingdom and start releasing the kingdom. The kingdom is inside you. Why are you asking me when you should be giving thanks and releasing what is already yours? When Jesus told people to seek the kingdom they were living in a belief system that told them that the kingdom was far away and not at hand or inside them.He wanted them to find it inside. 

     John the Baptist told them to repent for the kingdom of God was at hand. This didn’t mean to repent from just their sins. It meant to change their minds about where the kingdom is. It’s not up above or down below. It is in your heart.

     When Jesus said “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” he wasn’t asking. He was declaring and agreeing with me. You have been given all things that pertain to life and Godliness; you don’t have to ask for what is already yours. This is why you were told that when you pray believe that you already possess it and it will show up in the natural world. You don’t have to give thanks that it’s coming, you should give thanks that it’s already inside you and you can release it from there. 

     As a man thinks in his heart so he is. Whatever you think in there will appear in your natural world. If you constantly fill your heart thought with problems you will see problems in your life. If you set the mind of your heart on the things of heaven you will see heaven in your world. It's that simple.

     My loved ones: Let me tell you a secret. “IT IS FINISHED!” All things are already in your possession. You have just been looking in the wrong place. If you are looking for your car it’s not in your neighbor’s garage unless he borrowed it or stole it. If you are looking for a miracle it is inside of you, inside of me living inside of you.  

     In the scriptures people came to my Son for healing and deliverance. In the New Covenant Jesus moved into you as your healer and restorer. The Jesus you seek on the outside is a religious Idol. The so called “Jesus” that religion taught you about who is far away and will only hear you if you keep all the rules and regulations is a heresy. I Am is alive inside you. Yes I fill all of creation and I am everywhere but the God who loves you lives in you. We told you we would never leave you or forsake you so why ever look anywhere else for me?

     So how does this work? It simple, when Jesus healed people he never asked. He knew that I was in him and he just released what was inside him. He knew he didn’t have to pray for hours to muster up the power to make it happen. He understood that he is healing and it’s not what he does is its part of who he is. I do not just heal you. I AM your healer. I AM your health.

     I AM also your provider who counted the cost of your life and gave you all that you could ever need or want. They are inside you in seed form. Remember the kingdom is like unto a man sowing seed. The seed of all your need is inside you deepest heart that you call Spirit. A good man out of the good treasure in his own heart brings forth good things. You don’t create fruit, you bear it. It’s inside you already.

     So how do you access it? You look at the perceived need only long enough so you will know what the answer is. You don’t keep staring at the problem. If your car is worn out you don’t keep looking at your car. You look at new ones until you decide which one you want. If you lack funds you don’t keep staring at your bills. You look into my abundance that is inside you and you start giving thanks that all you need is already within you, and by doing so you are watering that seed until it can no longer be contained in your spirit, so you release it in words. The vibrations of your spirit impregnated words carry the creative power to release the answer into the physical realm. Nature takes your order and produces the answer while you give thanks for it. Just keep giving thanks and watch for it because it will appear.

     Once there was no light in the physical world but there was light inside me. So by words I released the light within me and shared it with the physical world. This is the way all things work. This is also why the “name it and claim it” gospel didn’t work for most of you. You thought you were trying to create something new and not to release something you already possess within you. 

     Peter said “silver and gold I don’t have but what I have I give you.” He knew he had healing and miracles inside. He said it was My Son’s name and faith in his name that made the crippled man whole. He knew he didn’t have to wait for an answer. He knew what he possessed inside. He had been watering the miracle seeds within him by giving thanks and spending time in fellowship with me. 

This is also why they lay the sick on beds where when he passed by his shadow would heal them. He had seen me do this in my Son. Jesus began laying hands on the sick and healing them but as he grew in awareness of who he was the healing power flowed out and healed the multitudes. As you grow in awareness of who you are then you will do the same.

     So my loved ones, no longer look outside for what you need. All you could ever need or want is inside you in seed form. I made man and put him in a garden to teach this concept but he didn’t understand. But the real man “Jesus”; the only Adam that you have ever been in; He understood these things. He understood that joy and life and order is who I am and he went about letting that power flow from him.

     The Kingdom is Righteousness, Peace and Joy. You are the righteousness of God in Christ. Christ is your peace because He is the Prince of Peace. We joy over you with singing because we are delighted that you are our children and not only our children but our equals. I know this will disturb your religious teachings but Jesus said “I Am my Father are One.” He also prayed in John Chapter seventeen that all of you would be one with us. Do you think I didn’t answer his prayer?

     You are the body of Christ. Not the dead body on the cross. Not the dead body in the tomb but the resurrected body that lives forever. Stop belittling yourselves with what religion taught you. Stand up and be the Sons of God just like Jesus did. When you are finally convinced that you are not a stepchild you will awaken to the heaven within you. You are just as much my child as Jesus is. You are born of my Spirit. You are my offspring. Not adopted slaves that I had mercy on and bought you to serve me. You are my life and my blood and my Spirit.

     No more looking outside and begging for what I already put in you. Water the seeds within you and speak only the answer and even give thanks for the problem because without it you would not have realized you had the answer. What good does it do to have the answer if no one ever asks the question? The only reason that needs ever appear is so you can release the answer and bring Glory to my Son. This is why you can give thanks in “all things” because you know that the problems you face are about to be swallowed by the abundance from within you.

     Never see your problems the same way again. Look at them not as a challenge but as an opportunity to release the kingdom which brings me glory.

     I love you my children and I am so pleased with all of you. Never give up. I would not have started you on this journey unless I was intending to bring you all the way into the fullness of the stature of Christ. There will soon be a day when the glory is flowing from you and people will ask “Are you Jesus” and you will answer and say “Yes we are.” We are one.

     Don’t forget my children, love each other and show the world that love never fails. Don’t forget, stop looking outward. This is an inside job.

     This was the end of the words He spoke to me moments ago.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

     For more information please click the links below:

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Rowing or Resting?

     An audio version of this message will be available at the link below:

Mark Chapter Six

30. Meanwhile, the apostles gathered around Jesus and brought Him news of all they had done and taught. And He said to them, “Come with me privately to a solitary place, and let us rest for a while.” For many people were coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat.

So they went away in a boat by themselves to a solitary place. But many people saw them leaving and recognized them. They ran together on foot from all the towns and arrived before them. When Jesus stepped ashore and saw a large crowd, He had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. And He began to teach them many things.

By now the hour was already late. So the disciples came to Jesus and said, “This is a desolate place, and the hour is already late. Dismiss the crowd so they can go to the surrounding countryside and villages and buy themselves something to eat.”

But Jesus told them, “You give them something to eat.”

They asked Him, “Should we go out and spend two hundred denari to give all of them bread to eat?”

“Go and see how many loaves you have,” He told them.

And after checking, they said, “Five and two fish.”

Then Jesus directed them to have the people sit in groups on the green grass. So they sat down in groups of hundreds and fifties.

Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, Jesus spoke a blessing and broke the loaves. Then He gave them to His disciples to set before the people. And He divided the two fish among them all.

They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces of bread and fish. And there were five thousand men who had eaten the loaves.

Immediately Jesus made His disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of Him to Bethsaida, while He dismissed the crowd. After bidding them farewell, He went up on the mountain to pray.

When evening came, the boat was in the middle of the sea, and Jesus was alone on land. He could see that the disciples were straining to row, because the wind was against them. About the fourth watch of the night, Jesus went out to them, walking on the sea. He intended to pass by them, but when they saw Him walking on the sea, they cried out, thinking He was a ghost for they all saw Him and were terrified.

But Jesus spoke up at once: “Take courage! It is I. Do not be afraid.” Then He climbed into the boat with them, and the wind died down. And the disciples were utterly astounded, for they had not understood about the loaves, but their hearts had been hardened.

     As I was reading these verses today I was thinking about the disciples and how weary they must have been. They had traveled into the wilderness to get some time away to grieve the passing of John the Baptist and to rest. However the multitudes of people followed them and were with them all day. After being there all day and then having to pick up all the leftovers they were told to get into a boat where they rowed against the wind for hours. Jesus had sent away the crowds before dark and then told the disciples to get into a boat and it was the fourth watch of the night and they were still rowing.

     They had just seen Jesus feed a multitude with five loaves and two fishes. Yet their hearts were hardened because they didn’t understand about the loaves.

     As I was thinking on these things Jesus spoke to me and asked me to write down these words and share them with you. He said:

     My little ones, what storm are you in? Are the waves crashing and is the wind blowing you around? Are you weary from facing the storms of life and yet with all your rowing you are making no headway to get to your destination? Maybe you should consider the loaves and fishes and consider all the other wonders that have been done before your very eyes.

     I know you face difficulties. Some of these come from not understanding the miracles I am doing in your lives. I gave the loaves and fishes to my disciples to hand out to the people and then I had them pick up the leftover fragments. I did this so they would understand that I am always more than enough. 

     They told me there was not enough to feed this crowd and I fed them and had basketsful left over. I intended for them to see my bountiful supply yet they all thought I was giving them grief by making them pick up the leftovers. Their hearts were hardened thinking that I was belittling their faith by making them pick up what was left when all the time I was just trying to show them the abundance of my kingdom.

     This happens with most of my children. First you think there won’t be enough and then when I provide all you need and more you quickly forget about the miracles and get bogged down in the next storm. These things don’t have to be this way. You can learn to live in abundance by keeping your hearts set on me and the supply and not on the lack.

     This is why you were told to set your mind on things above and not on earthly things. When you understand that all things are already yours and whatever you give thanks for will come to you then life gets much easier. The disciples saw five loaves and two fish. I saw more than enough to feed a multitude with much left over. We were all looking at the same amount but their attitude was that of lack when my attitude is always abundance.

     This was true throughout scripture. I told Abraham to count the stars in the sky and count the sand of the sea shore. I wanted him to see how abundant my creation is. I made more than enough of all things. More than you could ever need. As long as you look at need and not at supply you will always have need. When you learn to look at only the bountiful supply of my kingdom you will forget what need is.

     When I took the loaves and fishes I didn’t see lack. I looked into the heavenly realm and heard the words “be fruitful and multiply.” This wasn’t a suggestion, it was a command. This principle works for whatever you have in your hands. If you think you are limited by what you see with your natural eyes then you are mistaken.

     Please my little ones. Stop rowing so hard and walk with me on the waves and dance with me on the storm. I am in your crisis. I am not willing to let you sink and drown. I am willing for you to make your destination safe and sound and full of joy. 

     Don’t let your hearts be troubled. This is a decision you have to make. You can choose to live in fear and doubt and keep facing the same storms or you can rejoice and every time someone says “there is not enough” you can just look at the stars in the sky and say “oh yes, there is plenty.”

   If you really look at the birds of the air and the flowers in the field and the stars in the sky and train your hearts to think this way then lack will disappear from your lives. Lack is a lie. There is more than enough. There is no shortage of anything. People only tell you there is a shortage so they can charge you more for what they have to sell you.

     So my loved ones; put down the oars and walk with me on the water. Stop fighting the wind and let me calm your storm. Understand the story of the loaves and fishes. Know me as the provider who always makes more than enough. I am bountiful yet not wasteful. If you learn who I am you will not have to struggle against the wind and row against the current.

   I can’t help myself. I wasn’t happy making just one tree or just one blade of grass, just one cow, just one bird or just one person. Multiplication is just part of my personality. Why make one when you can make trillions?

     Learn who I am. I will provide you with all the loaves and fishes you want, all the money you need, all the wisdom you need, all the love you need and all of anything else you can dream of. All I ask is that you don’t harden your heart. Don’t look at the storm; look at me walking to you in the storm. Don’t consider the wind and the waves; consider the one who made the air and the water.

     Do you remember you were told that today if you hear my voice don’t harden your heart? Listen to me: I am telling you how abundant I am. Don’t let your hearts be hardened by looking at lack as if it’s real. I AM the WAY, The TRUTH and The LIFE. I am reality and everything negative is either a lie or an illusion.

     I counted the cost of your life and just like the loaves and fishes, I multiplied your provisions exceedingly, abundantly above all you can imagine. I provided more than enough food for your hunger, more than enough money for your bills, more than enough health for your sickness and more than enough life to conquer death. All you have to do is keep a tender heart towards me and give thanks for what you have as you look into heaven at my abundance.

     I love you so much that I gave my life to prove it to you. Look at my cross and never doubt how much I love you. If I provided enough of my blood to save you how could I ever withhold anything you need?

     My children; please stop rowing and start resting. I am in your storm and in your boat because I am in you. Consider the loaves and fishes. Don’t see it as a miracle but see it as a demonstration of my personality. Don’t see miracles as what I do but see them as an extension of who I am. I am all that you need.

     You truly are my beloved. Hear my words that I speak to you today. I am going to write my love letters to you on your heart. You get to choose if I write with gentle words or with a chisel. I prefer to whisper.

     This is the end of the words He spoke to me earlier today.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

     For more information please click the links below:

Saturday, September 14, 2019

You Are The Secret Place

     An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

John Chapter Fourteen

15. “If you love me, obey my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, who will NEVER leave you. He is the Holy Spirit, who leads into all truth. The world cannot receive him, because it isn’t looking for him and doesn’t recognize him. But you know him, because he lives with you now and later will be IN YOU. 
 No, I will not abandon you as orphans, I will come to you. Soon the world will no longer see me, but you will see me. Since I live, you also will live. When I am raised to life again, you will know that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am IN you.

Ephesians Chapter Five

18. Don’t be drunk with wine, because that will ruin your life. Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, and making music to the Lord IN your hearts. And give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

     As I was praying today Father spoke to me and asked me to write down these words and share them with you. He said:

     My loved ones, love is awakening! There is a great revelation of the truth of love and it’s already spreading like wildfire. You have seen those who claim to know me but bear no fruit resembling me. You have tolerated churches proclaiming to have life but are selling you the same dead song with a different beat. They entertain you with lights and loud music and people moving and all kind of things to stir your senses because they don’t have the truth to stir your heart.

     On the day of Pentecost Peter stepped forward and spoke from his heart. He had no warm up worship band, no loud microphone and no one to introduce him. The simple words he spoke were empowered by my Spirit and thousands came to the light. Soon you will see days like that. You will once again know the power of my love.

     Which is better? Would you rather have someone who read all the books on carpentry build your house or would you rather have someone who had built houses with his own hands build your house? Most of those you listen to today have been taught by the same group and don’t have any experience with me. They know what they have learned about me and most of what they were taught is wrong. They think they are doing me a favor when most are just misrepresenting me.

     My little ones, the only way to know me is to spend time with me just one on one, letting me write my laws in your hearts and on your minds from the inside. You don’t become true friends with people just by reading about them or by speaking to someone else about them. My son told you to come to us and let us remove your burdens. Yet most don’t come to me, they come to church to speak to others about me or search online for what others know about me.

     Times are changing. Many of my children are awakening to the truth that I am inside them and have never been external. You were born with me inside you. My Son is the true light that lights all that come to the world. The spirit of a man is the candle of the Lord. The part of you that is alive inside is not really even you. You are dead and your lives are hidden in me so that I can hide myself in you. The part of you that loves is me. The part of you that dreams great dreams and hopes great hope and believes all things is me. We are not two, we are one. There’s not you and me. There is you/me. No separation at all. Many of you know this already and are beginning to experience this awakening.

     So what will change? When my people are fully awakened to the fact that you are me and I am you then you will no longer live as humans. You will realize you are powerful, royal beings and will put all other things aside and will turn earth into heaven.

     We: me/you are so powerful that all of creation is just waiting on it to be revealed to you that you are the sons of God. As Christ is, so are you in this world. I was one with Christ and I am one with you. 

     This does not come because you read some book. It only comes through fellowship with me in truth. Once you put away all the lies that you have believed about yourself then truth will flow freely. For many generations my people have seen evil as giants and seen themselves as grasshoppers just like those who wouldn’t enter the Promised Land, when all the time the opposite was true.

     My loved ones; come to me inside your heart. Whisper to me and ask me who I am and who you are. Don’t let others define you. You will find me when you seek me with and in your own heart. You are my temple. You are the secret place of the Most High. When you look inward you are looking into heaven. When you focus on what is without then you are looking into deception.

      If you abide in me and I abide in you then ask whatever you want. The problem is that I abide in you and have always been here, yet you seek me everywhere except in the place where I abide and that is in you. Abide with me in your own heart. Your heart is my home. 

     So my loved ones; take time to do as my beloved David told you: Commune with me in your own heart upon your bed. I am one with you inside you. You are my dwelling place and my temple. 

     You were instructed to enter into your closet and shut the door and pray to me in secret. This closet is your heart. We fellowship together and meet together in the secret place called “you.” I already know what you will ask before you ask it because I Am You. It’s no longer you that live but Christ lives inside you.

     We are living our life through and as you. Never see yourself without me or me without you. We are “One” Spirit. Please know and understand by spending time with me in your heart. Let us reason as one and not as two. You are my heaven. You are my secret place. Abide with me for I am abiding with you inside you. You are inside me, inside you. You are my secret place. 

     My little children; love each other and be ready for the awakening is coming. You will be changed from the inside out. All that is external is falling away revealing only what is inside. Christ in you the hope of glory. 

     Jesus told you that in my house are many mansions. You are my mansion. You are my house. He prepared a place for you to dwell in me as I dwell in you. You are in heaven and heaven is in you. You don’t have to wait until you physically die. You can live in heaven with me in you today. Don’t forget my beloved. Abide in the secret place with me and this secret place is you. 

     This is the end of the words he spoke to me at that moment.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

     For more information please click the links below:

Friday, September 6, 2019

Live In The Truth: Live In My Love

     An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

Romans Chapter Eight

31. What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?

Who shall bring a charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies. Who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?

As it is written:

“For Your sake we are killed all day long;
We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.”

Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.

For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

     As I was reading these verses today Father spoke to me and asked me to write down these words and share them with you. He said:

    My beloved children: I will continue to persuade you as I persuaded Paul my Apostle. It took time but I persuaded him. He came to realize that my love is the one constant in the universe. It’s not some physical law or the speed of light. All of these things can be overcome. There is only one unchangeable being in the universe and that is me and I never change. I am love and love is me and these things are constant. I am the foundation of all things. No matter what happens in your life you must realize it is never an effect of my love for you changing.

     I was with my Son in the wilderness and I was with him on his cross as you were told in the letter to the Corinthians. I was in him not counting men’s sins against them. I never left him and never turned my back on him. You must learn truth and dispel the lies. Until you are settled on the absolute fact that you are loved and have always been loved then your lives will be unsettled. I will never leave or forsake you. I am always with you in and through your troubles.

     My loved ones, when you face a crisis don’t think that I somehow got angry with you and sent the problem to punish you. I am a loving Father and while I do discipline my children, I never punish them. A good Father never takes a thought about getting even. Even when he is stern it is only because of the love he has for his children and how he wants the best for them. All true discipline is corrective and is never punitive.

     In the western philosophy that you call Christianity you have learned many things that are not true about me. You have been taught men’s interpretation of who I am. You must not listen to these lies anymore but instead come to me and let me show you who I am. Come and taste of my love and see that I am good.

     It’s my goodness that leads to repentance. Repentance is not what you were taught in most of your philosophical discussions you call church. It simply means to change your mind. It’s not crying and begging and moaning and promising to do better next time. It’s just a return to the correct mindset that you are from heaven and you should live like you are from heaven. You are from above and your lives should reflect the glory that is in you. So if you go off track my goodness will remind you of who I am and who you are.

     This is where religion failed. It tried to teach you to live holy without knowing who you are. You were told holiness is a set of rules that you keep. Do this and don’t do that. That is useless. Holiness is a person living inside you. Holy Spirit is a person and this person lives inside you teaching you that you are children of the Spirit and teaching you how to live like spirits and not to believe that you are fallen creatures that I took pity on and saved like a puppy from the shelter.

     You are my children. How many times must I say it before you believe it? Listen with all your heart. Know how much you are loved. Look at the price that I paid to win your hearts. Listen to these scriptures that you just heard. Nothing can separate you from my love and nothing can separate my love from me because I am love.

     You are royalty. You are seated with my Son on his throne. You are more than conquerors. You possess all things. Heaven is your home. Earth is your inheritance. No matter what you are facing you can’t lose. All things will be restored to you for eternity. Once you realize this then you can enter into the rest I desire for you and you can fellowship with me in truth.

     So what is true fellowship? It’s what you call worship. My Son told you that I seek those who worship in Spirit and in truth. This truth is the love we have for each other. I adore my Son and He adores me. We adore Holy Spirit and Holy Spirit adores us. We adore you and this is worship if you can receive it.

     Greater love has no man that he who will lay down his life for his friends. Did you know that you were already our friend when Christ died for you? You were only enemies in your belief system. You have been adored forever.

     So what does all this mean? It means that you must saturate your mind and your heart with the truth that you are adored by me and by all of heaven. If you are having a good day then you are adored. If you are being crucified you are adored.

     Once you are sure of my love you will enter into a joyous peace that only heaven knows. You will no longer see yourselves as victims but as conquerors. When someone does you wrong you will brush it off and take no thought of it. Once you know that all things are yours then you will know that you can’t lose anything. No one can really take anything from you.

     For example: If someone stole your car and you didn’t know if you would ever see it again you might be upset but if you knew that if your car was stolen then you would have a better car tomorrow then you wouldn’t lose sleep over it. All things will be restored. You will never lose one thing. Even the hairs of your head are numbered. Whatever it costs you to live in love will be restored. Remember my Son? No one took his life. He gave it freely. Be willing to give all and you will lose nothing.

     So my loved ones: Bless those who curse you. I turn all curses into blessings. If someone takes your coat then give them the shirt and tie that went with it. If someone curses you or gossips about you then pray for them and bless them. Once you realize that you can never lose anything you can rejoice in any situation. All things and all people will be restored to their true identity. Those who hurt you don’t know you or they would bless you instead.

     My loved ones, you must learn to trust in my love for you and for others. Let it be the foundation of your lives. Don’t let storms and circumstances tell you who that you are. You are never less than the royal children of God who sit with me on my throne. Don’t let circumstances or other’s opinion of you change your mind about who you are.

     Keep building upon the Rock. Storms come to all houses but only those who build on the rock don’t have to rebuild later. The fire comes to test all metals and takes away the impurities. The fire is not punishment but refining. You are pure gold inside. Once the fire of my love has purified your thoughts and minds then you will be on the outside what you have always been inside. You are the treasure of heaven. Let my love refine your thoughts about who you are. Learn to see as you are seen. If you are in the fire, you must be gold.

     So what do I think of you? I think you are my beloved ones for whom I gave all I had to bring your heart home to me. You are my treasure and my children and my very own soul. You are sanctified, justified, glorified and have been blessed with all that I have. Never let anyone tell you anything else. Any other opinion about you is a lie. Live in the truth. Live in my Love.

     This is the end of the words He spoke to me this morning.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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Sunday, September 1, 2019

Planting Heaven in Your Heart

     An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

Proverbs Chapter Four

20. My child, pay attention to what I say.
Listen carefully to my words. Don’t lose sight of them.

Let them penetrate deep into your heart, for they bring life to those who find them, and healing to their whole body.

Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.

Matthew Chapter Fifteen

19. For from the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, all sexual immorality, theft, lying, and slander.

Luke Chapter Six

A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart. What you say flows from what is in your heart.

     As I was praying today all these verses started flowing to me and I began to ponder what Father was teaching me. As I sat down to look up these verses and read them He spoke to me and asked me to write down these words and share them with you. He said:

     My little ones: Do you not know that your heart is a garden? I gave you a heart as a gift. I gave it unlimited power. I do exceedingly abundantly above all you can ask or think according to the power that works within you. That power is the spirit of the heart. Your hearts have unlimited power to reproduce whatever you plant in them. Just like the dirt in a natural garden that doesn’t care what seed you plant but only has one mission and that is to make that seed grow.

     Your hearts work the same way. If you allow good seeds into your heart you will produce good crops. If you allow weeds and thistles into your heart you will produce them. If you allow both then your garden will be a mixture of both. This is why you see breakthroughs in some areas and struggle in others. You must learn not to plant what you don’t want growing in your life.

     When you think you plant seeds into your heart. When you mutter to yourself in worry and strife you plant seeds in your heart. When you worship and give thanks you plant seeds in your heart. 

     This is why you were told that as a man thinks so is he. Your thought life will get planted into your heart and will spring up into your natural world. This is also why Jesus told you to take no worrisome thought about tomorrow about what you will eat or drink or what you will wear. When you worry you will plant lack into your heart and I am not mocked, whatever you sow there will grow there.

     Don’t you see it in the story of Adam and Eve? Everything they needed was in their garden. All that was necessary was to keep the snake away. How did evil get in? It came in through their thoughts. They never considered they were lacking until the enemy told them the lie that they were lacking. That lie got planted in their hearts and it produced after its own kind.

     All of life works this way. That is why Jesus said if you don’t understand the parable of the sower then you won’t understand anything about the kingdom. When you "think", you are eating of one tree or another. If you do as you were instructed and set your mind on things above and only think on things that are pure and lovely then that is what you will plant into your heart and reap into your lives. 

     All the issues of life flow from the garden within you. You can’t stop it. You are made in my image and you create the same way I do.Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks and you end up speaking out and creating whatever is planted in your heart.  This is why you must listen to my voice and hear my love words for you. I don’t want your lives filled with misery; I want you full of joy and full of life. I want to fill your minds with my words and my thoughts so that your world will be full of heaven.

     You must let the truth of the death and resurrection of my Son to be the measure you measure truth with. Any concept that comes to your mind you must ask yourself is this true according to the gospel of truth. Remember that the law kills but the Spirit gives life. You must judge all things by the Spirit of Truth and not by the legality of the law. 

     For example: If you are angry with your brother you must ask yourself, is the Lord angry with my brother? When you hear gossip and are tempted to repeat it you must ask yourself "did the Lord start this rumor?"See how quickly that stops the issue? You must see all things as I see them and not plant judgment or condemnation on any person that I have forgiven.

     It is not easy. You are being told thousands of times a day that you are lacking one thing or another. They tell you that unless you have their product you are missing out on life. If you don’t have their medicine you are going to die or drive their car you are not driving the right car and if you don’t act the way they do then you are not normal.

     All of this is foolishness. It’s okay to have a new car if you want one. But you are not lesser than another if you decide to walk instead. If you want a big house then buy one but don’t think this makes you greater or lesser or greater than your neighbor because his house is small. You can never be less than my child and joint heirs with my Son. All things are already yours. They can’t sell you anything that you don’t already own.

     A good man brings forth treasure from his heart. How did it get there? I planted it. I already gave you all things that pertain to life and Godliness. Adam’s garden was external and he was in the garden. Your garden is internal. I walk with you in the garden I planted within you. You can never be removed from your garden because it is inside you.

     You can however decide to fill it with weeds by taking thoughts that should never be planted there. I gave you dominion over your garden. You have the right to fill it full of the tree of life or plant hate and despair in it. I hope you will only plant those things that will bring you life and peace.

     My beautiful children: I tell you these things because I wish you great prosperity and health and love and peace and joy. I cannot force these things upon you. They are your choice. I hope you choose to only think on things that plant heaven into your lives. This is how the kingdom works. You take thought from heaven and plant them in your heart and a bumper crop of heaven springs up into your lives.

     You are the trees that bear the fruit of heaven. You are the garden I feed the world from. I am constantly pruning you with my sweet words but you could assist me by not planting things I have to cut down. Please remove all negativity from your thought life. Soon there will be nothing in your lives that you didn’t get from heaven.

     It is absolute fact: Whatever you plant is coming up. I have never had and will never have any negative thought about you or anyone else. If you do likewise you will be full of life. You have the mind of Christ. Think what He thinks. Say what He says. Love like he loves and only plant what you see Him planting. He took away the sins of the whole world so judge by that truth. No more condemnation, no more strife, no more worry. Only plant peace and love and joy and watch your world change.

     I love you my dear children, so love each other and treat each other the same as you would treat me if I were standing before you because I am. I am above all and in you all. I am inside every person you will ever meet. Some of them don't know it so maybe you could tell them. Christ is the light that lights every man that comes into the world. I gave to every man the measure of faith.

     There are great days ahead as your fields only grow the harvest of heaven. Plant the seeds of heaven in your hearts by thinking the thoughts of heaven until earth becomes just like heaven. 

     This is the end of the words He spoke to me earlier today.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time.
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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