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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Why Do You Always Preach About Love?

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Why Do You Always Preach About Love?

     I get many questions from many people about the message I speak on most often. I understand that people want great revelations of things hidden for ages but I believe the love that God has for people is the greatest of all revelations, and we haven’t even begun to understand it.

     I will give a couple of scriptures that will be the basis for this teaching and then will go into a couple of encounters I have had with the revelation of God’s love.

     First there is the one everyone can quote, followed by one that most can’t quote. John 3:16 and 17

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

     Ephesians 3:14-21

14. For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, 15.. Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, 16. That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man; 17.. That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, 18.. May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; 19. And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fullness of God.

20. Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, 21. Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.

     Do you see how much he loved and still loves us? He should have come and condemned us all and destroyed us and been about his day but that is not who He is. He is love and love is the reason for all that He does. He never does anything without it being an act of love.

     These scriptures show us that he wants us to be rooted and grounded in his love for us and to be strengthened in our spirits that we may know the breadth and depth and height of his love that we may be filled with his “fullness” It goes on to say that he can do exceeding abundantly above all we ask or think according to the power that works within us. That power is his love and I believe the reason that the church is not all powerful as Jesus is because we don’t love like he loves.

     I believe as the church wakes up and realizes that we are here to bring love into the world, then the power will return. There is a reason the early church was powerful and that reason is because they loved deeply and even sold all they had so others wouldn’t be without. When that type of love returns to the church then the power will return to the church.

     I know many will say “what about the flood?” wasn’t that an act of anger? What about all the destruction in the Old Testament? I won’t go into it today but if you look through the eyes of love you can see the protection of the blood line until Christ could be born. Without that protection we would still be lost.

1st Peter 3:18-20 says:

18. For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit: 19: By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison; 20. Which sometime were disobedient, when once the long suffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.

     Jesus went and preached to the spirits that were imprisoned in the days of Noah. So was this really judgment or is God so full of love that even his judgment turns into an act of love? Everything God touches turns to love. It’s just because that is who he is and once you encounter him you will come to know him as the person called love.

     I’ll go into more on this on a later post. Let’s look at some examples of love in the New Testament.

Do you remember the woman at the well who had been married five times and was living with a man that was not her husband? Did Jesus condemn her or offer her living water that would save her?

Remember the woman caught in adultery that the law said should be stoned? Did Jesus stone her or did he tell her she was forgiven so go and sin no more?

Remember the man who was crippled who was let down through the roof? He was sick because of his sin. Did Jesus condemn him or did he tell him to take up his bed and go home?

     There are many other examples of Jesus’ love but the cross is the greatest of all. Think about it. Has there ever been a greater act of love in all of history? That a Holy God would come down and put on flesh and be beaten and crucified and become sin for his enemies so that his enemies would be saved and redeemed back into his family? What kind of love is that? Would you do it? Would you die on a cross to save those who hate you? Would you send one of your children to suffer and die for those who curse you?

     It’s time we take another look at the cross not just as the judgment for the sins of the whole world but as an act of love that requires a response to that love once you have seen it. Can you imagine being beaten and nailed to a cross naked for all the world to see you and having people come by and mock you and curse you and spit on you and all the while you are praying for their forgiveness? Even more, can you imagine putting one of your children through that?

     This is why I speak so much about his love. He has given me a revelation of that love and not just for myself. If he loves me that much then he loves you the same, and if I love him then I have to love you because he loves you. I love you because he loves you and I love him by loving you.

     Think about it as a marriage. If you marry someone who has children then you agree to love their children just like your own because they came from the one you love. This is why God gave us marriage because it is the only relationship on earth that truly resembles what we have with Jesus.

     Now I will share with you a couple of examples that I have had with The God of Love. There are many more but I’ll share these two with you and some of you have heard me give this testimony.

     A few years ago I was working in the oilfields and living in East Texas. I was sitting on my bed one day in a small apartment I had rented. I had just got through writing like I am today and then I began checking my email on my laptop that was on a table beside my bed. All of a sudden the presence of heaven filled the room Light came from everywhere and the smell, oh the smell of heaven, those of you who have smelled it know what I’m speaking of. There is no fragrance like it on earth. All of a sudden I felt the bed go down on other side, just as they do when someone sits down. I said to myself. Someone just sat down on this bed and I know I’m here alone. I knew who it was but didn’t turn around at first because I was trying to think of something intelligent to say but couldn’t seem to find any words at all. Finally the peace that was flowing from him filled the room and in his peace I found the courage to turn around. I looked and he was clothed in light. I could see his face but everything else was hidden by the light. I was lost and frozen in place.

     Suddenly he spoke to me and said, “My son, will you go and tell my people how much I love them?” I said, “Lord, your people know you love them.” He said, “no my son, they don’t know. Religion has beaten the love out of them and they don’t know how much they are loved.”

     He spoke many other things to me that I will share later but when he was done once more he looked me in the eyes and asked me to go and tell you how much you are loved. This time he looked into my soul with these piercing blue eyes that were like flames of fire. Somehow I knew that the fire was the passion of the love that he has for each person on this planet. I said “yes Lord, I will go. “ He then disappeared and with him went the peace that I was feeling while he was there and I went into about eight hours of shaking with fear and realizing that I had just had an encounter with The Lord of Lords.

     About two or three years ago I had another encounter. I was taken into a vision and was standing before the throne of judgment. I was in this glorious place and was standing in front of what I understood to be the judgment seat. For some reason I was not afraid and these scriptures kept coming to my mind while I stood there waiting.

1st John 4:15-17

15. Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God. 16. And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him. 17. Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the Day of Judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world. 18. There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment.

     While standing there I somehow knew that I was supposed to speak. It was though I was prompted inside. I asked him and said “Lord, should I be afraid?” He spoke to me and said “you were judged for sin at my cross and those things no longer exist but all your works must be tried.” I said “thank you my Lord and my God, I know that you said in scripture that every man’s work would be tried in the fire but I don’t know what the fire is.” He spoke again and said “Our God is a consuming fire and our God is love.” Then he explained to me that love is the fire that tries all men’s’ works and that everything that was sin was washed away but everything else must go through the fire.

     He knew that I still didn’t quite understand so he said to me “I’ll give you examples.” He took me back to years ago when I worked in and auto body shop. It was though that day reappeared before me and I saw it clearly just as if I was there. That morning when I go to work there was a lady waiting to get in. I unlocked the door and smiled and asked her to please come in and told her that someone would help her shortly. The Lord stopped the vision there and said. “You were taught to be a gentleman so you did this out of habit so there is no reward.” A fire appeared and burned that part disappeared. It was just gone and not even ashes remained.

     Another thing that happened that day suddenly appeared. There was a lady who came in later whose car was in our shop. She was hurt badly in the crash and was six months pregnant at the time of the accident and had lost the baby. As she tried to get out of her rental car she saw her car and began weeping. She said” I can’t do it, I can’t drive that car ever again” My heart broke and I opened the door and wept with her and told her she didn’t have to drive that car. I called her husband and he said he was going to trade it in for a new one. I told him I would drive it to anywhere it needed to go and would have someone drive her home.

     All of a sudden the fire of love appeared again and swallowed up this event but when the fire disappeared the event was still there. Then came my Lord’s voice and said. “Well done, that was an act of love.” I said “Lord I was just doing my job.” He said, “yes but you did it because of love and compassion. Every work done because of love receives great reward. Any act done for any other reason will be burned.”

     He then told me I would be back here one day so remember to do all I do because of love and for no other reason. Anything we do because we love him or love others will receive a reward. Anything we do because of habit or religion or to receive credit or acceptance with man is a waste of time and will be burned.

    So now you know, I can’t help but preach and teach about his love. I want each of you who hears these words to know you are loved so much and that the God of heaven sent his Son to take away everything that could separate you from his love. He has already forgiven your sin and wants you to come to him and not run from him. Second Corinthians chapter five says that God was in Christ on that cross not counting your sins against you, but you must be reconciled to him.

     He is reaching out to you with all his heart trying to tell you how precious you are. He wants you to be born again into his family. The cross requires an act on your part. He loved you and took away your sins but you still have to believe and accept his wonderful gift. All he requires is for you to give him your whole heart. Think about it, is your life really all that, or would it be better to be in his family living with him inside you telling you every day how much you are loved?

     And those of you who know him. It’s time you made a decision about the act of love that we call Calvary. What are you going to do about it? Are you going to keep living like your life belongs to you or are you going to fall in love with the God who is in love with you and then love others with the love he gives you?

     Please remember there will be a day when it doesn’t matter how many victories you won. The only thing that will matter is did you love him and the people he sent into your lives. Please bring honor and glory to the One who gave all he had to save you by loving each other.

     Come on church, it’s time we put aside the petty differences and show this world how much they are loved. They don’t want to know what we believe. They want to know who we know.

I hope you are encouraged by these words,

Until next time,

Grow rich in His grace,

I love you all,


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