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Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Lift Up Your Heads

    While praying today I heard the lovely voice of my Father and he told me to write down the following words and share them with all his children. I hope you are as blessed by them as I am. Here are the words he gave me:

 My beloved ones, the ones to whom I have given an eternity of blessings. It’s time for you to know who you are and how special you are. I know you have troubles in this world but you are in me and I have overcome the world in Christ.

     Don’t be afraid of the times you are in. You were born for this time to express my glory in the earth. Keep your eyes on things above and don’t be distracted by the distractor. All the fear and gloom you see in the news is a distraction to keep you from your calling. There is always a storm to keep you from getting to the other side but there are miracles and wonders on the other side and I am with you in the storm. I will get you safely across.

     This is not a day to shrink back into fear. It is a day to stand and declare my truth and my love and to walk in love and holiness and drive the enemy out of your way. It is a day of glory like no other when my children awake and shine with the glory that is in you.

     I am coming to be revealed in my saints. My glory will arise upon you as you set your eyes upon me and take them off the storm. It is not by might or great power but by my Spirit who lives within you. As you set your hearts and your minds upon me then great peace will come upon you and that peace will become so contagious that everyone will want what you have.

     The day is coming as my glory arises in you that the nations will run to the light within you and evangelism will be easy. You will awaken to find yourselves without limits and will laugh and wonder why you never discovered the great glory that resides in you.

     This is who you are my children. You are vessels of glory awaiting to be poured out into the earth. The barrier between your spirit and mind will be broken and my glory will flow through you in everything you do. It’s time to look to the glory within you and see who I am in you. It’s Christ in you, the glorious hope.

     You don’t have to look into heaven. Heaven is inside you. Your spirit lives in the heavenly realm as your body lives in the physical world. As your gaze into the glory within you then the wall between Spirit and earth will be broken. My glory will flood your minds and hearts and you will become on earth as you are in heaven. My kingdom is within you. You are not looking at a faraway heaven. I want heaven to come through you not to you. You are the gates of my glory.

Lift up your heads, O gates!
And be lifted up, O ancient doors,
that the King of glory may come in.
Who is this King of glory?
The LORD, strong and mighty,
the LORD, mighty in battle!
Lift up your heads, O gates!
And lift them up, O ancient doors
that the King of glory may come in.
Who is this King of glory?
The LORD of hosts
he is the King of glory! 

     You are my gates, you are my doors. You are the windows of heaven. No more shall you doubt and be in disbelief. You have been built as my habitation and I reside in my power, in you. 

     I will arise in you and you will all know that I am God. I will pour my salvation through you and my Spirit through you. You will be my beloved and I will be yours. I will be your God and you will be my beloved children. 

     All the earth will wonder at the glory of my presence that flows through you. That glory is in you already but you must open the gate for me to come through. The only thing stopping me is the veil of unbelief that keeps you from seeing that I am in you. Tear down this veil and let me come through you. 

     I am longing to reach out to the lost through your voice and to the sick with your hands. I want you to know how it feels to be one with me. I want you to feel what Jesus felt when there was no limit to my power within him. You were created in his image and likeness so wake up to who you are and let me live in your mind and body as I live in your spirit.

     I love you my dear children and I am so full of joy because you are mine. You are the treasure I saw in the field and I purchased the field with blood. You are so worth what I paid for you. Look into my heart and you will see yourself in me. Hidden away in my heart where you are safe for eternity. Never, ever, ever be afraid again for I am mighty within you.

     I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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