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Sunday, November 8, 2015

Be Still and Know

Psalm 46

New Living Translation

 God is our refuge and strength,

always ready to help in times of trouble.

So we will not fear when earthquakes come 

and the mountains crumble into the sea.

Let the oceans roar and foam. 

Let the mountains tremble as the waters surge!


A river brings joy to the city of our God, 

the sacred home of the Most High. 

*God dwells in that city; 

it cannot be destroyed.

From the very break of day, 

God will protect it.* 

The nations are in chaos,

and their kingdoms crumble! 

God’s voice thunders, 

and the earth melts!

*The LORD of Heaven’s Armies is here among us; 

the God of Israel is our fortress.*


Come, see the glorious works of the LORD:

See how he brings destruction upon the world.

*He causes wars to end throughout the earth.

He breaks the bow and snaps the spear;

he burns the shields with fire.*

“Be still, and know that I am God!

I will be honored by every nation.

I will be honored throughout the world.”

*The LORD of Heaven’s Armies is here among us;

the God of Israel is our fortress.*

     I was awakened this morning with the words "Be still and know that I am God" dancing through my heart and mind. I got up and opened my bible and found this chapter in Psalms and began to study it. Some amazing things jumped right off the page at me.
The first thing was the "be still and know" part but the other thing was when he said " He causes wars to end throughout the earth, He breaks the bow and snaps the spear and burns the shields with fire."

     So what does this mean? It means God is declaring war on war. He will bring peace by ending war. He will destroy the ability of the armies of the world to make war. 

    So I began to meditate on these verses for a few moments and as always his loving voice came to me and he asked me to write these things down and share them with you. I hope they bless you and encourage you.

     My children, my beloved, don’t you know that you are my city. You are my dwelling places. Didn’t Jesus tell you that in my house are many mansions? You are my mansions that I dwell in in great joy. I dwell in you and you are my home. You are my home individually and corporately. I am with you in times of trouble.

     I told you that you would have trouble but I will always be with you. Trouble is a fire and you are the water. You are the light of the world. You are my candles that I lit and sent into this dark world to bring light into it. You are my hiding place and I am yours. Once you begin to see me dwelling in you and not in a faraway heaven, then things will work better for you.

     I live in you in Spirit form and I will never leave you. You opened your heart and let me in and I will never leave. I have called you and anointed you and I will never change my mind about you.

     Here is what I think about you:

     I think you are like my beloved who sits on the throne beside me. You are my beloved and adopted into my family. You are holy and righteous ones, and full of glory and might. You are the blessed ones for whom I created eternity and reward to share with you. You are my plan and my hope and my future also.

     I didn’t just send Jesus to save you but to reveal to you who I am and to show you who you are. This is who you are to me. You are created in our image and after our likeness. That means we like what we created you to be. We took all the things we like and put them in you when you were created.

     This is the good news that has been lost and is being restored to the church. Do you ever wonder why the early church was so thrilled when they heard the good news? They understood what it meant for me to be living inside them. The reality of me inside them was greater than you understand today because you have been taught that I’m hiding in a faraway heaven and untouched by your daily troubles and lives. The truth is I am inside you and I know every scratch and scar and every sigh. I know every hurt and pain and save every tear you cry so that I may give you an eternal reward for every thing that ever troubled you.

     You must learn to be still and know that I am God. You must take several moments throughout your day and refocus on Christ in you. I’m not a million miles away in heaven I am inside you so take a moment and see me in you and see yourself in me.

     Now look at all your problems and worries and cares. Take them into your hands and give them to me. I’m not far away. I am in you.
Reach inside yourself and hand them to me. I purchased your problems and cares when I purchased you with the blood of my son. Your cares do not belong to you. They are mine so give them to me.

     You must learn to see me in yourselves. Stop looking faraway into a heaven that you can’t reach and look inside and see me smiling at you because I am in love with you and I have always been in love with you and I will always be in love with you. I have never or will I ever be angry with you. I am forever patient with you and could never cast you away because you live in me.

     This is why David said that even if he made his bed in hell I would still be with him. He understood that I don’t turn away when my children go the wrong way. I chase them even into hell to bring them out into my glory. 

     Until you understand this kind of love you will not understand the kingdom. This is why the kingdom is like little children. If you saw your child run into a busy street would you leave them there or go after them? If you saw your child going down the wrong path would you let them walk away or would you pursue them?

     I am your loving Father and my name has been tarnished by fables and by those who don’t know me. When you understand my ways then you will know my name. My ways and my name are one. Soon my good name will be restored. I am not the destroyer of good. I only destroy evil. I destroy this evil with good not with anger. Good destroys evil. Light destroys darkness, love destroys hate. Think on these things and understand who I am.

     Look at the scriptures again through the eyes of love and see who I am. Many read them and see a god of war and full of meanness and wrath. I have only been mean toward the evil that destroys my children. You must learn my true character and put away all the negative things you have heard about me.

     Would an angry mean God send his only son to bleed and die for people if I didn’t love them? It’s time for the church to wake up and realize I am in love with each person in the world, and want to save and adopt each and every one into my family.

     You must learn to separate the sin from the sinner. You must see sin as a sickness that people are born with and my son’s blood as the cure. I was in Christ not counting the sins of the world against the people of the world. It’s time the church started loving those who are trapped in the world. They should love them enough to go into the world and save them from the evil that is in the world. This is why Jesus told the disciples to go and preach the “good news” to every creature.

     What is good news to a person who thinks I am angry with them? The good news is that I am not angry and I love those that are running and if they will stop or turn around they will find me chasing them. The good news is that their sins are forgiven and if they will accept the forgiveness they can have new life, just like you accepted and were born again.

     Many of my children don’t understand this and they preach anger and hate and destruction and fear. It doesn’t help. It just makes those who are running from me run faster. They feel condemned and helpless and hopeless and assume they are destined for hell so they just keep running. There is only condemnation in their message and there is no power to deliver those they preach to.

     So you wonder, why would I let people preach such a message? It’s simple, I love the person who is preaching error just as much as the person living in sin. I am chasing these preachers with the message of my love but they are running also because they know me through traditions they have learned in religion and not from having a loving relationship with me. It’s my goodness towards people that brings true repentance and any repentance that is not because of a revelation of my kindness is short lived.

     So will you help me my beloved? Will you help restore my name? Will you show my kindness and goodness to everyone you meet and tell them I am in love with them and will not stop chasing them until they surrender?

     Will you awaken to the fact that I live inside you and that I am always with you and that there is a river of life running through you that always fills you with my glory? 

     Will you please consider such a thing? Will you take time to meditate on these messages I am sending you and not just let them go in and out? Why is it that you will listen to a song a thousand times but a message only once? Please my beloved, don’t you hear me shouting my love for you? Don’t you know that I am a God of peace that only uses war to make peace?

     Arise and shine my beloved for my glory has arisen within you and upon you and when you awaken to this truth the world will fall at your feet and ask you to introduce them to your God.

     Please love each other and be patient with each other. Don’t be divided as the world likes to divide. Don’t look for differences, look for me in each other and fellowship and share the truth of my love with each other and encourage each other. There is enough discouragement in the world. There should be none in the church. I love you with everything I am my beloved. Will your love each other the same? Let my peace settle into your hearts. Be still and know that I am God.

     I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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