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Thursday, March 10, 2016

What Failure?

What Failure?

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     My children many of you think you have failed me because things don’t always turn out like you plan. In time you will see that all these things were for your benefit. Life is the classroom and the lessons you learn from the ups and downs and building and rebuilding only make you stronger. 

     Once you put the emphasis not on what you accomplished but on what you learned then it will make sense. All of man’s wisdom judges every outcome by what physical things were accomplished. My wisdom teaches you that you are here to learn to fellowship with me and learning of me is more important than what you accomplish.

     For example: Didn’t I know the temple was going to be torn down even though I encouraged my people to build it? I planted a garden in Eden and made it beautiful even though I knew that I would have to put man out of it. Would you say these things were failures on my part because they didn’t last?

     Do you remember what Jesus said in scripture that in that day many would be telling him what they did for the kingdom but what he was looking for was relationship? It’s not about what you build it’s about learning my ways and getting to know me while you are building it. These are my ways so learn of them and learn of me.

     If you look at Jesus’ life by the things that happened while he was here you would think he was a failure. He left behind no buildings. No great churches and only had his mother and one disciple at his crucifixion. But look at what he really built. He built relationships and because of those relationships others followed and now you are born again not because he built some giant church or organization. You are with us because he took eleven men and made friends of them. You must learn to see that it’s the relationships that I’m building and not a physical organization.

     Only time will tell if what you were doing at a certain time was successful. If Jesus’ ministry was judged at the moment of the crucifixion it would be considered a failure. But look at it now. Millions and millions in the kingdom because of what he did. Don’t be in such a hurry to call something a failure until you have allowed time to pass and see what becomes of it.

     Think about jobs you had in your life where you made lifelong friends. Looking back now does it really matter what work you were doing or was the important part really the relationships you established? Get your minds on the important things and don’t judge things too quickly. Sometimes giving my children something to work on is the only way I can get them together. They think it’s about the task. It’s not the task, it’s the togetherness that I wanted.

     Religion tells you that you must build an organization or church and it needs to grow into the thousands and then you are successful. I am telling you that you need to build relationships and become a family and that is where success lies. It’s not the one who collects the most money that wins. It’s the one who collects the most relationships. You are not building an organization but a family.

     Yes there will be times when I have you build buildings or organizations of some sort, but what you must focus on is building up people. It’s not about the show. It’s about people who truly love each other and care for each other. This is what I am doing. Do you want to do it also? 

     Jesus said he only did what he saw me doing. Did he go around building social clubs called churches or did he make disciples who became friends? If you look at all the things he did it was about people and teaching them who I am and showing them what I am like. Did he tell his disciples to go into the world and make organizations of all people? Or did he say to make disciples? It will always be about the people. The earth as you know it is temporary but my people are eternal beings.

     So refocus my children. Remember it’s about the family. The kingdom is a family. The kingdom is a family. So seek first my kingdom, my family, and all other things will be added to you. 

     Don’t judge success or failure by how many buildings you build or organizations you start. I so loved the world, (the people), that I gave my only son. He didn’t come to save buildings and organizations. He came to save my children because they are the treasure of the earth and the treasure of heaven and the treasure of my heart.

     Always focus on that love. I still love people and I will always love them. It’s the reason for all that I do and should be the reason for all you do.

     I love you my dear children so celebrate that love by loving each other. Be tender and forgiving and patient. All things will be fulfilled shortly and the eternal celebration will begin. Rest in my love my children. You are my family.

     I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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