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Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Ready To Reign!

    An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

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    As I was praying for each of you today Father spoke to me and asked me to write down his words and share them with you. Here are his words. He said:

    My loved ones: it is time to rejoice and be very glad for your deliverance is at hand. Remember what my scriptures tell you. All things that are seen were created by things that are not seen. If you only look at what you see with your natural eyes you will miss what is happening in the eternal realm.

    I am so excited to see your faces when this change that is coming takes place. This is not just political or economic change I am speaking of. There is a spiritual awakening coming that will change the world forever.

    This is how it will unfold? A few will awaken to the reality of Christ within you. You will finally understand what this scripture means. “He who is in Christ is a new creation, old things are passed away and all things are new.” Your Christ mind will gain dominance and you will think like we think and act like we act and do what we do because you will understand that we are truly one and are not separated at all.

    My loved ones, Yes there is political, economic and geographical change coming but this is not what I want you focused on. What is coming will come from inside you and more and more will awaken. You have had what you call “revivals” throughout history but this is way beyond that. You were told in scripture that all of creation is groaning and travailing looking forward to this day. This will be beyond anything you can ever imagine with your natural mind. Only your Christ mind can understand what is about to happen.

    So a few will wake up and then more and then more and there will be no stopping the change. It’s like the caterpillar becoming the butterfly but a billion times more. All heaven will break loose into the natural realm. All will be able to see into what you call the “spirit world” which is not another world it’s just the part you have been blind to. Soon there will be no limit as my church realizes that you are one with me. Remember there is one church in heaven and earth. There are not two. For those who are able to listen and hear this; soon you will not be limited by any boundary visible or invisible.

    My beloved Son told you when he said “No one has ascended into heaven except he who descended from heaven, the Son of Man.” He was aware of being in both places at once.

    If you remember you were told in Paul’s letters that you were chosen “in Him” before the foundation of the world. The part of you that is eternal came from this realm and descended into the earthly plane when I knit your spirit to your body in your mother’s womb. Once your spiritual eyes are opened you will be able to know as you are known. Soon you will understand that there is no distance between the two realms. You are just blind to the one as a color blind person is to a color. The color exists they just can’t see it.

    My loved ones, I tell you these things to change your focus. So many are focused on the political and military battles going on in the physical realm and this has become a distraction. One day you’re happy because your side seems to be advancing and the next day you are sad because your side lost a battle. All these things are a distraction to keep you lulled to sleep. Yes political, economic and any other freedom you could imagine are coming but this is not what you should be focused on.

    Those with ears to hear need to be praying and listening and putting your plan together for what to do when you are unleashed with unlimited Spirit power flowing from you. Nations, need healing, people need healing, the land needs healing, the seas need healing, the air needs healing, and the animals need healing. I put earth and all things on it under your authority.

    When I said “let us make man in our image and our likeness” I wasn’t thinking of Adam. I was thinking of the last Adam; those who are born in the kingdom age. You were told that the law and prophets were until John and since then the kingdom is preached but most of my church doesn’t realize they are living in the kingdom age. The least who was born since the baptism of my Son is greater than John the Baptist who was the greatest prophet of the old age. The “new day” you have been waiting on dawned almost two thousand years ago. But all will soon awaken to a new day.

    I hear some of you ask “So why now?” Why not now? I have a plan and my kingdom has been growing and growing just as my Son prophesied. It started out as a little seed but is taking over the whole world. It is becoming the biggest tree in the garden. The birds of the air “angels” will live in its branches. They will make themselves at home in your families. You will fellowship with them just like you do your family.

    I have a schedule of all things and now is the time. Put the lies of religion behind you. There is a one world ruler who will rule over all nations. He is my Son. Those who expect someone else don’t realize that the evil one spoken of in the book you call Revelations came and went. He ruled the known world at that time but those days are long past. 

    Sadly most of the church doesn't realize that book was about the revealing of my Son as the Lion and the lamb. It contained prophecies of the fall of the ones who persecuted the early church. Many think it's a prophecy about the future when it's a record of the past. It was written in the prophecy that all the things written in it must come to pass quickly. Not two thousand years in the future. 

    What about the churches it was sent to? Why bother sending it to them if it wasn't about them? If you were being persecuted and martyred and someone sent you a prophesy that your enemies would not be defeated for two thousand years would that bring you comfort?  Would I tell you to put the earth in order and then let someone else tear it apart? That’s ignorance.

    Some will say that the church needs to be powerful and then be taken away so that the world will repent. It is written that my goodness leads men to repentance. It is not written that some secret taking away of the church leads to repentance. 

    Please put away the lies. Isaiah prophesied about my Son's kingdom. He said to its increase and to the increase of peace there shall be no end. There is coming a day when all shall know me from the least to the greatest. 

    Once again, put away the religious fairy tales and believe the truth. Would I have my Son pour out his blood to save the world and then hand the world back to his enemy? The earth is not headed into tribulation. It is coming out of tribulation. Heaven is invading earth and it is invading from the inside of you. 

    So my loved ones, rejoice because freedom is coming. Soon you will have much more than you have ever wanted and you won’t even care. You will lose all lust for money and fame and wealth when you taste the Spirit of love poured out over the whole world. Who wants to carry heavy gold around when you can speak and create whatever you want? When you can experience heaven on earth you will not want to go back to worldly thinking. 

    When your Christ mind becomes dominant you will not look for people to rule over but will search out people you can serve. You will understand what Paul wrote to the Philippians when he said “let this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus.” Who didn’t think being equal with me robbed me of my glory. He realized that we are one and he used his power to love and save the whole world.

    Soon you will fully understand what this means. So shout, rejoice, dance, do whatever you do when you are ecstatic for the awakening is at hand. Be ready to reign!

    This is the end of the words he gave me to share with you today.
I hope you are encouraged by these words,
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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