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Monday, January 22, 2024

Change Of Heart

    An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

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Proverbs Chapter Four

Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.

Matthew Chapter Twelve

A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things.

John Chapter Seven

Whoever believes in Me, as the Scripture has said: ‘Streams of living water will flow from within him.’ ”

    As I was praying today these verses called to me so I looked them up and was reading them when Father began speaking to me and asked me to listen and write and publish his words for all to understand. Here are his words, He said:

    My delightful ones; don’t let your hearts be troubled. Rejoice in the truth and delight yourselves in the truth that you are my beloved and no one could ever take you from me. It’s time for a change of heart.

    My little ones you must guard your hearts because your heart is the gateway through which all my blessings come to you. You are not blessed from outside in but from inside out. As it is written out of your innermost being will flow rivers of living water. This was spoken about my Spirit who lives within you. You heart can be an open channel that allows my love and Spirit to flow from within and change your world for the better or it can become a gate that closes off the outside realm from all the wonderful things within you. You can open it to the outer realm and let in all manner of trouble or only let it flow from within and let out pure delight.

    I live inside you so my life, power, light and my love flow from within your deepest parts into the world around you. If you keep your heart gate open from the inside then all good things will flow from within and will change what you experience without.

    My loved ones, you were instructed to lay up your treasures in heaven where moths won’t destroy and thieves can’t steal. These places are within you. If your inner storehouse is full of thanksgiving, worship and love, then your outer world that you experience with your eyes, ears and hands will be heavenly. If you fill your heart with worry, doubt, unbelief and fear then you will experience this in the physical realm.

    So how do you keep your heart open from within and closed from without? First of all don’t trust anything you see with your natural eyes or hear with your natural ears. Hear with the eyes and ears within you where you know truth from lies. This is why my firstborn was so successful in all that he did. He said he only did what he saw me doing and said what he heard me say. He wasn’t focused on what he saw with his natural eyes. He was so focused on me that when a blind man came to him he asked him what he wanted. He wasn’t looking at a blind man; he was looking at me where all good things are always yes and amen. He wasn’t focused on the world around. Outside was a blind man and what he saw inside was a man who was perfectly whole. So he opened the gate within him and the blind man was restored to what was seen within. As it is written, he endured the cross by looking at the joy set before him. He could overcome the most horrific thing ever experienced through all history because he was focused on me.

    My loved ones here is another way. It is written to give thanks in “all things” for this is my will concerning you. Bad things that happen to you are not my will but giving thanks is always my will because it opens the inner heart gate and allows the power to flow from within and solve whatever problem you are facing. This is also why you were told to sing and make melodies in your heart to me. It’s not that I need your praise. I am self sufficient and need nothing. Making melody in your heart keeps the flow going from within to without. As I told you before worship is not for me, it is for you. I worship my Son, He worships me. Holy Spirit worships us and we worship Spirit. And we all worship you. As it is written, what is man that my mind is constantly full of wonderful thoughts about you? It is also written that I rejoice over you with singing. When I say you are my beloved ones it is not just a saying. It is absolute truth. As you make melody in your heart it overflows from within and changes the outer realm.

    My loved ones; don’t open your heart to anything negative from the outside. Don’t dwell on things that bring fear and worry. Look at the answer and not the problem. Once again it is written that I will keep you at perfect peace if your mind is set on me.

    So my beautiful ones; see your heart as a gate. It lets things in and lets things out. Don’t allow anything in that you wouldn’t want to live with. Let everything flow from within. Don’t focus on the broken things within you. Focus on the river that is flowing from within and that river will wash away anything that is harmful to you. As my Son told you that if you wash the inside of the container the outside will be cleaned in the process. Let the waters of The Spirit of Love flow from inside. Soak yourselves in this living water by joining the flow in thanksgiving and praise and soon you will find no flaws in your whole world.

    Above all things please remember: You are so valuable that I gave my Son to come live in a body just like yours. I came and lived in him in Spirit form. My Son came to be called the Son of Man so you could understand you are the sons of God and not man. We came to show you how important you are and how much you are adored. We came to show you that you are one of us. You are not a fallen sinner barely saved by grace. You are a god from God and you are our plan, our purpose and were born in delight and not regret. We are living inside you because we love you too much to live anywhere else.

    Don’t forget that your heart is a gate and remember if you want to change things on the outside you must let the flow come from within and flow outward. My children don’t forget to love every one as if they were your only one.

    These are the words He gave me to share with you today.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,


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