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Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Vision of the Rainbow: His Promise is Sure


     I was praying today for all my brothers and sisters in Christ and asking our Father to bless each of you and to pour out his perfect will into your lives. I was asking Him to help all of us who are struggling with problems. 

     I was telling him of all the struggles we are in and how we sometimes feel cast down and forsaken. He quickly interrupted my whining with a vision of a rainbow that stretched all around the earth. It was visible even at night because it was not lit by the sun. I was in awe of this sight and wondering what it meant when He began to speak to me and said the following:

     I am taking my people into a place of victory. Soon there will be no more that are sick and no more that are weak but all will be strong in me. I will separate my children from the wicked and will show myself strong in my people. My love will be the light that my children walk in.

     There will be a day when the dread of my people will terrify those who choose to live in darkness and they will be afraid of my people. They will tremble in the light of my people. My light has come and will arise on my people. Their light will shine brighter than the sun at noon. There will be no more sorrow for all my people will know the joy of my salvation. This is my plan and always has been.

     One by one and then many by many all will come to the knowledge of my love and my salvation until my glory is revealed throughout the earth. This earth is mine and it will be full of my glory until the new heavens and earth are revealed. The new heavens and earth are filled with glory beyond compare and no unrighteousness will ever touch them.

     Don’t be afraid of the coming shaking of the earth or the shaking of the heavens. These are my doings and they are not to be feared but shall be as signs to my children showing them that their redemption is at hand.

     Tell all you see that the day of my power is here and has been here since my Spirit came, but men have held back the truth in unrighteousness. These evil spirits that block my light will be shaken out of place and my light will be known in the earth. My glory will be revealed and those who love me will run to my light and those that hate me will hide from my glory.

     These are the great days that prophets and wise men longed to see and they do watch as the witnesses. They are rejoicing for the day of my great power is at hand. Awake my children and run to me for the days of glory are upon you. These are days when the great healing of all the nations begins and I take for myself a people from every tribe and tongue and village.

     The earth is mine as the heavens are mine and the people are mine. Nations will see my glory and repent and come to me. The shaking that the whole world fears is the greatest thing to happen among the nations. Those who tell you to fear are looking into the darkness and they haven’t given their whole hearts to me or they wouldn't be afraid. They are not perfected into my love or there would be no fear in them.

     These are the days that I will pour out signs and wonders in the earth and heavens and my people who are called by my name shall see me eye to eye, face to face and not fear but shall know of my great love.

     I am the rock that my people will hide in. I will cover you all with my own hand while I take my possession and many will be caught in the tide of my goodness and great grace.

     I will pour out grace upon the nations and great and small will call me Lord. The name of my Son shall be a holy word only spoken by those who cover their hearts and bow their heads in reverence. I will make the name of Jesus a blessing in the earth and men shall give him the glory due his name. I will glorify his name and the names of my people.

     All will know those who are mine by the brightness of their countenance, for my face will shine upon my people and I will be revealed in my saints. All the nations of the world shall seek my children for counsel and understanding, for my children will walk in the wisdom of the ancients, and will understand all things as a gift of my Spirit and my grace. Those who have never learned will be wiser than all those who call themselves educated. It shall be given to my children as a gift of my love and my mercy will flow as rain to all who will humble themselves.

     It is not a dreadful day for my people but a great day that I am sending. The greatest revival the earth has ever known is upon you. My angels and messengers are being sent into position to help and will minister to those who teach and preach and will assist you with all you need in this time.

     The hungry will flow into the homes of my people and my people will fill them with food and truth. My loved ones who call upon me shall see unlimited supply and multiplication will be so simple that little children will feed many and will not go hungry.

     There will be great grace upon all who pray and before you pray I will answer for the day of days is upon you and the time of my grace is changing to the time of my glory. My glory is upon you my people so put away the fear and rise and shine.There will be nothing impossible to my people.

     So awaken those who sing and rejoice. Many who never sang a note will be given great songs and gifts of music will be poured out on those who never played, and earth will be filled with the song of the lamb and the worship of the king.

     Soon a rainbow will appear as my promise and all will see it and wonder at it and know that I am still on the throne. All the promises I have ever made from Adam through Noah, through Jesus and the Apostles all the way to the last promise I made my children will be sure and will be fulfilled. This sight will be a wonder seen in the entire world. Men shall wonder at the colors of the rainbow in the clear sky. This and many other signs will appear in heaven and on the earth to cause the wonder of all who see.

     Music will rain from the clouds and the voice of thunder will be understood by all. Heaven’s orchestra will join the song of my people who worship and the sound will be glorious and will be a sign. Did I not send angels to proclaim the birth of my son? Would they not come again to announce his return? Be not dismayed by what you see. These are the days of glory so rejoice in them and know that I am with my people and soon and we dwell together as one.

     Join me in my excitement my children. I love you and am about to take the earth from those who have held it hostage and release into the glorious liberty of my sons and daughters who will love it and dress it and care for it as in the beginning. This time the serpent will not find a place in the garden and will be cast out.

     Arise and rejoice my children your hour of visitation is upon you. Delight yourself in me and make yourself ready for your groom comes soon.

     Wash off the dirt of the world and put away anything that hinders you from walking with me. Fill your lamps with oil and keep watching as you pray for I am with you and your King comes quickly.

     Soon many gifts will arrive from the groom who is coming. These gifts will cause the bride to know how much he loves her and she will give herself to preparation for the wedding. These gifts of love will cause her to fall deeply in love with her groom and life as she knows it will change forever. She will know that she has not been forsaken. She will know that her groom sees her as perfect and lovely and greatly to be desired. Those who call her ragged and worn will be silenced as she changes before their eyes into living glory because of the love poured upon her.

     Know the day you are in my beloved and know that it is my great pleasure to dwell among my people. I love you my beloved and know that my heart is with my people and my love is upon you all.

     Thanks for reading and I hope you are greatly encouraged by these words.

Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,


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