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Thursday, August 14, 2014

The Shaking

Hebrews 12:26

At that time his voice shook the earth, 
but now he has promised, 
“Yet once more I will shake not only the earth 
but also the heavens.” 

This phrase, “Yet once more,” indicates the removal of things that are shaken—that is, things that have been made—
in order that the things that cannot be shaken may remain. Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire.

     I know that lately many of us have been through times of shaking and turmoil. In these times we struggle for answers and I don't know about you but I sometimes cry out to Father and ask him why my world seems to be falling apart. Sometimes it seems like I escape the spin cycle only to find myself in the wringer. Oops, just dated myself didn't I? Those of you who are young won't get that reference but it's okay. We will move on.

     It's time we as a church and a body quit denying that we have problems and face them. The faith message that many of us grew up with won't allow us to admit that we ever have a bad day because it's a negative confession: But I remember a man in scripture who admitted he sometimes had a bad day. Paul the Apostle spoke about a few of his bad days in Second Corinthians Chapter 11 and this is what he said:

But whatever anyone else dares to boast of—
I am speaking as a fool—I also dare to boast of that. 
are they Hebrews? So am I. 
Are they Israelites? So am I. 
Are they offspring of Abraham? So am I. 
Are they servants of Christ? I am a better one—
I am talking like a madman—with 
far greater labors, 
far more imprisonments, 
with countless beatings, 
and often near death. 
Five times I received at the hands of the Jews
the forty lashes less one. 
Three times I was beaten with rods. 
Once I was stoned. 
Three times I was shipwrecked; 
a night and a day I was adrift at sea; 
on frequent journeys, 
in danger from rivers, 
danger from robbers, 
danger from my own people, 
danger from Gentiles, 
danger in the city, 
danger in the wilderness, 
danger at sea, 
danger from false brothers; 
in toil and hardship, 
through many a sleepless night, 
in hunger and thirst, 
often without food, 
in cold and exposure. 
And, apart from other things, 
there is the daily pressure on me 
of my anxiety for all the churches. 
Who is weak, and I am not weak? 
Who is made to fall, and I am not indignant?
If I must boast, 
I will boast of the things that show my weakness.

     Paul could make the claim that he was just as much in covenant with God than anyone and yet he would rather talk about the things he suffered and not boast of all the things he accomplished.

     It's time we as a church stop acting like we don't have problems and learn to love God and each other regardless of the troubles we face. We have a lot of maturing to do in this area. Especially me.

     So if you are facing difficulties today that doesn't make you faithless: it makes you a candidate to receive the great grace of our Lord Jesus unto salvation. Sometimes it's just our Father shaking the things out of our lives that are not of him and strengthening the things that are unshakable.

     While I was meditating on these things and praying Father's voice came to me and He spoke these words to me:

     My son, speak these words to my beloved ones.

     I know you are in the fire. I know you are in times of trouble and heartache and that your world seems to be shaking. Many of you have been shaken beyond where you thought you could be shaken and are still following me with all your hearts. I have allowed this shaking not as punishment but for strengthening.

     During this shaking many of your false beliefs and those things that were built on sand have crumbled and left you with the bedrock of truth. This truth is: Christ in you the hope of glory.

     All of creation is waiting for the character of my son Jesus to be formed in you. This character is in you because I dwell in you. It is through fire that the unwanted things in your life are burned away and the things that are eternal remain. My strength is made perfect in weakness and I am strong when the part of you that resists me becomes weak.

     Here is the good news. You are going to be strengthened with all might and power by my Spirit. Because you went through the fire and still remain faithful you have been given a crown. This is not a crown to boast about but it is a new authority. Because you have been so faithful with the little I am giving you more.

     Some of you have been fighting unseen enemies and those enemies are about to surrender to your new authority. You don’t have to go in search of this enemy you just need to know that it will be driven out from before you.

     Remember authority is not given to rule over each other or even strangers. It’s given to rule over darkness and over evil. It’s given to establish a fortress of my light and my love in the darkness of the world.

     Any authority or resource given you is given for the purpose of loving others. So rejoice and know it’s my good pleasure to give you the kingdom. It is my kingdom and power and glory and I will bestow the blessing of this kingdom with those who will choose to walk in love.

     Also, many of you have said during this time of testing and shaking that your prayers were useless and that is not so. I hear every whisper and the echoes of your thoughts resound in the heavenly realm. You may be whispering but your whispers are shouts in the realm of heaven. Anyone can shout but those who whisper their prayers are the ones in faith.

     I have not forsaken you. I have allowed you to be shaken to strengthen that which remains. When the shaking is over you will be stronger than ever. You know now that you can trust me in the fire. I knew I could trust you and now you know that you can trust me.

     You may ask why these things must be, and it’s because you are called with a higher calling than you realize. The treasures that are coming your way will require you to be patient and full of my character so that you will not mishandle the outpouring of my Spirit.

     In this fire I have found that I could trust you with earthly things and now I give you heavenly things. The days of great glory will sweep the earth and I need sons and daughters who have submitted themselves to my fire and allowed me to take all selfishness and greediness out of them. You are those people. All of you had many chances to quit and turn back but you stood your ground and I marvel at your faith.

     So here is your assignment. Stand fast in this liberty and don’t go back the way of religion. Build all you build upon the Rock which is Christ. If you will build something then build it upon the foundation of Christ and it will remain.

     Don’t just build another program. Build a place of worship and a place of presence. People have heard enough sermons and words. What they need is an encounter with me. Wherever you meet make it holy and let my Spirit dictate the order and the times and all things will work for you.

     Where my Spirit is there is liberty so if you create space and time for my Spirit then all who come will be set free of their bondage to darkness. One moment in my presence will do more than a year of teaching.

     I am so happy with you my children and I am excited about the things I have planned for you. Long ago before you were on this earth I ordained great things for you to see and walk in.

     I have saved the best for last. Before the regeneration of this world there will be amazing sights in the earth. There will be cities born in a day and nations being born again in a moment. There will be limitless power available to the humble and grace will be poured out on grace to accomplish my will in the earth.

     Signs will appear in heaven and earth and you will be seen as fire and the light within you will shine like the noonday sun. You will be transformed and transfigured like Jesus was and people will marvel at the great miracles that will be done by your hands.

     Just as I said in the scriptures those that are born of my Spirit will be like the wind. No one will know where you came from or where you are going. Many of you will be unrecognizable because of the change. You will be the sign and the wonder as your youth is restored and your health springs forth and you run out to proclaim the good news as calves from the stall.

     It will be a day of great joy and even the tribulation in this world will not affect you but you will affect it. You will be the city set on a hill and the candles put on a stand. You are my lamps and I will trim your wicks and you will not run out of oil.

     This will be the most glorious of days ever seen on the earth. You will look back at these days of shaking and rejoice for you will know that it was in this moment of weakness that I made you strong.

     So rejoice my children and be glad for your day is coming. Those who resisted you won’t resist you much longer. They will give in to the Spirit of Wisdom that I put upon you and will be no match for the heavenly power that flows from you. Be happy and know that just as this shaking came upon you so will my refreshing presence come upon you and restore you.

     I have sustained you and held you and covered you and kept you from being destroyed and I am your reward. I have kept your tears in my hands so that I may give you reward for each one. You will be rewarded in that day for every evil that was brought against you in this age. Your suffering will turn to joy and there will be no more sorrow.

     I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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