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Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Eyes on the Prize

     An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

Philippians Chapter Three

12. I don’t mean to say that I have already achieved these things or that I have already reached perfection. But I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me.

13. No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead,

14. I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.

     As I was praying today these scriptures came to my heart. I began meditating on them and Father's voice came to me. He asked me to write down these words and share them with you.

He said:

     My children, please put your eyes on the prize. I know some of you stumbled out of the gate and fell but your race is not over. It's not how you start that matters, its how you finish. Don't be looking back and wondering why you tripped or why you made this mistake or that mistake. You must set your eyes on the finish line and run with all your might.

     For so many of you your past mistakes have become like a deep scratch in a record. Your life is the album and it's full of beautiful music but all you hear is the scratch. Your lives are a beautiful blue sky with one cloud but all you do is stare at the cloud. You score 99 on a test and all you think about is the one you missed. 

     You can't succeed this way. You must look ahead and not behind. You must know that I am still with you. Who do you think helped you up when you stumbled? I am not counting your mistakes, I am cheering you on to finish and win the prize. I am eagerly looking forward to the day when I give you the crown of life for finishing so well.

     Stop looking back and look ahead. So many of  you spend your days wondering “what if” I had done this or that. How can you know that the outcome would be better or worse? If you had done things completely different the outcome may be the same or worse. Only eternity will tell if you made the right choices. So don't beat yourself up over what you presume are mistakes.

     I'm not saying that you shouldn't try. You should always make each choice with eternity in mind. But you are running a marathon and not a sprint. Here is a hint: Each of you has challenges and hurdles to overcome that are part of your training for your eternal destiny. 
Each of you will have different offices to hold forever. 

     No two races are the same. You are accountable for your race so don't worry about how others run theirs. Each of you is being trained for an eternal purpose and my training is specific to your call. So don't worry if others seem to skate through life with no difficulty while you are running through troubles daily. Rejoice that you are my champion and I am training you. 

     Look ahead to the finish line. There is a crown of glory and many eternal rewards waiting for you. I placed your rewards in heaven so that you could have them forever. If I gave them to you now you could only enjoy it while on the earth. 

     Don't be a spectator in your race. Don't stop and listen to the crowd cheer for someone else. Hear me cheering you on and hear the great cloud of witnesses who want you to win. Never expect to get your encouragement from the world. They have stopped running their race and are critiquing those who are running. They don't realize that they need to get back on track and run for themselves.

     My beloved ones, I tell you these things so that you will know that hardships build faith. I will never leave you and my son has overcome the world and you are in him. He and I and my Spirit are in you, encouraging you to run like the wind. Don't stop and don't be discouraged. 

     A new leg of your race begins each morning when you open your eyes. You may have gotten sore feet and bruises from yesterday's events but today is different. You must dig deep into your heart and say to yourself as David did when he said about me, “by you I can run against a troop and with your help I can leap over a wall.”

     I am your strength, I am your might. I will help you and be with you in trouble. When you feel you can't run one more day, I will strengthen you and give you hope and energy and you will run like a deer.

     No one can stop your race but you. You can decide not to run. You can decide the eternal prize is not worth contending for. You can choose as many have, to sit and be spectators in their own race. To watch others run as you sit and long for the days when you once ran so well. You could do that; But we both know that you are not that person. You may have stumbled or may have fallen. You may have grown weary and quit, but you can't quit forever. You can't because my Spirit is in you speaking to you now to give it one more shot. Get back in the race and run again. Let me wash your feet and put on clean shoes and get back in the race.

     Remember, the goal is not to win more toys or make more money. Christ is the goal. To grow up into the head is your challenge. To be as your master is the goal and the prize. 

     You are my champion and I chose you to run for me and I gave you a race because I believe in you. I empowered you with my love and my Spirit so that you would never be without power. I am cheering for you. I am so excited about your race that I got out of my seat and I am running along the track beside you and will be overjoyed when you win your race. So don't give up. The finish line is waiting. No more believing anything else but you are my champion. No more looking back. Get your eyes on the prize.

     This was the end of the words he spoke to me this morning.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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