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Monday, June 4, 2018

It is Finished! This is the True Gospel!

     An audio version of this message will be available soon at the link below:

Romans Chapter Four NLT

18. Even when there was no reason for hope, Abraham kept hoping believing that he would become the father of many nations. For God had said to him, “That’s how many descendants you will have!”

And Abraham’s faith did not weaken, even though, at about 100 years of age, he figured his body was as good as dead, and so was Sarah’s womb. Abraham never wavered in believing God’s promise. In fact, his faith grew stronger, and in this he brought glory to God. He was fully convinced that God is able to do whatever he promises.

And because of Abraham’s faith, God counted him as righteous. And when God counted him as righteous, it wasn’t just for Abraham’s benefit. It was recorded for our benefit, too, assuring us that God will also count us as righteous if we believe in him, the one who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead. He was handed over to die because of our sins, and he was raised to life to make us right with God.

     As I was reading these verses today and meditating on them Father’s voice spoke to me and He asked me to write down these words and share them with you. 

He said:

     My little children, you are so loved and I know of your hardships. Most of these burdens have been put upon you because of the wrong teaching you have endured by those who call themselves faith teachers. They give you rules of faith and procedures and multiple pages of things you have to read and speak to get me to meet your needs, and all that goes out the window if you have a bad day and say anything negative or have even a moment of doubt. This is not faith. This is prison.

     Here is what I need you to believe. I need you to accept with simple child like faith that I sent my son to save you. He took away all your sins and you are holy in my sight because you believe in him. He who has the Son has the Father also. I also need you to believe that not only am I am able to do what I promised you,  but believe that I already did.

     No ifs or ands or buts, just simple faith. No rules and regulations to imprison and poison you. Just simple faith. My son came and took away your sins and was raised to make you holy forever. This was all his doing and the only work you are required to do is to simply believe this truth.

     I am more than able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all you can ask or think by the power that is working in you. It is my power working. Not yours. You don’t have to struggle and strive. All you have to do is trust and rest. Let me complete the work I began in you. Your spirits are complete in my Son. Your minds still need convincing that I am able, but if you will set your mind on me and not your problems, all these things that I promised you will be revealed to you.

     Rest in me and in my finished work. Did you get saved by your righteous works, or did believing in the righteous one save you? It’s all by faith in him, not faith in prayer or in your church or in your ten step program. Do you believe he will go to the cross and take your sins away or do you believe that he already did? Would he take away your sins and leave your provision undone? Never!

     Just look at creation and you will understand that we are more than able to accomplish and fulfill any promises made to you. Look at the stars in the sky and then look at your problems. How big do your problems look now?

     It is time to simply trust me and rest in that trust. I told you that by faith and patience you inherit the promises. Just believe that I am able and was able, and believe that I love you. Your faith in me must be based on my love for you. If you believe that my son came to save you then you must understand that he did it because of love. You don’t pour out your blood for those you hate.

     Let’s consider my friend Abraham for a moment. Do you think it was my plan to make Abraham the father of many nations before he even knew me? Did I come up with my plan for him after he believed or did I come up with the plan and get him to believe? It was my plan from the beginning.

     Did Abraham have some bad days and try to do things in his own power? Yes he did. Did his mistakes stop my promise? No way! The power to complete my promise was in the promise. That power came out of me and went into my word. You don’t have to empower anything. Your job is to trust and rest.

     Abraham simply believed that I was able and he waited and he received what was promised him. So what have I promised you? Most of my children try to take promises I gave to others and make them their own. Yes there are common promises in scripture that pertain to all of my children but there are precious promises that I have given to each of you individually. I promised my friend Abraham he would be the father of many nations. So should you try to have lots of children and create nations? Only if I reveal to you that I have chosen that plan for you.

     How are my promises revealed to you? It’s by fellowship and communication. You must learn to hear my voice and receive my promises to you. All through history I have appeared to people in dreams and visions and in visitations and since the day of Pentecost when my Spirit came I don’t have to just visit anymore. I live in you. My voice is inside you. Ask me what I already given to you and it will be revealed to you. I have already given you all things that pertain to life and godliness. You don’t need more things. You need revelation of the things you already possess.

     Before my beloved Son came people looked forward to what was coming. Since the time when my Son was exalted and my Spirit came, you don’t have to look forward, but you look back at what was already given. My son finished it all. Your only part is to truly believe it is finished and not to keep trying to get me to do things I already did. If you think you are lacking then you don’t truly believe the gospel.

     Think on this scripture. Today if you will hear my voice, harden not your heart. What does that mean? It means that many times I speak to you and reveal my promises to you. I speak into your heart and you harden your heart by saying “that probably wasn’t God speaking to me.” So you don’t enter into my promise for you because you didn’t believe it was me speaking to you.

     I speak to all of my creation every day; especially my children. Would those of you with children even consider going a whole day without speaking to your children? Would you just speak to one and not the other? Those of you who have pets do you speak to them and love them? Do you know that I speak to each creature every day? Do you understand that I don’t just feed the birds but I fellowship with them and even sing with them? Didn’t I speak to the fish and tell him to spit Jonah out? Do you gardeners not speak to your plants? Where do you get this from? It is from my nature. You speak and love all things that are alive because that nature came from me.

     So the key to getting your promises from me is to hear my voice. I always speak through my scriptures if you listen to the Spirit and not the letter. Sometimes I speak with words or prophecy spoken through others. Sometimes I speak with dreams and visions and impressions on your heart. I am speaking beautiful promises to you but most are not listening.

     My beloved ones; I want you to hear me and I want you to receive all that I have promised you. I don’t want you to struggle and try to make these things come to pass on your own. Believe in me and my love for you. Believe in my Son. Believe in my Spirit within you. Don’t believe in a bunch of formulas and multi step programs to make things come to pass. If I promised you then I will make it come to pass. Faith to believe comes from hearing my voice. Hearing my voice brings you into rest. You enter the promised land for your life by hearing my voice and resting in my promise.

     If you believe I love you and that I am your provider then you don’t have to struggle to believe me for provisions. If I promised, I will deliver. You don’t have to twist my arm and think that by keeping some set of rules it will force me to do something for you. I do for you because I love you. I don’t need any other reason. I love you and I will always love you. I will take you to the place where you take no thought for tomorrow if you will trust me.

     You can remain in the chaos of the so called faith message and feel guilty every time you don’t get what you “believed” for, or you can enter into the rest that says “My Father loves me and he has provided all I need and it will appear when I need it." 

     No more struggle and strain. Just the joy of knowing that I wrote all your days in my book and I supplied all you would need long before you arrived. That is how much you are loved. Will you believe in my love?

     This is the great news that you call the gospel. It is finished. You didn’t finish it and you can’t add to it. You just receive it as a free gift of my loving grace. No more worry, no more struggle. Just rest in me and let me reveal to you the promises I made to you before you were even born. It is finished! This is the true gospel!

     This is the end of the words he spoke to me this morning.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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