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Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Warning! Change is Coming! Don't Be Afraid.

     An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

     As I was praying today Father spoke to me the following words:
He said:

     My son, it’s time for a great transition. Tell my loved ones not to fear. There are major changes coming from heaven. There is a revival of truth that has begun and it will shake up what so many people have counted on. This is already underway. Tell my people to put their trust in me. Speak to them these words:

     My children; don’t be dismayed. I told you through my Son that I would build my church. In the last few years so many people have tried to build things upon my foundation that are just hay and stubble. The heat of the truth has now set fire to those things and they are beginning to burn. Don’t be dismayed when many whom the world sees as so called “preachers of God” are removed from their pulpits and go into obscurity.

     I am cleaning up my church and getting a people prepared to reign. You are all kings and priests and the days of those who call themselves Apostles, Pastors, Teachers, and Prophets ruling over you will end soon. You are a king and a priest. Those who were supposed to help you and lead by example have taken advantage of you and have not fulfilled their call to serve. Instead of teaching you to reign they used their office to rule over you and not serve you.

     Please pray for these people. It is not my desire to harm them but to only take them out of error. Pray they will be restored with hearts of servants of the sheep. I still love them even though they are in error. I do not wish them harm in any way but I wish my sheep to have one Lord. You have one mediator and that is my Son. You are in him and you do not need a third party to visit me. You are my beloved and I sent teachers to help you see who you are and not to make you think they are special.

     So my beloved, don’t be afraid of the transition and changes to what you call church. Many doors will close and people need to know that I have not rejected people but have rejected the lies spoken in the pulpit. I will build my church upon my Son and the revelation that he is Lord and Christ.

     I will build upon truth and love and not upon fear. The days of the fear mongers are coming to an end. I loved each of you so much that I sent my Son to save you from sin. He didn’t come so you could die in sin but be saved from it. He told you time and again to fear not.

     Fear will not take you out of sin. Fear is not of faith and everything that is not of faith is sin. My revelation of your holiness in Christ will deliver you and that is the message that will be preached. 

     Sin will not be found in my church, not because of great fear, but because of great love. When my children finally see me for who I am they will fall in such great love with me that they will put away anything that hinders our fellowship. When my people discover they are already holy in Christ they will become in the flesh what they are in spirit; Holy, heavenly beings.

     I am not ashamed of my children and I don’t want you to be ashamed of yourselves. I want you to stand before me in confidence that your lives are filled with my holiness. Just as Adam was afraid and ashamed and he hid from me, so are my children ashamed and hiding parts of your lives from me. I want you to be free so that we can fellowship together in light and in truth. I don’t want the guilt in your mind to keep you from coming to me.

     My children, it’s time for the church, my beloved church to awaken to truth and put away all the lies. Stop supporting the lies. Why would you pay the hard earned money you make by your sweat to people who lie to you? It’s not about bigger houses and faster jets; it’s about walking in love and fellowship with me and each other. I want all of my children to prosper but not to be greedy. I will remove greed from my church.

     Think about the early church. They sold all they had to provide for those in need. Now preachers tell you to sell what little you have and give to their greed. How many ten thousand dollar suits and five hundred dollar pairs of shoes does a man need? Think about my apostle Peter. He said he didn’t have any silver or gold? Why not? He gave it to the poor. All the money that was cast at the apostle’s feet was given to feed the widows and orphans.

     Wake up my children! I want you blessed so that you can be a blessing. Not so you can be greedy. Seek my kingdom and my righteousness and all that you need will be added to you. My kingdom is above this world. In heaven we don’t worry about money and prestige. We are too busy rejoicing when a child comes to the truth and repents and is renewed. We concern ourselves with fellowship and joy and truth.

     My beloved ones, I tell you these things so that you won’t be afraid. When you see the cleansing come to the church don’t run in fear: Run to me. I will sustain you. 

     Remember I told you in scripture that there will be a day when all are taught by me? This is the plan. Those who teach you should be teaching you to hear from me but instead they keep you running back to them for teaching and you never grow. You go from one conference to the next for teaching when you should be going for the fellowship. I want each of my children to sit in my lap and let me teach you. You will only get to that point when you realize that I want to teach you myself because I love you.

     I want each of you to hear my voice and be taught by me. I want you to break bread together and rejoice as you share with each other the things that you have learned from me. No more belittling yourselves and believing that you need some great teacher to teach you. You have the greatest teacher inside you.

     Those of you who are married think about it this way. Would you rather have some stranger tell you that your spouse is in love with you or would you rather hear it from your loved one while they hold you in their arms? Those of you who are parents is it better for strangers who don’t love your children to teach your children or is it better if you teach them at home while sharing your love for them?

     Listen close my loved ones. It’s time to grow into who you really are. No more falling for lies and gimmicks. I sent my Spirit to dwell in and upon my Son Jesus. He was resurrected and sat at my right hand and we sent Holy Spirit to dwell in and upon you to lead you and guide you into all truth. You have all you need if you will listen to the teacher within you. 

     Do you want truth or do you want those who put the word tele in front of evangelist. They put what is important to them in front of their own calling. It’s about the show and not about making disciples. Wisdom is justified by her children. Think of all you have seen in the church in the last thirty years. Has it brought forth mature, holy people or just produced more babies in need of feeding?

     Many of you have been seeking the truth so I sent you on a search. I fueled within you this desire for truth. You looked for truth externally everywhere you could think of. You searched the scriptures, you searched all the channels on television and you searched the entire internet but you didn’t search your heart and find me here. I am in you.

     This is truth. This is the gospel. This is the New Covenant. Let these words fill your heart and mind: It’s in the letter to the Hebrews but we know that all who are in faith in my Son are in my house.

10. But this is the new covenant I will make with the people of Israel on that day, says the LORD:

I will put my laws in their minds, and I will write them on their hearts.

I will be their God, and they will be my people.

And they will not need to teach their neighbors, nor will they need to teach their relatives, saying, ‘You should know the LORD.’
For everyone, from the least to the greatest, will know me already.

And I will forgive their wickedness, and I will never again remember their sins.”

     Know that I am in you and I am your teacher. Yes I teach through others but I prefer you to hear me for yourself. Learn of me and from me. Don’t be afraid when I tear down all these false idols of religion and replace them with the truth. 

     Remember my loved ones: pray for those who will be removed from their high places. Have mercy upon them and help them to be restored. Forgive them and remember that all of you have been in error at one time or another. Change is underway. Not as punishment but as restoration of truth.

     Don’t forget my beloved that when you see these things take comfort and comfort others. Truth must return before my full power can be restored.
Love each other as I have loved you.

     This was the end of the words He spoke to me a moment ago.
I hope you are encouraged by these words,
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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