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Sunday, January 27, 2019

Born Blessed!

     An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

     As I was praying early this morning Father spoke to me and asked me to write down these words and share them with you. He said:

     My little ones, it is time for you to gain understanding. It is time to know the truth. One reason many of you struggle is because you have deferred your hope to another day and your hearts are sad and sick. 

     You put all your hopes and dreams off until a future date and don’t realize that hope lives within you because hope is a person. My son is the hope and the desire of the nations. It is him in you that is the hope of glory. The hope of glory is not one day when you get to heaven or one day when Christ returns. Your hope is now.

     It is time to know the truth about the gospel. Most of the church is living in the mixture of Old and New Covenants. I plainly showed you in scripture that I already gave you all things that pertain to life and godliness. I gave you all including my Spirit yet most continue to ask me for what they already have. 

     If I gave you all things then what more do you need to ask me for. If I gave “you” all things then who has “all things?” You have them already. A good man brings out of his good heart things new and old. The word is nigh you and in your heart. There is nothing in heaven that you need to bring down. There is nothing below that you need to bring up. There is only that which is within you that you need to bring out.

     Do you believe the gospel? It’s not good news unless it already happened. All that you need was already accomplished. You are not waiting for another day or another anointing. You are just in need of revelation and understanding of what you already possess. You lack nothing. I gave you all.

     Do you remember the parable of the prodigal son? What did the Father tell the son who stayed home? Did he not tell him that all things were already his and he could have had a party anytime he wanted? You must learn that you possess all that I have. 

     We are one Spirit. There is no separation. You are joined to me and what is mine is yours already. This is why I said to make your requests with thanksgiving. You don’t have to ask for anything. All things are already yours and as you give thanks for them they appear unto you.

     I know many say what about what Jesus said about asking and receiving but this was before the cross and the resurrection. He said to seek the kingdom and all these things would be added unto you. This is because once you are joined to the king then all the King's goods belong to you. Did you find the King? Does he live within you? If the answer is yes then you don’t have to seek anything anymore because once you have the king you have the kingdom and you own all things. All that is left to do is to fellowship and learn of the things that you possess.

     Religion has tried so hard to keep you blind to who you are and what you own. They make you feel like you are worthless and you don’t deserve an inheritance. So what gives you the right to inheritance? Is it not birth that gives you the right? If you are born into the kingdom then you are an heir and all things are already yours. Lack is a lie and abundance is truth but you must choose what you live in. Once I become all you need then you will have all that you want.

     Religion has told you that all the blessings and all the glory are for a future time but this is not true. I told you that all my son’s enemies would be put under his feet. I told you that the last enemy defeated was death. 

     Spiritual death was already defeated. There will be a day when my children will be awakened to the fact that natural death of the body is not written in stone either. Death will be swallowed up in life. 

     Let me ask you some questions. If Adam hadn’t sinned would he have ever died? Did the last Adam sin? Are you in the first Adam or the last Adam? Did my son come to restore all things? Plant this in your heart. You probably can’t hear it now but if you plant it in your heart there will be a day when you can understand it.

     My loved ones: I told you through my beloved Paul that I am gathering all things together in Christ, both things in heaven and things on the earth. There will be a day when earth and heaven are joined. Earth will be as much heaven as heaven is. The glory that comes will change all things. This is in process now.

     There is coming the greatest awakening ever. It is called the gospel. It’s the wonderful news that heaven is now. It has been the kingdom age since the King came and took his place on my throne. Think of it this way. Who sits on my throne with me? Is it not my beloved son? Is he God or a Man? Yes, he is both. Both God and man sit on the throne. You are already seated with me in heavenly places.

     Let me make it simple. Does a blind man live on the earth? Just because he is blind and can’t see it does it mean that the earth is not real? It’s the same with heaven. You already dwell in both realms because they are not actually two realms. They are in simultaneous existence. You are just as much seated with me in heavenly places as you are standing on the earth. You just can’t see the heavenly realm because your eyes have been blinded. 

     How are they blinded? Just as Paul told you that as long as Moses is read the veil is over your eyes. As long as you try to live by that law and not by the law of the Spirit you will remain blind.

     I hear many say that if you do away with that law people will sin. Did anyone except my son ever keep it when it was in existence? He nailed those commandments to his cross and now you can live by the law of the Spirit of Life. 

     The Law of Moses had no power to empower you to live holy. It could only condemn. It couldn't bring life. The law of the Spirit of life empowers you to live without sin and to live in righteousness. 

     The law of Moses could never make you holy but the Law of the Spirit of life will fill your hearts so full of love for my Son and for the things of love that sin will disappear from your lives and never return. But as long as you try to live by the Old covenant you will be blind to the new one.

     It is time to rejoice. Your names are already written in heaven. You are the inheritors of eternal life and all that I own. No more waiting on the sweet by and by when the sweet one is living inside you. Heaven is already in you and you are already in heaven. As you awaken to this fact then the true gospel will spread like wildfire. You are not looking for a “one day” you are living in eternity right now. You can live and move and have your whole life in us right now. You don’t have to wait. You can fellowship with us each day and every day.

     So you ask, if this is true how can I be sick or how can I be poor? You are not. You are living a lie. Have you ever seen someone who believes they are sick and they have all the symptoms even though they are not diagnosed with the disease? This has happened to the whole world. You have been trained to believe a lie. My word is absolute truth. By the stripes of my Son you were healed but you have been trained to live in the lie and to suffer because of the lie. 

   You were crucified with my Son and you were already raised with him into new life.Yet religion has told you that you still deserve death and the whole world fell for the lie because they did not receive the truth. For generations my people have been taught how to be sick and how to be poor and have given their bodies to the enemy to be ravaged and killed. All the time eternal life was living in each of you and you had no idea how to access it.

     This is the awakening that is coming. My people will once again believe the gospel. They will drive sickness, disease and poverty out of the world because they will understand that this is the calling they were called to. Go into all the world, heal the sick raise the dead and make disciples of all nations. Yes, all nations. Freely you have received so freely give. So what did you receive? You received life and life more abundantly. This is why Peter could say, such as I have I give you. What did he have? He had health. He could give what he had.

     Do you remember that Jesus said you would know the truth and the truth would make you free? The truth is that you were crucified and yet you live. You were already raised in a new life and you no longer have to live like those who don’t believe. Those who truly believe have entered into my rest. You are not asking me to do works you are distributing the work I already did. The truth of the finished works of my Son will make people free from the death they are living in. You can’t have faith in a coming event. You can only truly believe in something that has already happened.

     This is the truth of the gospel. You were dead in your trespasses but because of our great love we saved you and raised you up and you are one with us. You are not longer foreigners but children of heaven. You don’t have to live like orphans anymore. You are adopted into the house of God and should learn to live like it. 

     We are not separate. We are one. I have already given you all things that pertain to life and Godliness. There is not one more thing I could give you that you don’t have. All you need is for Holy Spirit to teach you what is already yours.

     Will you do it my beloved? Will you believe the truth? Will you believe the testimony I gave about my Son about how he accomplished all that was needed and then sat down beside me? Will you enter into the finished works and go and tell the world that they are already free. The only chains that hold them are lies. Once they believe the truth all the lies will be broken and their lives and bodies will manifest the truth within them.

     Soon the whole world will know the truth. Lies will be broken and all things will be revealed. My sons and daughters will know who they are and know the God who loves them and will fill the earth with glorious light. You will drive all darkness away from you and my glory will fill the earth.

     This begins now as you believe the truth about the finished work of my Son and believe that you are already entered into eternal life. You have entered life and life has entered you. The same Spirit that raised my Son from the dead lives in you and will do the same for you if you will allow it.

     Why wait for something you already have? You are my beloved and you were born into health and wealth and blessing. You don’t have to earn anything. It’s not by your works. It was completed before you were born. 

     You can believe the truth and live the truth or continue to live the lie and die in the lie. Live in the truth, you are complete in my Son and you lack nothing. You are righteous and holy in my sight and it was my great joy to give you all things. Enjoy all things by rejoicing and giving thanks to my Son who saved you and raised you up into this new life. Rejoice and again I say rejoice. You were never cursed. You were born blessed!

     This is the end of the words He spoke to me earlier today.
I hope you are encouraged by these words,
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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