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Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Do You Have Time?

     An audio version of this message will be available at the link below:

     As I was praying today Holy Spirit spoke to me and asked me to share some words of life with you. These are words about the Son of God and his beloved bride.
Here are the words that were spoken to me.

     My little children, so many of you wonder why things don’t seem to work right. You are studying and praying and doing so many things but the one thing you are not doing is resting in me. You must take time each day to just sit in my presence and let me reveal myself to you. You can memorize all the scriptures and not know who I am. Reading scripture is good but sitting with me and learning of me is better. I will take the things that belong to Jesus and share them with you because you are his beloved.

     Think of it this way: Imagine you are in a classroom and your teacher is teaching you. Imagine that instead of listening you were reading and texting on your phone and catching up on social media events and looking at the news and carrying on multiple conversations at once. How much would you really hear your teacher?

     This is how it really is. I am your teacher and I long to teach you but I need your undivided attention. I know you have things that need to be done and jobs and families but can I at least get a little time a day when you just sit with me and let me love you and teach you? You must choose to be tuned into the world or tuned into me. The world will bring you sorrow and failure. I will bring you life and peace.

     My loved ones, I love you with an everlasting love and I hold nothing against you. If you turn and walk away from me I will not be angry. I will only be saddened. 

     Jesus told you that the gate is straight and the way is narrow and few find their way to life. He was not speaking of few finding eternal life because our beloved John told you that there thousands times thousands and ten thousand times ten thousands before the throne.

     What he meant is there is a way to live in the kingdom right now. Few are willing to let go of the world and find the way of life. You live in whatever world you focus on the most. If you set your mind on the world you will live like and in the world. You will be programmed to look like them and think like them and act like them. If you focus on things above you will be renewed to look like heaven and think like heaven and act like heaven.

     You are totally free to choose which way you live. You can choose abundant life or choose the slow agonizing death that the fallen world abides in. I want you to choose life. I want you to be full of life and full of joy and full of heaven. I want you to know my love for you and be filled with heaven. I want the very best for you not for my sake but for yours.

     Those of you with children understand that you want your children to be happy with their lives and to live in abundance not just because it brings you joy but because you want them to be full of joy. You get your joy from their joy. You are delighted when they fly and you hurt when they fall, only because you love them more than your own life.

     So what will you choose my beloved? I know many of you think this is the same message over and over again and you are right. If you speak to your children and they ignore you do you just shut up or do you keep speaking? Do you ever give up on your children or do you fight for them with all your might as long as you live?

     If you will refocus your attention you will find life. Give me your thoughts, give me your hearts and let me write my ways upon them. Give me some time each day when there is no agenda except experiencing my love. I have so many things to share with you in the secret place if you will only come. Don’t come to learn about me. Come to know me. Come to know the one true God and our Son whom we sent to you. He loves you and wants you to be acquainted and intimate with him.

     Imagine that you wrote a book and you sat down at lunch with your best friend and instead of speaking to you face to face they just keep their head in a book memorizing the book and not coming to know the one who sits in front of them. I do love the book. I wrote it, but today’s church worships the book and doesn’t really know the one who wrote it.

     There is no shortcut for fellowship with me. Would you rather be wrapped in the words of a great book or be wrapped in the arms of the loving God who adores you? Would you rather have someone tell you about this great wine they tasted or would you rather have a drink yourself? Would you rather hear someone tell of the gushing river of life that makes all things new or would you rather dive in and be restored?

    The western mindset exalts knowledge above experience. Someone tells them some encounter they had with me and if they can’t find an exact encounter in scripture they will discount it. 

     How many onetime encounters did people in scriptures have with me? When David faced the giant he didn’t refer to scripture to see if anyone had killed a giant before to see if he could win. He referred to experience of killing a lion and a bear. When Daniel went into the lion’s den he didn’t study to see if he would come out alive. He trusted in the one whom he had spent time with.

     My scriptures are holy and good but they should lead you to your own relationship with me. Each of you has an individual calling and have gifting to carry out your mission. You must come to me to know what you are called to do. You won’t find it in a book. It is in my heart and I will teach it to you heart to heart.

     Do you remember the seven sons who thought they could take on an evil spirit in the name of the Jesus whom Paul preached? They had no relationship of their own and thought they could just use someone else’s relationship to empower them and they failed miserably. 

     It is the same in most of the church today. People pray in Jesus’ name but don’t take time to know the one whose name they use. They use the name like a magical word and don’t really understand that to be in the name means to be married to the one who has the name and his name becomes yours.

     If you remember the disciples had walked with Jesus and had asked nothing in his name. He told them they were no longer servants but friends. He had relationship with them. He built a friendship with them and fellowship with them and then told them to ask that their joy be full. He said whatever they asked would be done.

     Think of it this way: Imagine a woman only wants what her husband can give. She doesn’t want to be intimate with him and doesn’t want to do what he wants and to build the life he wants to build with her. She only wants to live her own life and yet enjoy all the benefits of his wealth and power and influence.

     Does this sound familiar? Doesn’t it sound like most of the church today? They don’t have time for fellowship but do have time to go shopping and spend the blessing their heavenly husband provided. They don’t have time for intimacy but do have time to know what everyone on social media is up to. They don’t have time to pray but they have all the time in the world to enjoy movies and television and sporting events.

     Jesus gave all, can you give a little? Can you give him the respect he deserves by setting aside time each day to be intimate and fall in love with the one who loves you? He gave you eternity; can you give him an hour?

     My beloved children: I am calling you and wooing you to come to the secret place and learn who you are and how much you are loved. I am calling you to set aside part of your day for love. Your savior’s yoke is easy and his burden is light. He is not trying to wrap you in chains but wrap you in love. 

     You were adored and loved and chosen before the world began. Will you wake up and fall in love with the one who adores you? Just a few moments each day will change your world. Do you have time?

     This is the end of the words that were spoken to me today.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace.
I love you all,

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