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Thursday, May 16, 2019

Religion is Burning

     An audio version of this message will be available as soon as possible at the link below:

     While praying today Father spoke to me and asked me to write down these words and share them with you. He said:

     My little ones, religion is burning. I have set it on fire with the truth of my love and most of what you have been taught is about to go up in flames. It’s time for my people to awaken to my love and put all the dead religious mindset of failure behind you.

     My Son came to give you life and life abundantly. Not to give you rules, regulations and thousands of traditions that burden your very soul. It is for freedom’s sake that you are made free.

     In most of the church today you are told to live by the book called the bible. The bible is a collection of Holy Scriptures but these are only the introduction to what you should know. Holy Spirit came to give you a person and a voice to live by and to fellowship with. You are the epistles that are being written day by day and it’s time you learn to be the book and not just read a book.

     Do you remember in the Book you call Acts, there were at Antioch many of what you would call the leaders of the early church. They fasted and prayed and Holy Spirit told them to separate Barnabas and Paul and send them out. This was not written in a book for them to do so. It became part of what you call your bible after it was spoken, but it was a living breathing word of instruction spoken to them by my Spirit as to what to do, who to do it and when to do it. This is what is returning to my people.

     I love my Scriptures but they were written centuries ago and you need a word spoken to you each day. The word was spoken by my Spirit and the people obeyed and this was recorded in the book you call the bible. I am still speaking and I want you to hear and follow my voice. This is why it is written that if today you will hear my voice. I long for fellowship with each of my children each and every day.

     The reason the book of Acts has no official ending is because you are still writing it. You are adding to it each day as you hear my voice and follow my lead. So I am asking you to open your hearts and prepare to hear things you never heard of before.

     It was always my plan to make earth resemble heaven. The fire that comes upon the world is restoration fire to make it new again. This fire is already burning and I am feeding it kindling called religion and tradition. Dead churches will be removed. Any organization that is unwilling to change will be removed. You must learn to embrace change or be left wondering what happened.

     I hear many say, “well why would God change things?” I do it because it’s part of my plan for the earth to be in complete control of my glorious Sons and daughters. With me there is no separation between you. There is no male, or female, or black, white, yellow or brown. You are all spirit of my Spirit and the whole of creation is waiting for you to wake up and take control of it and put things in order. Heaven is mine but care of the earth was given to the sons of men.

     My little ones, The days of going to church once a week and trusting a man whom you really don’t know to feed you a meal that is a mixture of glory and slop is over. My Son is the head of the church. He is your high priest. I gave apostles, and prophets and pastors and evangelists as servants and not as kings to rule over you. They are to assist you in hearing my voice so that you can live by my Spirit and not by some tradition.

     You must recognize the days that you are in and realize that scripture was written throughout history and it pertained to the day they lived in at the moment. There was a day when sacrificing an animal for your sin was acceptable but those days are gone. My son put an end of that when he sacrificed himself. I no longer recognize any other sacrifice and I never will. Those who tell you that one day there will be a new temple and the old ways of temple worship and sacrifice will be reinstated are just wrong. I wouldn’t have my Son pour out his blood and then go back to something he abolished. That would be a slap in his face. Living by any tradition in the old is not acceptable in the new. Christ is a person, not a religion.

     It’s time for my church to know that I am taking this world and putting it under control of my Son. He is the head of the church and soon all things will be under his feet. You are his feet. No more waiting on some secret escape plan or turning your back on your brothers and sisters. You are your brother’s keeper and it’s not okay for you to sit idly by and let them be destroyed by religion.

     My Son is King, the Antichrist is not king. Something you call the beast is not king. My Son is King! I am not taking the world he bought with his blood and handing it over to an enemy to destroy. Put this out of your minds once and for all. 

     The earth is mine and the fullness thereof. I gave management over it to the church with my Son as the head over all things, but I own the earth, the seas, the sky, all the people and all the creatures. I am saving it for your inheritance. When all things are put in order the first born among many brethren will present all things back to me when he has gathered all things together in himself as we told you in Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. All things will be put in order beginning with my church.

     No more dead religious ceremonies. My churches will come alive with power and glory and will become a place of salvation and refuge once again. People will be so full of joy that they can’t wait for a day of the week and they will gather together in homes and business and under shade trees and in tents and whatever they can find just to declare to each other the great things that are being done.

     Think of it this way. The early church was the seed; the church that is coming is the full grown tree. The early church was the foundation. What is coming is the roof and the balconies and the fine furnishing. Those who love the light will flock to the fellowships and those that love darkness will hide until there is no place left on earth that my light hasn’t reached.

     All will know me from the least to the greatest. Every knee will bow and confess that Jesus my son is Lord and Christ and this will be done in glory and not in cowardly surrender. I love those who think they are my enemies. I can’t wait to tell them they are really my children but they didn’t know it. 

     My little ones: could anyone really be my enemy? Can anyone take me off my throne or take my Son off of his? Were not all things created by me and for me, even dominions and thrones and principalities and governments? All things will be made new and all things will be for me and by me.

     The cry of your heart will be answered. I see and hear you go to Sunday service hungry and come away starving. I see you longing to see the power and the glory the early church and you will be filled. My Son told you “blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be filled.” You will not be forsaken, you will see my glory if you are willing to change.

     I have tried to set these things in place before but my people were immature. They thought my glory came for their personal blessing and not because it was time to establish heaven on earth. They didn’t try to build bigger people but built instead bigger houses and bigger television ministries and bought bigger cars and bigger jets. Those days are over. My people are no longer snoring and are beginning to wake up. This new generation will understand that power and prosperity is for the advancement of my kingdom on earth and not for the advancement of their own agendas and business models.

     Are you willing to change my beloved? Are you willing to fall in love with a person who is in love with you and let go of that dead corpse of a husband you call religion? History has repeated itself. The Pharisees and religious people did not want to marry the bridegroom. They already gave themselves to the law. Now the modern church has married tradition and is resisting the groom again.

     Will you abandon all that you have held on to and meet my Son at your cross? You remember the cross? It was the place my Son drew you into himself and killed everything in you that could separate you from us? It was the place you gave yourself to him.

     Now that you have remembered that place would you consider that you didn’t just die with him there? You were with him at the empty tomb also. His resurrection was your resurrection. You are free to live abundantly because of his glorious gift. All these things can be if you will let go of tradition and religion and meet with him outside the camp called Christianity.

     This camp called Christianity was hijacked. In my Son’s name they have judged people and killed people and hated people and separated each other by doctrine and belief and even by economic condition. They call themselves names like “First Church” and have entrapped the souls of my children. Come out from among her my children, I have already lit the match that is lighting the kindling.

     My beloved I tell you these things because I want you to be excited. Some will cry when they see their tradition fall. But not you: Come have a real relationship with a living breathing God who loves you more than you could ever dream. I don’t want you trapped in religion. I want you free in my heart to roam around inside and see all that I have prepared for you.

     I have glorious days ahead for the earth and there is a generation that will wake up and see it. Will you be the one or will you sleep through the fire? There were three children in the scriptures that went through the fire but the only thing burned was their restraints and those who restrained them. I love you too much to leave you in bondage. My fire will burn until all that is not holy is gone.

     Be ready my children for those who are not listening to my voice will not know what is happening. Be ready to help them and to encourage them and to rescue them if you need to. My Son told you that he would build his church and his church he will build. He is building it in the image of heaven and not of the earthly image.

     Be ready for all heaven is about to break loose on earth. Do not be afraid when those who love darkness try to make things look worse. They will try to scare you and make you think the world is coming to an end. The only thing ending is the rule of darkness on the earth. It has only been in power because my church went to sleep. No longer will my church sleep, for I am sounding the alarm. Wake up and rejoice for religion is burning.

     This is the end of the words He spoke to me a few moments ago.
I hope you are encouraged by these words,
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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