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Thursday, January 7, 2016

Why Aren't My Prayers Answered?

     Thank you so much for reading these words. I wanted to let you know if you are reading this from my blog page there is a little box above this post that says "email address" and if you put your email address in there it will send you a copy of this blog right to your email inbox each time it's updated. When you get the email if you click on the "Michael Ott Ministries" at the top of the email it will take you to the blog page where you can read all the entries of the blog. Thanks again and thanks so much for all of the kind comments you have been sending. Now for the important part:

     While praying today I got these sweet words from our gracious Lord and he asked me to share them with you. I hope you will take time not just to read them but to feel them and I pray that you are blessed by them as I was.

     Jesus' words:

     My dear ones: Many of you have been praying and praying and have become frustrated because your prayers aren't being answered as you think they should be. Some have considered giving up and going back to the world for answers. Please my beloved don't do this. I will explain to you why your prayers are hindered. 

     Please don't think I'm scolding you my beloved. I want your prayers answered more than you do. Those of you who are in love with someone know that failure doesn't hurt nearly as bad as watching the one you love the most fail. 

     So let's begin with prayer how prayer works: I told you in scripture that when you pray if you believe in your heart that what you ask for will be done then it will. Here is the problem. Prayer is a heart to heart communication between us. You will find me when you seek me with your whole heart. It's not just a mind thing or a soul thing. It's a heart to heart request from your heart to mine. The problem is that most of your hearts are damaged or broken because of disappointments and discouragements. 

     Please my beloved, let me heal your heart. Your heart has been broken so many times because you wanted to go a certain way and it didn’t work. Or you asked for a certain thing and didn't get it. This was caused because your hearts are full of doubt because you are not totally convinced of my perfect love for you. 

     So many hearts today are full of fear. You can't be full of fear and full of faith at the same time. These cancel each other out. Your enemy knows that if he can get you to fear then he can get you to doubt. Then when you don't receive what you asked for you think I said "no" to your request and it brings division between us. 

    This is why your enemy does this. He wants us divided. I have already given you all things that pertain to life and Godliness. All my promises are yes and amen and there is no such thing as "no" to anything I promised you. 

     The answer to this problem of fear and doubt is my perfect love. Perfect love casts out fear and once you are convinced of my perfect love for you then fear will leave and doubt will be gone, and your prayers will be answered and your enemy will be destroyed and it will be glorious!

     I want and  I need your hearts healed so we can move into the present and get out of the past. This is another problem. Everyone wants to know the future when I’m trying to get them into the present and out of the past. I give you a gift called "today" and you spend it worrying about tomorrow while condemning yourselves for what was done in the past?

     Most of my children are looking to the future and stuck in past failures and are not living with me in the present. You will hear them speak of things that I did or things I'm going to do and never hear them speak of what I am doing now. 

    Yes I am your Lord in the past and the future, but I AM is a present term and once you learn that I want to be with you right now then you will understand. Every minute of your existence is important to me. I want you to love me now and in the future. If you learn to live in the "now" then your faith will work better. 

     Another big problem with unanswered prayer is faith is a heart action and not a mental action. When you try to rationalize with your mind then faith doesn't work. The natural mind can't understand the realm of love and faith and that is why I gave you my mind to live by. 

    When I speak something to my children most will judge what they hear by past failures. If I tell one to do something, his mind immediately gives him ten reasons why it wont work. If I ask my children to pray for someone they are hesitant because they tried that before and it didn’t work. I get blamed for it not working and it builds distrust between us and brings failure. I love you too much to let distrust stay between us.

     It’s time to heal your hearts so you can become fruitful. I told you in scripture that you must guard your heart because all of life’s issues flow from it. If the heart is damaged then my life force doesn’t flow through you properly. I want your hearts healed so you can love me just as I love you and you can love each other without fear of hurt.

    Another way hearts are damaged comes through misguided words from those who don’t understand how my kingdom works. Logic doesn’t work and fights against faith because logic is of the mind and faith is of the heart. Christians teach their children that knowledge is more important than relationship. You learned that it was so important to know the scriptures but while memorizing the scriptures you didn’t learn to spend time with the one who wrote them. I want you to read my scriptures but I'd rather for you to learn my voice and let me read them to you as I explain them.

     Think of it this way. If you are married and you learn everything your spouse ever said or wrote and can quote their words but you don’t spend time with them nurturing a relationship, what will happen? Wouldn’t it be strange if they didn’t speak to you but expected you to know them just by what was written years ago? Imagine if you asked them where do you want to live and they said to go look it up in a book and figure it out? This is ridiculous. I speak to all my creation every moment of every day. To think my voice isn't available at all times is the definition of insane.

     Learning my written word is important but my word is an invitation to know me. I wrote a love letter to the world as an invitation to come to me and I wrote it in secret code that can only be deciphered by love. Without love it’s just a history book but with love it becomes an invitation to know me intimately.

     You know me because my Spirit leads you into all the truth about me and reveals to you who I am. It is me wooing you through my Spirit to become one with me. It will come to pass eventually. This is why the Spirit and the Bride say come. I will work through my Spirit until my bride is ready. We are already one in the spirit but your minds and hearts are not always set upon me.

     Lately my bride has been more interested in the world than in me and those who do want to know me have settled for my written word instead of my voice. Those of you who are in love know it’s good to read a love letter but it’s better to be held by the one who loves you and is whispering “I love you” in your ear.

     This disconnection has led to damaged hearts and broken faith. Faith works by love and when a heart is full of my love then faith works. You can come to know my love and be filled with all that I am or you can only come as close as my book and only know what is written there. My book is the gateway that leads to my presence. Are you going to stand in the gate or are you going to come into my courtyard and let me court you?

     Once you stop standing outside and come through the gate into my presence then you will hear my sweet love words that I speak to you. My words are Spirit and they are life. My spoken words will heal your broken hearts and when your hearts are healed your faith will be healed and your prayers will be answered.

     For this reason I wrote in the scriptures “Today if you will hear my voice your hearts will not be hardened. “ In the wilderness their hearts became hardened because they refused to hear my voice. They wanted a mediator, “Moses” to listen for them and then relay the message. 

     It’s the same today. My people think they need a prophet or pastor to hear me and relay the message to them. What they really need is to fall in love with me and listen to all the wonderful things I speak about you every day. 

     I spoke through my beloved Paul in the letter to the Ephesians that you were blessed with all spiritual blessings in the heavenly realm. I went all over heaven shouting out your name and telling all those in heaven just how wonderful you are and how much I am in love with you. Every being there shouted "Amen and Amen" and a joyous celebration broke out all over heaven because you are mine.

     You have not come to Mount Sinai with fear and trembling. You are coming to hear a voice from the New Jerusalem that is filled with glory and blessing and peace. You have come to an innumerable hosts of angels and to the city of saints to a city of celebration and not condemnation.  

     So many of my loved ones are afraid to listen to my voice because they are afraid I’ll speak to them in anger or will condemn them. This is not so. Don’t you hear the voice of the cross? That voice is shouting “I LOVE YOU.” Do you think I would pour out my blood for you if I wasn’t totally in love with you?

     Please come to me constantly. Let me speak my healing words over you and tell you how much you mean to me. Let me tell you how that I spilled my blood for you so that you could never be separated from me again because of sin. Don’t you see I did all this just because I love you? Come to me and let me heal your broken hearts and let me fill you with my love and let me show you the glory of my grace that will be given to you for eternity.

     Don’t be afraid my beloved. I have not come to condemn you but have come to raise you up to where I am. I have come to show you that you are mine and you are no longer a sinner saved by my grace. You are my beloved, and as I am, so are you in this world. I didn’t come to tear you down but to build you up and to show you just how precious you are to me.

     So please my beloved, for the next few days. Don’t concentrate on what you do, but set your mind on me and let me show you who you are. I love you with an everlasting, eternal, heavenly love and my heart is yearning for a closer relationship with you. 

     Let me heal your heart so you can not just get your prayers answered but you can be the answer for others. I am not just teaching you what you should do but who you are. 

     If your focus is on what to do it doesn’t matter which way you go because it wont work. If your focus is on who you are in me then it doesn’t matter which way you go because you can’t fail. 

     Please hear my words my beloved. Do you hear me knocking? I’m right here inside this room in your heart. In this room that you locked from the outside because you were afraid and believed lies that others told you about me. You know I was beaten and nailed to a cross and spilled all my blood for you. Do you really believe that I would  withhold any good thing from you? 

     Please don’t ignore me my loved one. Open up and let me love you. Let me heal your heart and then life will flow into all you do. Then your prayers will be answered before you ask. Let’s rule and reign together over all the problems in your life. There is only one reason why I came to you my beloved. It is because I am in love with you. Let my words heal your broken heart.

     I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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