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Thursday, December 31, 2015

Happy New Year!

     Happy New Year to all of you who read these words! I thank you for taking time to read these words and want you to know that I pray for each of you and speak blessings over you. Be blessed and prospered and healthy. I hope you hear how much your Father loves you in the words of each of these posts.

As I was praying for you today I was given the following words from our Father:

     My children. Lean into my grace. Don’t be dismayed by what you see but trust in my loving kindness. Though a thousand fall away from the light, you will not fail! I will uphold you because you have set your heart to know the truth. Love truth above all and know that those who love my truth will not be ashamed.

     I will comfort you and be with you when all others abandon you. I will be your light when others try to blow out your candle. Don’t be angry at those who can’t see and those who aren’t willing to walk out of the wilderness called religion.

     Think about it. The last forty years have been like a wilderness for my church. It’s time for a new generation to arise that knows that I am with you and for you, and just like the land of promise I have prepared a place for the new generation For all those who will leave the camp called religion and follow me outside the camp.

     Think about how my son Jesus went out into the wilderness. All who followed him away from the religion of the day were healed. Those who stayed in their synagogues and religious places missed out. They could no longer see that I was not in their worship services but had moved. They didn’t realize that it was a new day and time and I was moving in a different direction.

     It’s the same way with the generation today. They keep looking back at a day that was, and the last thing I did in the move of my Spirit. They are missing what is coming while they try to re-create the past.

     The day has come to advance my kingdom.Those who keep clinging to their three fast songs and three slow songs and their twenty eight minute message will miss out on what is coming. I am pouring out my Spirit in this day on all flesh. Not just those who call themselves Christians. The so called church will miss it because they can’t see me moving among the nations. They can’t believe the word they hear of me being in the streets and in countries they don’t consider civilized. Pride makes them think that if I were going to do something I would surely do it in their building. My salvation is coming to the nations.

     Those who understand will know that I am the God who leads you out of the wilderness, and you will follow me into the land of promise in the next generation. Those who insist on living in the religion of performance that is in most churches will miss it. They have learned a slave mentality like those whom I brought out of Egypt and don’t believe that I will give them the kingdom without works and will deliver them victory while they rest.

     I will be found by those who seek me with their whole hearts and not with their religious ceremonies. I would rather hear one chorus sung out of tune from a grateful heart than a concert in perfect pitch sung out of habit or for the lights and cameras.

     So I am asking you my children. Are you following tradition or following the voice of your shepherd who is calling you away from religious habits and into a loving relationship of the heart? So many of my children make melody when they are in the church and then sing woe is me in their hearts when alone.

     This is what I want from you my beloved in this New Year. I want you to build a place of worship in your hearts and meet me there. I want you to get to know the God who lives in you. Don’t look for me in the place you call the church. Look for me inside you and then come to church to share with others what I told you in the secret chambers of your heart. It’s time for each of my children to know me as I know you.

     It’s time to take responsibility for your relationship with me and not look to a preacher or a prophet to do your praying for you. You are all kings and priests and it’s time to take your place. I have no grand children or step children. You are all my children by faith in my son and each has a responsibility to learn my voice.

     It’s time to take responsibility for the things around you. I gave you the same power as I have to speak into the world and to create. It’s time for your mind to be single and not double. 

     If you speak faith one moment and doubt the next then you will always have what you have now. You will have miracles one day and failures the next. But if you make your eye single and focus on what you see me doing you will have great success. You must learn to bless only and curse not. I am the God of the positive and there is no dark negative in me. I am not hot one day and cold the next. I am always the fire that burns and the light that shines. 

     Most of my children blame me for their surroundings and don’t realize that they are in charge of their own garden and have cultivated the weeds that grow there that were planted by speaking unbelief. Life and death are in the power of the tongue and you are eating what you speak into existence. As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. What you believe in your heart will make it's way through your words and into your garden. You will eat the good fruit you plant and will fight the weeds you plant.

     It’s time to understand the day that you are in. The kingdom will advance and all the doom and gloom that you see is not sent by me. It’s caused by my children using the power in their words to create chaos. They hear the plans of the enemy and speak them into existence because they thought they heard it from me. They don’t believe in good news and are always looking for bad news. I have a plan for this world and you can see my plan in the words of my prophet Isaiah.

I will greatly rejoice in the LORD;
my soul shall exult in my God,
for he has clothed me with the garments of salvation;
he has covered me with the robe of righteousness,
as a bridegroom decks himself 
like a priest with a beautiful headdress,
and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.
For as the earth brings forth its sprouts,
and as a garden causes what is sown in it to sprout up,
so the Lord GOD will cause righteousness and praise
to sprout up before all the nations.

     Those who sell you doom and gloom don’t know my plan is to fill the earth with my glory and for my will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. I didn’t pour out the blood of my son to condemn the world but to save it. 

     I sent the King of Heaven to the earth to bring heaven to the earth. Authority over the earth was once again put into the hands of man when Jesus told the disciples to heal the sick, and raise the dead, and cleanse the leper and to preach the good news to every creature. This means that even the creatures were put back under the authority of man. 

    Soon, my son's and daughters will awaken and realize that my plan is to change earth back into the beautiful garden it was made to be and they will realize that it's their garden to tend until all is restored.

     I have a plan that will offer salvation to all inhabitants of the world. Will you help me spread the good news of the gospel or will you keep cursing the nations with your words of doom and gloom? Wasn’t the cross enough to save the world? If I was in Christ reconciling the world unto myself and not counting men’s sins against them then why are my children pronouncing judgement on the world because of sin? I am not angry at the world I am offering salvation to all who call upon me.

     It’s time to wake up and preach the good news that the cross was enough and that condemnation is not the cure for sin. Accepting the sacrifice that was made for sin is the cure for sin. Oh if only my children could see how much I love the lost and stop pronouncing judgment on them. If only my children would offer them a hand and not a fist.

     Will you do that this year my beloved? Would you reach out to the lost in a heart of love and not of judgment? Would you only speak words of salvation and not of condemnation? 

     Once my church believes the gospel then the world will believe. This is the gospel: That I so loved the sinners of the world that I sent my only son to save them. That I still love the people in the world and I am offering them salvation and not judgment. I don't call them sinners but children in need of adoption.

     Do you believe in the cross my children? Do you believe the blood was enough to save the world? The preaching of the cross is the power of my salvation. There is no power to save in condemnation or gloom and doom. Perfect love casts out fear and all those who preach fear are trying to cast out my love? Over and over in scripture I tell you to fear not and so many are telling you to fear? Whom will you believe?

     In this New Year would you please go back to preaching about my love and my grace and how the power of the cross is still enough to save? It’s time to come to me outside the angry, religious, judgmental camp and follow me into the Promised Land where my love flows like milk and honey. The milk is for the babes in Christ and the honey is for the mature who have tasted and have seen that I am good. It’s my goodness that leads men to repentance and not fear.

     Put aside all fear my beloved and go into this New Year with peace and know that is is my good pleasure to give you the kingdom and it is my good pleasure that all the kingdoms of this world will become mine. 

     I am leading you into glory and victory and not into fear and wrath. It is time for the age of my glory to cover the earth as the water covers the sea. My kindness is my glory and I want you to tell the world that I am kind and good and full of love and mercy. Please separate yourselves from all teaching of fear and wrath. These things scatter the sheep and do not gather them into the green pastures of my grace.

     I love you so much my beloved. Please don’t forget that you are my temple, so worship me in the holy place in your heart. Get to know the God who dwells within you. You will find me when you search for me with your heart because I dwell in your heart. I love you so much that I choose to dwell within you because you are my heaven.

     Rejoice my beloved and again I say rejoice because I am so much in love with you. My abounding grace and loving-kindness is about to overtake your world. Will you love me by loving each other? Will you let me love others through you?  Never fear my beloved for I am with you always.

     I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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