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Thursday, April 20, 2017

Lighten The Load

Matthew Chapter Eleven

28: Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. 
29:Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30:For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”

Hebrews Chapter Twelve

1: Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.

Isaiah Chapter Nine

6:For a child is born to us, a son is given to us.

The government will rest on his shoulders.

And he will be called: 
Wonderful Counselor, 
 Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, 
Prince of Peace.

7: His government and its peace will never end.

He will rule with fairness and justice from the throne of his ancestor David for all eternity.

The passionate commitment of the LORD of Heaven’s Armies
will make this happen!

     I woke up this morning and Jesus was speaking these verses to me. He spoke some things to me and asked me to share them with you. Here are the words he said:

     My loved ones. So many of you are carrying burdens that you are not supposed to be carrying. When I called you to follow me I told you to bring me your burdens and cares and to cast them upon me for I care for you. You were not meant to carry the load you are carrying. It weighs you down and stops you from running your race. I long to carry all your problems and cares. It's my job and my joy to do so. I don't just remove burdens and sin and sickness and death because I have to. It is my great joy to do so.

     I am not wearied by you bringing your problems to me. I am delighted. It shows that you believe in me. It tells me that you trust me with your lives and your deepest cares. What a great joy I get when you unload those weary shoulders of the  packs full of fear and doubt and unbelief and negativity. I love to see you unburdened and dancing on light feet instead of staggering under a heavy load.

     Think about the verses you just saw and heard. Who would you rather have handling your problems? Would you rather try to govern your affairs yourself or would you rather turn them over to someone whose title is Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Prince of Peace, Everlasting Father.?

     Just imagine if you were going to court alone today and suddenly you found out that you don't have to go alone. The greatest attorney who ever lived took your case and is representing you not only as his client but as his child? What relief would that be?

     Now just imagine if you were in a business deal and you weren't sure what to do but you had the ability to access all the wisdom of the one who is called “wonderful counselor”? Imagine if this counselor gave you free information about all the deals you have to do and all the market futures, and all the hidden costs that you couldn't see? Imagine if that counselor knew all the prices of all goods and service now and into the future. Imagine if you could go into every business deal knowing the effect of the decisions you make before you make them? Why would you not use this if it were not only available but free? Especially when the counselor delights to work with you.

     Now imagine you are in need of a miracle. You don't have to wonder and wait and try to manipulate things to make them improve. Just suppose you could instead turn them over to someone who is called Almighty God and Everlasting Father? Not just the all powerful creator who made all things, but also you loving Father who delights in supplying your needs because although he is almighty God his favorite job is being your Dad. What would you do if you could just unload all your problems and cares and worries and rest?

    You can. It's called the gospel. This is why it is such good news. You no longer are in charge of all the things that burden you. You give your life to me and you and all your problems are my responsibility. All that I need you to do is let go and let me have them. I want you to lighten your load.

     Do you really think that your problems are too much for me? Look around at creation. Beautiful creation! Do you know how many different types of birds and fish there are? Do you know how many different flowers and plants and insects and creatures of all kinds that I created? I know each and every one by their personal names. 

     Do you not see the clouds in the sky and the drops of rain and the flakes of snow and yet no two are exactly alike? Do you not see so many different types of trees each of them with different leaves and each of them standing where I designed them to live. All of the flowers full of beauty even though they are only here for a season. I built a life for each of then even though they are but for a moment. You are an eternal being and my child. Do you think I would care for the flower of the field and not for my own child?

     Now think about the stars in the sky and see each of them is different in light and glory. Each in its place all doing the dance each night circling the north star. Showing that all the glory in heaven revolves around the “one light” All the truth in all of creation revolving around one truth. One way, one truth and one life.  All of heaven's glory showing that all things run on my schedule and according to my plan. 

     All these things are example to you of why you should let me handle your worries and cares and why you should stop wasting your time worrying and start spending your time in worship and fellowship. I want you to focus on me and let me focus on your problems. I want the government and governing of your life to be upon my shoulders because I love you.

     This is your assignment for today. Look at these things my beloved. Look at all the things I do without lifting a finger. Things that run on schedule. Seasons all in their places. Stars, sun and moon all in their places. The beauty of creation that I gave for you to enjoy and to rule over. Look at all these things. 

     Now look at the cross where I carried your sickness, disease and poverty. I took your lack there and your inability to make decisions there. I took your confusion there. I took your hopelessness there. I took you guilt and sin and shame there. I took your past mistakes and future missteps there. Just because I love you. Love is the reason for all I do. It is who I am.

     I took everything to my cross that would ever hinder you from living in my glorious gospel. I took it there and left it there, so would you leave it there also? Would you stop living like the cross never happened? Would you stop looking at the cross as an act of judgment and see it for what it really is? It is the greatest gift of love ever given.  I love you so much that I didn't want you to have burdens and cares. I wanted to deal with them before you were even born so that you could live free and live in glory with me. 

     When you see the cross as an act of love and mercy then taking up your cross becomes a joy and not a burden. When you understand these things you will happily put all the things that beset you on the cross so that they won't interrupt our time together. You will see the joy that comes from being crucified to the problems of this world, and the joy that comes from living from the eternal side of the cross.

     No more worry my loved ones. Give me your cares. Don't try to do this alone. Let me live through you. I'll trade you. You take my easy yoke and follow me. I'll take your worries and your problems and put them back on my cross where they belong and you can live in victory. You not only have a race to run, you have a race to win. So give me your burdens. It's time to lighten the load.

     This is the end of the words He spoke to me early this morning.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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