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Monday, July 17, 2017

Precious Treasue

     An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

     As I was praying today Father spoke to me and asked to write down the following words and share them with you. He said:

 My children, my precious treasure, listen to my heart. You hear me by heart and not just by voice. You are listening for a voice when I am giving you my heart. If you will be still and listen you will hear me in your thoughts and dreams also.

     I know many you want to give up but you can't. You can't go back to where you were because you know I am no longer there. I have brought you to a place where you have no choice but to trust me. Do you not think my disciples did not have days when they wish they could go back to what they knew? Some of them even tried. It is common to want to go back to where you have been because you know that place and you know where to hide. I don't want you to hide anywhere but in me.

     I want to teach you how precious and valuable you are to me. You are my delight and my greatest joy. I chose you because I wanted you because I loved you and I will always love you.

     Today your religious culture tries to tie your value to your calling. If you are in what you call the five fold ministry then somehow that makes you more important than those who aren't. This is not the way my kingdom works. We are first of all and most importantly a family. You are each precious to me. It doesn't matter if you are an apostle or a toilet scrubber at the meeting place, each of you is my child. Your value to me is because you are my child.

     If you had two children which would you value more, the child who became a doctor or the one who was unemployed? See how silly that is to put your value in your calling and not in being my child? Once again I say, "You are valuable to me because you are my child." If you never do great things for my kingdom it doesn't mean you are less special than someone who does. Jesus washed all the disciples feet. They were all precious to him.He told them to do the same to each other. I was in him loving them each and every one.

     It is the same with you. Yes each of you is gifted with certain callings and gifting to share but that doesn't make one above the other. Is your blue eyed child more important than the brown eyed child? The boy more important than the girl? The rich more valuable than the poor? The one who can sing more important than the one who dances?

     It's time my church stopped fighting for position. The place I have placed each of you is where you fit best. Contrary to your belief I didn't put you where it would be best for me. I put you where it's best for you. I love you and I wan't you to be eternally happy with what I have given you to do but it's not about doing or achieving it's about being. Jesus came to make you son's and daughters not to give you a job title.

     No one earned their calling or their gifting. That is why it is called a gift. Each of you has gifts and each of you is a gift. As I told you through Paul's letter to the Ephesians, I gave some apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers and evangelists as a gift to the church. 

     Those who truly understand their callings will not flaunt it. They understand that callings are for serving and not for ruling. You will know them by their fruit and by the Spirit. You don't have to see it written on a business card to know when you see one. Most of the time if you see the word bishop or apostle on their business card it's because they are trying to convince themselves that is what they are.   So many in my church today are fighting over titles of apostle or bishop or pastor. What is this? This is not the way a family works. You are all brothers and sisters and the only title that matters is are you my child? I wish you would all drop the titles and call each other brother and sister because that is what my heart desires.

     Jesus understood that he and I were one but he came to serve and not to rule. In heaven we rule by serving. Power and gifting are not to be used to make you feel special. If you find yourself in one of these offices it is because you were put there to serve others and not to feel important. The world fights for position and power. This should not be in my church.

     My loved ones. Do you not know how valuable you were to me long before you were ever born? Before you ever did one kind thing. Long before you found yourself in my kingdom you were loved and the value for you was set. It cost me all that I had to get you and I paid your ransom before the foundation of the world. I knew that sin would want a fortune to sell you back to me and I didn't even blink at the price. How much is your child worth to you? Would you pay with your life? Of course you would.

     What I am saying is once you understand your value to me then you can rest and stop trying to find your worth elsewhere. You can stop trying to become something you are not just to feel like you are worth something. You can settle in to the place I put you and bear much fruit without struggling. You can release the gifts I gave you and be a blessing because of who you are and not because of what you do.

     So many think that if you can do miracles and great wonders then you will be worth something. If you would stop trying to "do" miracles then you could "be" a miracle. If you would just rest in my finished work then these things would flow from your spirits and you would not be straining to produce that which comes natural to you.

     The miracles that my Son did and the apostles did were not born out of works. They were born from fellowship with me and my Spirit. Jesus told you that he didn't even do the works. He told you that I did the works in him. It's Christ in you the hope of glory. Let him dwell in you. Abide in him and abide in me and let us abide in you and then heaven will pour forth from you because you are overflowing. Where do you abide? Where you abide is where you live and rest, not where you work.

     My loved ones are struggling to do great works so that they will be accepted by the so called church. You are already accepted in my beloved so what more acceptance do you need? Face it. The miracles most people seek are not born out of fellowship or love for another. If you will be completely honest about what you usually see, it's not about bringing me glory or setting captives free, it is about getting highlight videos for the internet so they can look important or to validate their ministry. Nothing wrong with sharing my love on the internet, but why you do what you do is most important. Is it to bring glory to me or is it to show people how wonderful your church is? This is not why we do miracles. They are done from love and compassion and are done to restore people's sense of value.

     Do you remember the miracle done for the lame man at the gate of the temple? Peter and John were not going preaching. They were going to pray. When they saw the lame man they told him to look at them? Why did they do this? They did it not to get his attention but to restore his dignity. He had been a beggar so long he could no longer look anyone in the eye. He didn't feel worthy enough to do so. This is also why it says Peter took him by the right hand. It's the hand men shake to business with . It made the man feel like a man again and showed him he was equal to them.

     Remember the woman who was bent over that Jesus healed? He said this daughter of Abraham should be healed. If she was valuable because she was Abraham's descendant then shouldn't people who are my children be valued because they are mine?

     Think about this for a moment. In the scriptures it says that if all the miracles that Jesus did were written down the world could not contain the books. So why didn't we write them down? Why did we only list a few in the scriptures? The miracles Jesus did were born out of compassion for others. We gave you a few examples but miracles are not the proof of a disciple. Love is. They will know you are my disciples by the love you have one for another. 

     It never was about the show. Today it's all about the show even if people have to do what they call "fake it til you make it." Fraud should not be in my church. The show must soon come to an end if you want the real to return. 
If you want to see a show then look up. The heavens declare my glory day and night. Look at the world around you. The fact that you exist is proof that I do also. How can some be so foolish to think that they exist and I don't?

     You don't need signs and wonders to know that I am with you. You know I am with you by the love that is in your heart. Signs and wonders flow from love not to love. They are gifts from my heart to you. Not something you can earn or work up. Your value to me is not in how much power you can release or how many miracles you can work. It is because I love you. It is because you are my child. It is because my son proposed marriage to you and you said yes. 

     I have given you my Spirit who lives in you. We came to you and made you our home. What more proof do you need that you are valuable to us and important to us? I could live anywhere I choose and I choose to live in your heart. Why do you need anything else to make you feel valuable?

     If you get your self worth from what you do then what happens if you can't do it anymore? If you are a professional athlete and you get old and can't play anymore are you less valuable as a person because you can't run and jump? Is a child who can't walk less valuable than one who can? Is a fireman who can't work because he was injured saving a life less important now that he can no longer fight fires?

     See my loved ones, what others want you to believe is that if you don't measure up to Jesus or Paul or Peter then you aren't as important to my kingdom. This is why you were told not to compare yourselves to others. Each of you is a treasure in your own way. Each of you is worth more than all the wealth of heaven. Each of you is worth what I paid for you. So just enjoy being who you are and stop striving to perform for me or others.

     This is one reason there is so much confusion in the church. Each of you know people who call themselves pastors and they are not. How can a man be a pastor if he hates people? Some call themselves prophets and sell millions of copies of books making predictions about things that are coming and they never do come to pass. Stop buying their books and they will stop selling them.

     If your mechanic was wrong time after time would you still pay him to work on your car? If your dentist kept pulling the wrong tooth would you go back? If your doctor kept giving you the wrong medicine would you keep paying him? Many of these people who are in the wrong place are sincerely trying. They think they have to be a household name to be important and so they go into error trying to be someone besides who I made them to be. So they step into positions they have no gifting for and fail miserably. 

     My children, it's time to wise up. Each person is valuable because you are mine. Each of you is gifted and called so find your gift and use it. Don't try to be someone else because they seem more spiritual. They may not be more spiritual, they may just be crazy.

     Stop modeling yourselves after anyone but my son. He is your example. He is the image you are being conformed to. Was he an apostle? Yes he was. Was he a prophet? By all means. Was he a pastor? Yes he is, that is why he is the great shepherd. Is he a teacher? Of course he is. Was he an evangelist? The greatest of all. So why do you look anywhere else for an example? Even my beloved Paul said "follow me as I follow Christ." He didn't say just to follow him because he was an apostle.

     It's not about who you follow on Facebook or twitter or whatever your latest social media platform is. It's not about how many are following you. It's about who you followed to the cross. Did you pick up your cross and follow him to the place you call Calvary? Did you lay down your life for him as he did for you?

     My loved ones. If you cant see how precious you are to me then consider this: How much is Christ worth? Does he not live in you? Is the bank not worth the amount of the investments that are in it? The whole Godhead dwells bodily in Christ and he dwells in you. So just how much are you worth?

     This is the end of the words he spoke to me a few moments ago.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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