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Tuesday, September 11, 2018

I Love This Mystery Called You

     An audio version of this message will be available soon at the link below:

     Thanks to all of you who read and respond with kind comments and most of all with prayers. It is a great joy to share this journey with each of you as we discover who our Father truly is and who we are. The more I know him the more I find him to be the kindest person I ever knew.

     Today’s blog is about that kindness. On Friday September 7th I was having an awful day. Things were about as bad as they could be. It was a hard struggle but some of you sent encouraging words and I could feel the prayers of many of you on my behalf and I am so grateful.

     As things that day went from bad to worse I finally decided that I was not going to be a victim of circumstances any longer. I took out my guitar and began singing with all my heart to my Lord. I used worship as a weapon to drive away all the negative things that had surrounded me. As I began feeling better I knelt to pray and at this moment something very amazing happened.

     Suddenly things disappeared and I was in the spirit realm. I was standing before the throne and in awe of God Almighty’s glory. The light was too bright for my eyes to see his throne but I could see Jesus sitting by his side. 

     As I bowed to worship I was told to come nearer. I slowly walked up towards Jesus and my anguish left. I was overcome with joy inexpressible. As I gazed upon him I felt his loving eyes pierce right through me with love that I can’t even describe. I waited a moment and soaked in his glory.

     As I became more comfortable with my surroundings I looked and Jesus had a book in his hands. He asked me what I needed and I said “Lord I would like to know what you are reading? He held up the book and it was entitled “The Book of Michael Ott.” I was amazed and he began to tell me about this book.

     He said, “All my children have their own book and this is yours. I wrote it long before you were a conscious being. Long before you had form or substance or imagination I loved you in my heart and you existed in my love. You have never been alone even for one moment in your life. You have been safe in my hands and in my heart and you have always been adored. On your worst days and best days my burning love for you never wanes. You are my delightful child and what you are going through doesn’t change my love for you or my plans for you."

     I was curious so I asked if everything was written in the book. Is my life completely written in stone or are there things that are my choice? He said, “There are some events like your birth and your family and many blessings that were written to appear in your life. There are also some blank pages for you to fill in. It’s an open book and you have the power to write what you wish on the book of your life. I love the pages that we write together; the ones where you fellowship with me and consult with me and we work together; me working with and through you to write in the empty pages. This is my favorite part."

     I was again curious so I asked: “what about my mistakes and failures? Are they written there too?” He said, “They have all been deleted and are never mentioned.” “If you do the wrong thing or go against the plan of victory written in your book then we take steps to bring you back onto the right page and to the right line. You could never go so far away that I wouldn’t bring you back. You can’t run from me for I live in you.”

     Suddenly I began weeping with joy. The tears of sadness that I cried just moments earlier were dried and forgotten for the moment and I was lost in glorious joy. He knew what I would ask next so he reached out his hand and said “would you like to see yourself in my book I wrote about you?”

     I took the book and began at the beginning and I began to see all the ways that I had gotten off script and how he used events and people and even angels to bring me back onto the page where I belong and back into the safety of his book. Suddenly I realized that I didn’t have much time to stay there so I quickly turned to the last page of the book. I wanted to see my ending. I wanted to know where my life ends and when. I thought it would be good to know so I could be ready when the time comes.

     Much to my surprise as I got to the last page and looked down at the last line I closed my eyes. Do I really want to see this? I thought about it a moment and decided that I did so I opened my eyes and saw these words highlighted with glory and it read: “Not the end. Only the beginning!

     I laughed with delight because it occurred to me that we put so much focus on the here and now and we never even considered that the entirety of our lives on earth may just be the forward of the book of our lives.

     As I stood there giggling like a little schoolgirl Jesus spoke to me. He told me to look at the book again more closely. So I looked at the cover and once again I saw in bold letters: The Book of Michael Ott. But what I failed to notice was at the bottom of the cover it said “Chapter One.”

     I stood there amazed and full of wonder and worship. How much does he love us that he took the time to write a book of each of our lives? He made them to be living books so even though the plan of victory for our lives is concrete and his calling is sure, there are living pages that can be rearranged to bring things back into order and get us back on track for his plan. Oh how great is his wisdom and love. Bless his holy name forever and ever and ever!

     I knew it was time for me to go so He asked me to bring back this message to each of you and here is what he says:

     “My beloved children: You are not wandering in a wilderness. You are living a book called your life. Yes there are struggles, but which of you would read a book if it began with “It’s a wonderful day and every page was the same? A book where there is no trouble or suspense or danger, just sunshine every day? It would be a boring book wouldn’t it? And in a book like that how would the characters learn truth and love and learn to overcome to the point where they could be trusted with the power of the age to come?”

     “All this will make perfect sense when you reach chapter two. Even I had to come and partake of the struggles and trials and even death. There was only one way to defeat death and that was to go through it and come out the other side alive. “

     “Please my children don’t fret or worry. If you feel out of place just stand still and come to me and ask me what page of your book you are supposed to be on and how to get back to living the script of life. 

     You were never an accident born without a plan for bringing you to glory. If I put the sun and stars in order and even set the bounds for the sea and wrote my life in the stars do you not realize that you are part of this glorious plan? You are the plan. You are my precious loved ones. I created you to share my eternity with. The only reason I needed an eternity is so that I could fully reveal myself to you over time so that you could know how much you are loved.

     My beloved ones: No more fear and worry no sadness and weeping. This is why I told my apostles not to rejoice in the power they had over the enemy but to rejoice that their names are written in heaven. Your name is written there too. It is written in my book and yours. It is written in my heart. 

     You are the plan and you are my book. I love reading about you in my book. Keep writing love letters to me on the blank pages. I love it when you do that. It is like a diary we share and we both have a key and no one else ever sees what we write. "

     “My dearest children: Know you are loved. Come see me and read about yourself in my book. Come boldly in worship, knowing that you are always welcome. I entered into heaven with my blood and left the gates open for you to follow me right in. This is your home. All that I have is yours. You are welcome here. Come and ready my book.”

     As all of you know that each time I have an encounter like this I write a song to commemorate it. It keeps it real to me. When the enemy comes by and tells me it was just an imagination I can sing the song and he leaves like ten minutes ago.

     So I wrote this song called I Love This Mystery Called You. I hope you enjoy it. Just click on the link below that says “song and it will take you to the song.

Once again,
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,


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