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Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Come Let Me Adore You

    An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

michael's podcast

Luke Chapter Seventeen

21. Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

John Chapter Fourteen

10.Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on my own authority, but the Father who dwells in me does his works.

Colossians Chapter One

26. The mystery hidden for ages and generations but now revealed to his saints. To them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.

First John Chapter One

3. We proclaim to you what we ourselves have actually seen and heard so that you may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ.

John Chapter Four

23. But a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for the Father is seeking such as these to worship Him.

    As I was praying today these verses popped up from my heart into my mind. I pondered them a moment and then I heard Father’s voice saying to me to listen and write and publish.

Here are his words:

    My loved ones stop searching for me outside and look at me face to face inside. I am telling you these words again because the old habits of your training are hard to break. Most of you as children were given a concept of a God who was far away beyond the sky looking down upon the world. Yes I am there because I am all places but my home is in you.

    This was the mystery hidden for the ages but it’s not hidden anymore. It’s time to fellowship with me in Spirit and in Truth. Do you remember that question that was asked of my Son? Some say on this mountain and some in Jerusalem but where should we worship?

    This was the plan. I don’t want to be a faraway God. I love you too much to live anywhere but inside you. You are my beloved ones and I am closer than your own breath because that is where I wanted to be. This is why Jesus said I seek those who worship me in Spirit and truth because your spirit is within you.

    Do you remember that you were told to make melody in your heart? This is where I live. I long for your worship inside your own heart and soul.

    Once you understand true worship then it will all make sense. You have been taught that worship is one lesser being giving praise to a higher being but this is not the truth. True worship is two who are one heart, one mind and one soul adoring each other in joy because they belong to each other. Are not two who are married equal but each of them refers to the other as “my better half?”

    Do you remember that what I told you the new covenant is? I will walk in you and live in you and I will be “Your God” and you will be “My People.’

    With intimate whispers I will write my laws of love on your beautiful heart and lovely mind. Not with harsh words or words chiseled on stone but sweet flowing words teaching you the rules of love so you will be beyond harm because you are my beloved.

    My covenant with you is a covenant of love better and stronger than any marriage you have ever known on earth. I am your God because I belong to you. If something is yours it’s because you own it. I own you and you own me and it is a perfect circle of love that never ends. This is what being “one” is all about.

    Your heart is my home and my sanctuary. I made you this way so I could live in you in Spirit form. Do you remember that scripture says that all the fullness of God dwells bodily in Christ? It is true of you also. I didn’t give you part of me and hold back some of me for a later day. You have all of me and to complete worship I need you to give me all of you.

    From now on think of the word worship as the word “intimate” See yourself as the one I love and see me as the one you love and let’s worship each other. Put yourself in my arms and stay here.

    I already proved my adoration of you by taking away everything that could separate you from me. Do you remember the scripture that says nothing can separate you from me? Not even death. So true that to live is Christ, and to die is gain. We will never be separated from each other.

    Scripture tells you that he that is joined to the Lord is “One” spirit. It also tells you that what God has joined together let no man put asunder. What I have joined together is eternally bonded and can’t be pried apart by anything or anyone.

    Yet I hear some of you saying “well what about if a person turns his back on God?” Try turning your back on your heart. It’s inside you so you can’t do it. You could try to run but I am inside you so when you get tired of running I am still there. I am not willing that any should perish. I have a plan to win every heart. Please stop looking for reasons to separate and look for reasons to join together.

    My loved ones; I love you with all my heart and there is nothing you can do to change my mind. You are the very dream that I dreamed before we made the world. My Son built the world as the place to honeymoon with his beloved.

    You are in a garden and have a garden inside of you. Think about your beloved spouse. Yes you travel together and greet others outside yourselves and have friends and family and gatherings. But that is not where you are intimate. You have a secret place for that and the most secret place of all is in your heart. Even in your own home your intimacy can be interrupted by something or someone outside but in the very secret place of your heart there is a place where only you and I have access to. This is the place of worship.

    So my beloved ones, will you spend time each day in this secret place and what happens inside will fix what is outside. My Son walked in love and fellowship in his heart with me and through him I saved the world. Peter wouldn’t leave my voice to get involved in the daily chores of the church and we became so close that my power was released through him and healed everyone in his presence.

    No more seeking outside for power and prosperity and fulfillment. Come inside and let my love for you turn the world outside you into what is inside you.

    Oh if only you would come inside with your thoughts and your worship. If you do you will hear me sing your praises as you sing mine. You will feel my adoration of you as you adore me. You will finally understand how much you are loved.

    Remember that worship means intimacy between equals. I have made you from me and soon you will know who you are. I will reveal it to you in the secret place inside you. Stop looking for the kingdom on the outside when the King is within you.

    Jesus told you that in my house are many mansions. You are my mansion and your heart is our secret place where we worship each other. You come to me and let me fix all that is wrong outside. I can do that while we adore each other. Oh come let me adore you!

    This is the end of the words He spoke to me moments ago.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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