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Saturday, October 3, 2020

Awakening To Glory! Part One

    An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

michael's podcast

    As I was praying today Father spoke to me and asked me to listen, write and share his words with you. Here are his words: He said:

    My beloved ones: Do you know who and where you are? Did I not seat you in heavenly places in my Son in his glory? You are not an earthly being trying to experience a heavenly reality. You are a heavenly reality of Spirit experiencing an earthly event.

    My loved ones, you were told to never again know anyone after the flesh. You are not flesh creatures; you are spiritual sons and daughters of God living inside a physical body. 

    As long as you focus on the fleshly part that you are experiencing you will neglect the spiritual part of you that is eternal reality. This is why you were told to set your mind on things above. You must begin to see yourselves as the spiritual beings that you are so that you will change the things around you.

    Imagine it this way. Suppose you were from a powerful kingdom and you were an ambassador sent to a poor, dilapidated country to put things in order and bring this country up to the standard of the one you call home. Now imagine you forgot what country you came from and started living as the locals do in poverty and brokenness. Soon you would be broken and powerless just like the local residents even though you have all the wealth and power from your home country available to you.

    This is who you are. You are not earthly beings. You are heavenly. You come from heaven with all the power and resources of your home country available to you. The only problem is that religion has taught you that you are a poor lowly creature trying to claw his way up to be a part of the heavenly kingdom; when that is who you have been all the time.

    My beloved ones; you are a spirit. Where do you suppose that spirit came from? I am the Father of all spirits. I didn’t say the creator of all spirits, I said the Father of all Spirits. Do you not remember in the letter to the Hebrews it is written:

“Besides this, we have had earthly fathers who disciplined us and we respected them. Shall we not much more be subject to the Father of spirits and live?”

    If you will pause a moment and think of this it will occur to you who you really are. If your last name is Smith and your Father’s name is Smith are you not both Smiths? You are my children. Not my creation but my children. I made Adam’s body from earth but I breathed life from inside me into him yet the “last Adam” was my Son. He was not born from the will of the flesh but by the will of the Spirit. This is the family you come from. You are not Adamic! You are Christ’s!

    This is what my Son told you when he was speaking of John the Baptist. Of all those born of women none was greater but anyone who is born in the kingdom of Spirit is greater than John. The part of you that was born from me is spirit of my Spirit. 

    It is time to get to know yourself as you truly are. You are not this vile earth creature roaming about waiting on some blessed day. You are my ambassadors sent from heaven to put the earth in order. All of creation is not waiting for some rapturous event but rather waiting on its owners to tend to it as a mother tends her child. Do you remember what the Psalmist said? “The highest heavens belong to the LORD, but the earth He has given to mankind.”

    So let me put if plainly my beloved: You have forgotten who you are. You have been asleep for a long time. You are my sons and daughters and you are on the earth to put it into the order of heaven. You are powerful and without limit. 

    I told Moses to look into the heavenly realm and make the earthly look like the heavenly. I am telling you the same but as long as you are gazing at the earthly then earthly is all you will reproduce.

    All that is necessary is to know you are and why you are here. As long as you see yourselves as victims you will live in defeat. As long as you see yourselves as slaves you will live in slavery. When you awaken to the truth of your heavenly reality you will take your places and begin to accomplish what you came for. 

    So my beloved: When you look in the mirror look past your physical being and look into the realm of the spirit and see who you truly are. Again do you see what was written in the Psalms?

“I say, ‘You are gods; you are all children of the Most High. But you will die like mere mortals and fall like every other ruler.’” Rise up, O God, and judge the earth, for all the nations belong to you.

    Because you believed the lie and forgot who you are you have entered into the fate of the world you believe in. You are all gods. You were born from me but you have fallen because you forgot who you are.

    So in this very Psalm is your assignment. Awaken to who you are and do as the Psalmist said:

“Give justice to the poor and the orphan; uphold the rights of the oppressed and the destitute.
Rescue the poor and helpless; deliver them from the grasp of evil people."

    Remember my children. There is one who sits at my side. He rules over all. He wore flesh like you but he overcame that limitation by believing that he and I are one. He still wears his flesh but the flesh did not overcome the glory of who he is, but the glory of who he is overcame his flesh and changed it into glory also.

    This is who you are my loved and lovely ones! You are gods from God. The only way to overcome where you are is by knowing who you are. You are my children and your kingdom is high above the physical realm. You are empowered by me to overcome this dimension and put it in order. Your kingdom is unshakable and has the power to shake all things and remove everything that is not like itself.

    I will that you should know me in Spirit and Truth. I want you to fellowship with me not as a faraway God but as a loving Father who is closer than your thoughts. As you do this you will awaken even more. Soon all will be awake and this is the change that is coming.

    So take your eyes off of political change and financial change and all other kind of change. Yes I want you to care about your country and be a part of making all things more like heaven but remember that your true citizenship is in heaven and not earth. 

    Your hope and help is not in politics and earthly things. I am your helper, your friend and your Father. It is not about your rank on earth. You are royalty from heaven. There is no title higher on earth than child of God. Wake up my children and know yourselves as I know you. Just because you were asleep doesn’t mean that you weren’t always my children.

    The awakening is underway. Soon all will know me from the least to the greatest! As promised the earth will be full of the knowledge of my glory as the water covers the sea. You are my glory! Jesus was the firstborn of many brethren. My glory is arising because my children are awakening! Awaken unto the glory that you are!

    This is the end of the words He spoke to me moments ago.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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