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Thursday, July 28, 2016

Becoming One

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Hebrews 7:26

For such an high priest became us, who is holy, 
harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens;
Matthew 12: 20-21

A bruised reed shall he not break, and smoking flax shall he not quench, till he send forth judgment unto victory. And in his name shall the Gentiles trust.

      I was praying today and thinking about how wonderful our Father is and how much he loves us. As I was doing this he spoke to me and said:

     My son please write down the following words and share them with my beloved ones.

     So many of you are starting to think with your hearts and not your heads. You are beginning to see the end of world religion and are seeing the relationship with the one who loves you. I want you to be free and to know your loving Father and to know the one who gave his life for you because of his love for you. I want you to know my love that passes all knowledge and be filled with my fullness. I want you to know that you are secure with me, and in me, and to know that I am harmless and gentle.

     This is the way to experience me as I am. You must be totally convinced of my love for you and then you will give me your whole being to dwell in. So many of my children only give me a little space inside their hearts. I fill that space and long for more because I want to pour myself into you because I love you. I want to live in your hearts and minds and bodies.

     I want to fill you with everything that is in me and in heaven but I will never force you to let me in. You have to choose. I will not make you love me. I want you to love me because I love you and for no other reason. I want you to know my love for you and respond to that love by loving me in return.

     There are some places within you that I really would love to live in. Places like your doubtful mind, your troubled thoughts and worries, your physical bodies and of course in your dreams and hopes for the future.

     So why would I want to live in these places? It’s because I love you and if you will just open these places to me then I will come in and fill you with my love until you have no cares or hurts or pains. My love is the cure for all of your problems.

     I am love and love and I are inseparable. You can’t have me without love and can’t have real love without me. If you open your being to my love then you also get all that goes with me. You get healing and deliverance and blessing. You get all that I am but you can only have me if you choose me by love.

     This is what is lacking in the church. People want me for my prosperity and my power but they don’t really want my love. They are afraid of falling too deeply in love with me and surrendering more of themselves than they are willing to part with. They want to still exist as two but if you want my love and power and blessing you must choose to merge with me and become one.

     This will require some changing and I can’t change so it will be up to you to change your mind about who I am. I know you have heard that I am an angry God that was only appeased because of the sacrifice of my son but this is not who I am. I am love and I only do what love does.

     I have never and will never rejoice in the destruction of anyone or anything. This is why Jesus told you that not even a sparrow falls without my being there to catch them. I know each one of them by name and I love and care for them. I don’t and never have rejoiced over anyone’s destruction or troubles. I am a liberator by nature and I rejoice in freedom and I am never pleased with bondage of any kind.

     This is why Jesus came to set you free from sin so that sin could not hold you hostage any longer. I didn’t want you trapped by sin so I washed it away so that you could walk in holiness and send sin back to hell where it came from.

     It has always been about love and never been about anything else. When Adam fell I went looking for him and called him. I didn’t want the shame of his nakedness to stop our fellowship.

     He ran and I ran after him. I created layers of skin to cover him in place of the glory. I did this for his shame and not mine. I was not ashamed of his nakedness, he was. That is why I asked him “who told you that you were naked?” I didn’t tell him because I love him and didn’t want to embarrass him. Yes I put him out of the garden in my fury but my fury was not at him but at sin itself. Once you see sin for what it really is you will understand. It’s like a disease that kills. Think of it this way. When someone you love gets a terrible disease are you angry at your loved one or angry at the disease?

     Also, I didn’t kill an animal and cover him with dead skin. I created layers of skin to cover him with and that is why you have layers of skin today. I made him a “coat” of many colors and that is why you have different colors of skin today. The different colors of skin reflect the different family colors in heaven. Jacob understood this and clothed his son the same way. The coat of many colors represented that he would rule over people of many colors as he did in Egypt.

     I was not ashamed of Adam and I have never been ashamed of any of my children no matter how much trouble they have gotten themselves into. Didn’t you hear the parable of the prodigal? Once again a child fell away and once again I went looking for him and met him with a righteous robe to cover him with. I always go to the end of the road looking for my children and always will until they are all home safe.

     Please my beloved, consider these things and think about how much you are loved. Think about it day and night and know that you are safe in me. You can open your whole being up to me for a home and I will move in.

     I love my children so much that I even moved into a box called the Ark of the Covenant just to be close to my people. I would rather live in a box with you than the palaces of heaven without you.

     This is who you are my beloved. You are loved so much that Jesus prayed that we would all be “one.” I don’t want us to be two any longer. My apostle Paul told you that in marriage two become one but he was speaking of Christ and the Church.

     I am living in you by faith, but only in your spirit because you haven’t surrendered your minds and bodies to me yet. I’m hoping when you understand this love letter that you are reading now you will open up and let me in. 

     Behold, I stand at the door and knock. Will you open to me?

     This is the end of the words he spoke to me earlier today. I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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