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Thursday, July 14, 2016

We Are Not Divided

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Ephesians Chapter Four
Verses four through six.

There is one body and one Spirit just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call. One Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.

     As I was praying for our nation and our world today Father's voice came to me and he said:

     My son please write down the following words and share them with my beloved ones.

     It’s time to change the hope in my church. For two generations the hope of the church has been set on escape in the event you call the rapture. This is not the hope of heaven. The hope of heaven is Christ in you, the hope of glory.

     It’s time to recognize that I am not building the greatest army of people who walk in love and power just to snatch them away when they are needed most. Haven’t you seen in your own current world events what happens when the army that is keeping the peace removes itself?

     I want you to know that it is my heart to save the world and not destroy it. All the things you see on your pre-programmed news and movies is your enemy’s plan to destroy your hope.

     It’s the same with all the division going on. I told you there is neither Jew nor Greek, male or female and there is no black and white. You are one in my son and I don’t want you divided. Those who would divide you are not helping you. Stand up to this lie and unite in faith. Yes there may be differences but you can meet at the cross. There is common ground there.

     There are rights and wrongs on both sides but choosing opposing sides doesn’t solve the problem. Speaking the truth in love will solve the problem. 

     I told you in the letter to the Ephesians that I am gathering all things together into one into Christ and this is why the world system is trying to separate you from each other. The only thing they don’t know is that you are joined in spirit and they don’t have the power to separate you in that realm. They can only work on your minds.

     Too many of my children are looking to government for help and not to me for help. Your government or any government that is of this world can never do what the kingdom will do when you realize that you are not from earth. You are born again from heaven. 

     In heaven we don’t have these disagreements because none of you are divided in the spirit realm. It’s only in mind and flesh that you are divided. In the heavenly realm you are all spirits and each of you has different personalities and bodies but those things are celebrated here because of their uniqueness. They are not an excuse to divide. They are a reason to worship.

     So please my beloved. Don’t be divided. Be united in one Lord, One Faith, and One baptism. One God and Father of you all who is above all and in you all and I will add in love with you all.

     Please don’t believe what you see on the news and read in the latest fear book printed by people who say they are mine but are not or they wouldn’t try to scare you to make money from you.

     I want you to set your hope on Christ in you and not in government. Not in any politician. Not in any movement. Your hope is in me and my hope is that you will join together as one. Black, White, Yellow, Red or whatever shade your dust suit happens to be at this moment, if you are in Christ you are one, like it or not. You are not divided.

     Please join together and bring my kingdom to the earth. Make earth just like heaven until the two are indistinguishable. Love each other and care for each other and heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the leper, feed the hungry, restore the fallen. Do all the things that the government is trying to do because the church stopped doing what it was called to do.

     Understand that my plan is to take over the kingdoms of this world. Those in power right now know this and that is why they try to keep you in fear and division. Tear down their kingdom by loving each other and helping each other. Don’t give them any hateful things to show on their news. Give them only acts of love and kindness. 

     Don’t be looking to escape. Look to rule with me. You are not preparing for the funeral of the world. You are preparing for the wedding day of your King. Make yourselves ready in love, not in fear. The one who loves you so much that he gave his life and blood for you is coming to join you in ruling this earth.

     Please my loved ones, love each other and don’t forget that we are one, and we will not be divided.

     This is the end of the words he spoke to me just a few moments ago. I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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