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Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Disciplined By Love

     An audio version of this message will soon be available at the following link:

     As I was praying today, Father spoke to me and gave me the following instructions: He said: My son, write down these words and share them with my beloved. 

Here are his words:

     My beloved ones, it's time to be disciplined by my love. My son came to make you disciples of my love and disciples are made by discipline. Before I teach you these things you must put aside misconceptions of what my discipline is and you must let go of past failures so that you may embrace future success.
     So many of you are paralyzed by guilty feelings for things you have done in the past. Your enemy challenges the power of the cross to take away your sin. He tells you that since you made mistakes since you were saved then those aren't covered. He does this to distract you from your walk with me.

     My loved ones, all of you have good days and bad days. There are days when your faith is soaring and there are days when you struggle. This doesn't change how I feel about you. My son told you that in this world you would have tribulation but to be of good cheer. When you have a bad day don't let it lead you into depression or guilt. Shake it off, get up and move on. 

     Your entire lives on earth are part of your basic training for your eternal purpose. If your training seems hard it's probably because you are appointed to carry greatness in the next age. I didn't put mountains in your way. They are there to give your faith something to move.

     My discipline is not like you have known from your earthly parents. In most of your lives the discipline you experienced is more like punishment than true discipline. True discipline is overcoming and becoming stronger because you faced something that took endurance. It is with faith and patience that you inherit my promises. The more you are willing to be patient, the more promises will be given to you.

     Discipline is not me punishing you when you make a mistake. Discipline is you facing the same thing again and getting victory over it. Discipline is praying at 5:00 in the morning, when you would rather be sleeping. Discipline is smiling at the one who makes you angry instead of unleashing hell fire against them. Discipline is calling down grace on your enemies when you want me to rain fire on them. Discipline is loving the unlovable and seeing sinners not as sinners but as those waiting to see my salvation. Discipline is going without the thing you want so that you can give others what they want.

     My children, Don't let others tell you that my discipline is sickness or disease or poverty. This is a lie. The wages of sin is death. My gift is eternal life. So many people accept these things because they think they have sinned and deserve sickness and death and poverty. They live in constant trouble thinking this is my punishment for them. This is not so. 

     My way of dealing with sin is not to punish you for it but to deliver you from it, and then send you out delivering others. This is my way of getting even. If you are in Christ then you have been delivered from that darkness so shake it off. Set your heart on my light and walk in it. Don't accept sin's wages as my punishment. I know many of you will say "but what about He scourges every son he receives?" You were scourged. You were crucified with Christ and yet you live. 

     The way to avoid the wage of sin is to no longer work for him. Don't do what he tells you and he won't pay you for doing what he tells you. It gets much easier if you see sin as a person and not as an act. Remember the scriptures tell you that whomever you serve is your master. When you walk in darkness you are serving the dark master and he gives you the wages for serving him. When you walk in righteousness you serve me and you share in the inheritance that my righteous son earned for you. So don't accept sin's wages and don't work for him. Don't give him a two week notice. Quit right now. Just walk out on him.

     My children I tell you these things because I love you and I love your freedom. I love you so much that I sent my only begotten son to set you free from the dark one and deliver you into the light of my love. 

     I want you to see my discipline through the light of my love for you. When you struggle don't see it as my punishment. Ask yourself “what lesson of discipline am I supposed to be learning here?” It could be that I am teaching you patience or perseverance. It could be that I am teaching you to trust me but it is never because I am angry with you and I am punishing you.

     If punishment is a deterrent then way are your prisons always full and why is there crime in the streets? Punishment doesn't change hearts and without heart change nothing really changes.

     My loved ones this is what being born again is about. I couldn't fix your old nature. It was not fixable. This is also why Christ came to fulfill the law. The law could only judge but could not make you holy. The law could nail you to a cross with my son and it did, but it had no power to resurrect you into a new being. Now that you are a new creation and born again all that is left is teaching you the discipline that comes with your new nature. I am using natural events to teach you spiritual principles. I am teaching you how to rule and reign with me forever.

     This is not just about right now. Seventy or eighty years is not a long time to train for a position that lasts for eternity. It seems like forever until you get older and you realize that eighty years, one hundred years or even a million years is just a blink of an eye.

   My loved ones. I am telling you these things so you will know me better. I am not a cruel father who beats you each time you make a mistake. I am a loving father who created an eternal purpose for you because I love the idea of us working together forever. I train you and discipline you because I love you and for no other reason.

     When you make a mistake I don't beat you and I don't send you calamity. I love you and restore you and I pick you up and dust you off and tell you to try again. This is what love does. This is who I am. I am your loving father training your for reigning with me.

     So what is reigning? Serving others in love is reigning. He who humbles himself on earth exalts himself in heaven. I sent my son not to be served but to serve you in love. He fully completed his mission and he sits at at my side waiting on you to fulfill yours.

     Please my loved ones, when you face an obstacle don't let your enemy tell you that I am angry at you or tell you that this is what you deserve. He is just trying to drive a wedge between us.

     My loved ones: In your eyes you see an enormous mountain but in my eyes I see it as just another rock that my child is going to skip across the water before it sinks into the sea. Soon there will be no stone that you cant move. My discipline is taking you there.

     I train you because I love you. Don't give up my beloved ones. Look at the finish line. Do you see that person cheering you on and saying “Come on, you can make it?” That would be me. I am so proud of you. 

     If you fall down then get up and tie your shoes and come on. Your past is a backpack full of weights. Throw it down. If you look back you will run into something. If you look down you will stumble. Keep your eyes on my son and at the end of your race you will be just like him.

     Come on my beloved. Learn my discipline. Run to me. I am waiting for you to join me in my throne.

     This is the end of the words He spoke to me a little while ago.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all.

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