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Tuesday, December 4, 2018


   An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

Ephesians Chapter Three

14. For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named, that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.

Ephesians Chapter Four

I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call: one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.

     As I was praying today Father spoke to me and said to me: “Son, write down these words and share them with my children.”

     My little ones, the time of awakening has come. It’s time to awaken from sleep and see who you are. It is time to know the truth that makes you free. It’s time to know who you are and who you have always been. 

     You have been sleeping for a long time. Wrong teachings put you into a deep sleep and you lost your identity. False teachers told you that you were worthless sinners and you didn’t have any value. Then they taught you that you had to do all these things and keep all these new rules they made up to make you right again. I gave you only two rules when I spoke them through my Son. Love me and love each other.

     So what will this awakening be like? It will be resurrection from the grave thinking into the heavenly knowing. You are my children. You have always been my children. My Son came and found you because you got lost. He brought each of you back into right understanding of who you are. You thought your sin separated you from me so you hid from me in the world. All who see themselves in Adam run from me and all those who see themselves in Christ will run to me.

     It was the same lie from the beginning. Your enemy told you that you were naked. He tried to make you ashamed of yourself so you would hide from me. Adam and Eve wanted coverings so they wouldn’t see themselves naked. I was never ashamed of their nakedness. I didn’t tell them they were naked. The enemy told you that you don’t measure up and you don’t have all that you need, so you believed him and went into a deep sleep. It is time to wake up and realize that you are not who the world told you that you are.

     You are my beloved children. You are my offspring and my inheritance. I birthed you by my Spirit. You are not sinners born by accident who just happened to find my mercy. I loved you from the beginning. You were the plan. My lamb was slain before the foundation of the world. I knew what it would cost to keep you for eternity and my mercy was given before it was needed.

     So what does this mean my beloved? It means you must reject the lie. Anyone who tells you that you are unworthy of my love is not fully awake. You are my delight and my love and my plan. I want you to see yourselves as royal, holy children of the Almighty and this will free you from sin and lies and death. 

     You must come to know that you are who you are because you were born who you are. You did not earn your last name. I gave it to you. Do you remember what Paul told you in his letter to the Ephesians that all in heaven and earth are named for me?

     It’s time to know your true identity and rejoice because your family tree is written in heaven. If I kept Genealogy in the scripture do you not think I keep it in heaven? In heaven it is different. Not only is your family line kept but also the line of whom passed the gospel to you. One day you will find the person who taught you the gospel and then the person they were taught by and follow the tree all the way back to my Son.

     Oh Glorious Ones! How long will you see yourselves as small? You are children of God how can you be small? You are the purpose and plan of eternity so how important are you? I hear many who say yes but the scriptures say a man shouldn’t more highly of himself than he ought. But neither should he think any lower than he ought. 

  When you see your royalty you will understand that your neighbor is royalty also, and you will love and respect him because you know that he is mine. Do you remember that my Son told you that if you do anything unto the least of these “My Brethren” you have done it unto me? Wake up to who you are and who your neighbor is. You are not doing things to each other but are doing them to me. What did my Son tell Saul? Why are you persecuting “Me?”

     We are one body. I am the head over all things. My Son is the head of the church and the world. I exalted him and put him on the throne. One day when all things are complete he will give all things back unto me. All things will be under his feet eventually and all things will be in order. 

     It will begin with this awakening when you stop seeing each other as mere men and women and see yourselves as Royal Children of God and stop calling common what is precious. Is there not a person in the world that my Son’s blood was not spilled for? Are not all people precious in my eyes? Which of your children is more important to you? Do you not love them all?

     My dear ones please don’t let religion and the world put you back to sleep. Stay awake with me and fellowship with me and be my friends. 

     My Son came to give you abundant life and light. Don’t dwell in darkness. You are not bottom feeders. You are not children of the dark. Arise and shine. In other words, awake to the truth of whom you are and act like it. No more seeing yourselves as forsaken and belittled. You are citizens of heaven. You have all the rights and privileges of heaven. No more earthly limits. Live like you are from heaven and most of all, love like you are from heaven.

     Wake up my children. Arise, shine, rise up from the dust of religious decay and stand in my glorious liberty. No more being who the world tells you to be. Rise up and conquer in love and wake up all you meet. 

It is a glorious day that is coming upon the earth. Don’t miss it. Don’t partner with those who peddle fear. This world does not belong to anyone but me, and I gave it unto you. Take possession of it and drive out fear and ignorance. 

     The world is coming to a glorious awakening. Only those who love darkness are terrified of light. Destruction is coming and has come already to the dark kingdom. This has nothing to do with my glorious church. Don’t let anyone sell you fear or make you afraid again, you have already passed from death to life and are living in eternity already. Death has no hold on you. If you live on earth I live in you. If you come to heaven you live in me. Why the fear? Please wake up and fellowship with me in the light.

     I love you my dearest ones with love that you cannot even imagine yet, but soon you will. It’s time to let go of the world and grab hold of me. It is time to wake up to my love and wake up to your reality. You are not disgusting sinners saved by grace. You are eternally loved children born of my Spirit. This is the truth that will make you free. 

     These are the words He spoke to me this morning.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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