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Friday, August 9, 2019

Heavenly Hope

     An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

Colossians 1:27

To them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.

Proverbs 13:12

Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life. 

     I woke up today with these verses dancing in my heart. I meditated on them a few moments wondering just what Father was trying to teach me. As I got into my prayer time I asked Father what he was speaking to me and if he had anything He would like to say to me and all of you. He began to speak and as always I wrote down what He said to share with you. Here are his words.

     My children: Why are you hopeless? Why do you put all of your dreams and hopes off until some mystical day when my Son appears in his glory? Do you not know he has already appeared in that glory? The plan from the beginning was not to get you to heaven. That was a given. You were always my children and heaven was always your home and will always be. The great plan was Christ in you the hope of glory.

     Those who are confused have taught you that everything will be okay when Jesus returns and straightens everything out. This causes you to live a life without passion for each day and for the fellowship that comes from my Son living inside you. All your hope and dreams have been put off until some magical time when all things are good. So deferring your hope until that day makes you sick in your hearts and you stumble through life from one calamity to another.

     This must end. You are my temple. The fullness of all of the deity lives in Christ and he lives in you. Why do you hope for a heaven far away when all of heaven lives in you? The whole purpose of my Son coming was to bring you into a place of total trust and fellowship in me. To a place flowing with milk and honey so you have time to spend with us and learning of us and letting us teach you who you are. By putting off all your hope until the future you are losing the precious gift called today.

     Remember I told you in scripture “today if you will hear my voice harden not your heart?” This is what happens. I want to fellowship with you and you hear me in your heart promising you things and revealing things and then you harden your hearts by saying “one day all this will be.” 

     My loved ones; think of it this way. Imagine you did this with your children. Instead of spending time with them each day and enjoying life with them you just said “one day we will be together and there will be glorious times then.” Those of you with grown children will remember that the glorious days were the days when you were together and had good times even in the midst of troubles and trials.

     What am I saying to you my loved ones? I am saying that heaven is now. Christ is in you. I am in you. My Spirit is in you. All the glory and power of heaven above is in you right now and you don’t have to put off until one day what you can have today.

    Today can be heaven or hell. You get to choose. You can let your mind dwell on darkness and troubles or you can set your mind on things above. Not far away above in some place called heaven. I mean in a higher realm of understanding that is in the mind of Christ which is already inside you. There is a higher consciousness that you can log in to.

     This is what Jesus did. He said no man had ascended into heaven except the Son of Man who descended from heaven and is also in heaven.He was conscious of being in both realms at the same time. 

     That was true at his time but now you have already ascended also. You are seated in heavenly places far above all the things; even the things you think you are trying to pull down. The strongholds you need to pull down are not some powerful beings in some place you call second heaven. These strongholds are in your mind. They are thought processes and patterns you have been programmed with that make you think there is some separation between us. We are not separated. We are one. I am in you and you are in me.

     You can learn to live on earth with total access to everything that is in me. This was the plan. The plan was not to help you escape from the world and its problems. The plan was to fill you so full of heaven that you leak heaven out everywhere you go until the earth is filled with my glory and darkness has no where left to hide.

     All of creation is not waiting for you to get to heaven. All of creation is not waiting for the return of my Son to the planet. All of creation is groaning and travailing trying to get you to wake up and realize who you are. 

     Once my children are fully awake you will quickly put my creation back into order. You are kings and priests and you will awaken to your royalty and your plan. I gave you earth as your inheritance. I gave you dominion in Christ to change it. You have been commissioned to put things in order and to make earth like heaven. This is why my Son told the disciples to heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the leper and make disciples of “All Nations.” 

     He didn’t say make converts of all the nations. He didn't say to call down fire on any nation or to overcome it with military force. They are to be trained as disciples and living and walking just as my Son did.

     Most of my children are denying responsibility and hiding in religious caves you call churches. You are praying for me to fix things that I told you to fix. I am in you working and doing these things through you. 

     You are not alone. Holy Spirit is already in and upon you. You don’t lack power; you lack revelation of the power already inside you. Holy Spirit lives in you to reveal to you and to lead you and guide you into the full truth that Christ is in you and all the glory you desire to see in the earth is not to be called down but to be called out from inside you.

     Consider this: When Jesus healed did he ask me to heal or did he access the healing power that I put within him? He knew I was in him doing the work and providing all he needed to put things in order. When Peter and John saw the lame man they didn’t ask me to heal him. They looked inside and realized they had what he needed already inside. You don’t have to ask me to do anything. You just need to ask me to show you how.

     Remember when Jesus was at the tomb of Lazarus? He said “I thank you Father that you always hear me.” He then told Lazarus to come forth. He didn’t have a conversation out loud. He had it inside his heart with me. He didn’t ask me to raise Lazarus from the dead. He asked me how he was supposed to do it. You don’t have to ask me to do. Just ask me how I want to do it through you.

     There are so many things you are asking me to do and waiting on me to answer when I already answered. The answer is not someday when Christ returns. The answer is Christ in you the hope of glory. It’s not in the “sweet by and by.” It’s in the glorious “here and now.”

     My lovely loved ones; don’t put your hope off and make your heart sick. Just fellowship with us today and let us fill your hearts with heavenly joy. Jesus told you that our yoke is easy and our burden is light. It’s through the relationship and fellowship with my Spirit that these things will come about. Just walk with me and talk with me and when I show you how to do something then do it. 

     As all my children wake up it won’t take long to turn earth back into heaven. When the light comes on in each of you will put your own personal worlds in order. You will heal the sick ones whom you know and your neighbors will do the same. You will feed all the hungry in your circle and your neighbor will do the same. It’s not supposed to be hard but it is up to you. You can choose to focus on the heaven inside until you are totally awake to the King of Glory living right inside you or you can continue to pray for “one day.”

     Please my loved ones; awaken to the fact that Christ my Son is in you. I am in you. Holy Spirit is in you. We are not in some faraway place called heaven. We are in some very beautiful heavenly place we call “you.” You are our home and we delighted to live in you. As my Son Jesus is, so are you in this world. I am just as happy to live in you and work through you as I was and am to live and work through him. 

     You are my beloved ones and I want the very best for you and that best is not for you to hope for “One Day.” Our best for you is for you to awaken to the truth that you already dwell in heaven and heaven dwells in you. Take your minds off the things of the world and put them on the heaven inside you. Focus on this reality until all the lies you have been taught about you are washed away in the river of life.

     Hope deferred makes the heart sick but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life. Our hope was that we could live inside you. If you will pull your hope back from “some day” and reset your hope on the true “Hope” who already lives within you then that tree of life will provide all you need. When the greatest dream in your heart is not some day when Christ returns but is knowing the Christ who lives in you then you will experience heaven here and now.

     Please my loved ones; remember that heaven is not a place but a person and that person lives in you. Learn to live in heaven now and be full of life.

     This is the end of the words He spoke to me earlier today.
I hope you are encouraged by these words,
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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