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Sunday, September 1, 2019

Planting Heaven in Your Heart

     An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

Proverbs Chapter Four

20. My child, pay attention to what I say.
Listen carefully to my words. Don’t lose sight of them.

Let them penetrate deep into your heart, for they bring life to those who find them, and healing to their whole body.

Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.

Matthew Chapter Fifteen

19. For from the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, all sexual immorality, theft, lying, and slander.

Luke Chapter Six

A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart. What you say flows from what is in your heart.

     As I was praying today all these verses started flowing to me and I began to ponder what Father was teaching me. As I sat down to look up these verses and read them He spoke to me and asked me to write down these words and share them with you. He said:

     My little ones: Do you not know that your heart is a garden? I gave you a heart as a gift. I gave it unlimited power. I do exceedingly abundantly above all you can ask or think according to the power that works within you. That power is the spirit of the heart. Your hearts have unlimited power to reproduce whatever you plant in them. Just like the dirt in a natural garden that doesn’t care what seed you plant but only has one mission and that is to make that seed grow.

     Your hearts work the same way. If you allow good seeds into your heart you will produce good crops. If you allow weeds and thistles into your heart you will produce them. If you allow both then your garden will be a mixture of both. This is why you see breakthroughs in some areas and struggle in others. You must learn not to plant what you don’t want growing in your life.

     When you think you plant seeds into your heart. When you mutter to yourself in worry and strife you plant seeds in your heart. When you worship and give thanks you plant seeds in your heart. 

     This is why you were told that as a man thinks so is he. Your thought life will get planted into your heart and will spring up into your natural world. This is also why Jesus told you to take no worrisome thought about tomorrow about what you will eat or drink or what you will wear. When you worry you will plant lack into your heart and I am not mocked, whatever you sow there will grow there.

     Don’t you see it in the story of Adam and Eve? Everything they needed was in their garden. All that was necessary was to keep the snake away. How did evil get in? It came in through their thoughts. They never considered they were lacking until the enemy told them the lie that they were lacking. That lie got planted in their hearts and it produced after its own kind.

     All of life works this way. That is why Jesus said if you don’t understand the parable of the sower then you won’t understand anything about the kingdom. When you "think", you are eating of one tree or another. If you do as you were instructed and set your mind on things above and only think on things that are pure and lovely then that is what you will plant into your heart and reap into your lives. 

     All the issues of life flow from the garden within you. You can’t stop it. You are made in my image and you create the same way I do.Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks and you end up speaking out and creating whatever is planted in your heart.  This is why you must listen to my voice and hear my love words for you. I don’t want your lives filled with misery; I want you full of joy and full of life. I want to fill your minds with my words and my thoughts so that your world will be full of heaven.

     You must let the truth of the death and resurrection of my Son to be the measure you measure truth with. Any concept that comes to your mind you must ask yourself is this true according to the gospel of truth. Remember that the law kills but the Spirit gives life. You must judge all things by the Spirit of Truth and not by the legality of the law. 

     For example: If you are angry with your brother you must ask yourself, is the Lord angry with my brother? When you hear gossip and are tempted to repeat it you must ask yourself "did the Lord start this rumor?"See how quickly that stops the issue? You must see all things as I see them and not plant judgment or condemnation on any person that I have forgiven.

     It is not easy. You are being told thousands of times a day that you are lacking one thing or another. They tell you that unless you have their product you are missing out on life. If you don’t have their medicine you are going to die or drive their car you are not driving the right car and if you don’t act the way they do then you are not normal.

     All of this is foolishness. It’s okay to have a new car if you want one. But you are not lesser than another if you decide to walk instead. If you want a big house then buy one but don’t think this makes you greater or lesser or greater than your neighbor because his house is small. You can never be less than my child and joint heirs with my Son. All things are already yours. They can’t sell you anything that you don’t already own.

     A good man brings forth treasure from his heart. How did it get there? I planted it. I already gave you all things that pertain to life and Godliness. Adam’s garden was external and he was in the garden. Your garden is internal. I walk with you in the garden I planted within you. You can never be removed from your garden because it is inside you.

     You can however decide to fill it with weeds by taking thoughts that should never be planted there. I gave you dominion over your garden. You have the right to fill it full of the tree of life or plant hate and despair in it. I hope you will only plant those things that will bring you life and peace.

     My beautiful children: I tell you these things because I wish you great prosperity and health and love and peace and joy. I cannot force these things upon you. They are your choice. I hope you choose to only think on things that plant heaven into your lives. This is how the kingdom works. You take thought from heaven and plant them in your heart and a bumper crop of heaven springs up into your lives.

     You are the trees that bear the fruit of heaven. You are the garden I feed the world from. I am constantly pruning you with my sweet words but you could assist me by not planting things I have to cut down. Please remove all negativity from your thought life. Soon there will be nothing in your lives that you didn’t get from heaven.

     It is absolute fact: Whatever you plant is coming up. I have never had and will never have any negative thought about you or anyone else. If you do likewise you will be full of life. You have the mind of Christ. Think what He thinks. Say what He says. Love like he loves and only plant what you see Him planting. He took away the sins of the whole world so judge by that truth. No more condemnation, no more strife, no more worry. Only plant peace and love and joy and watch your world change.

     I love you my dear children, so love each other and treat each other the same as you would treat me if I were standing before you because I am. I am above all and in you all. I am inside every person you will ever meet. Some of them don't know it so maybe you could tell them. Christ is the light that lights every man that comes into the world. I gave to every man the measure of faith.

     There are great days ahead as your fields only grow the harvest of heaven. Plant the seeds of heaven in your hearts by thinking the thoughts of heaven until earth becomes just like heaven. 

     This is the end of the words He spoke to me earlier today.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time.
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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