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Saturday, February 27, 2021

Dare To Believe

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Second Corinthians Chapter Three

6. He has enabled us to be ministers of his new covenant. This is a covenant not of written laws, but of the Spirit. The old written covenant ends in death; but under the new covenant, the Spirit gives life.

Hebrews Chapter Eight

10. But this is the new covenant I will make with the people of Israel on that day, says the LORD:

I will put my laws in their minds, and I will write them on their hearts.

I will be their God, and they will be my people.

And they will not need to teach their neighbors, nor will they need to teach their relatives, saying, ‘You should know the LORD.’

For everyone, from the least to the greatest, will know me already.

And I will forgive their wickedness, and I will never again remember their sins.”

When God speaks of a “new” covenant, it means he has made the first one obsolete. It is now out of date and will soon disappear.

I woke up this morning with these scriptures dancing in my heart and mind. I got up and began thinking about them. I looked them up and read them a few times and asked Father if He had something he wanted to say. I got ready to write and as I did he began to speak. He asked me to write these words and share them with his beloved children. He said:

My beloved ones, it’s time to get the mixture out of my church. The reason the church seems weak is because it is weak. It is weak because you have not believed the true gospel and the so called gospel you have believed is abominable.

I told you the new covenant I was making was not like the one I made with Israel when I led them out of Egypt. Yet sadly, most of what you have been taught is a mixture of the old and the new. Under the old there were laws and rules and regulations written on stone tablets: The same kind of stone that was used to kill you if you broke the commandments. The New Covenant is not like that.

The New Covenant is not based on commandments but based on the blood of my Son. Your holiness and forgiveness is not based on your keeping of some rules but is based on the sacrifice of my Son. His blood forever cleanses you and makes you holy. The keeping of rules could never make men holy and the blood of bulls and goats could not cleanse you and make you clean because all it ever did was remind you of your guilt. This is why you were told that the blood of Christ could sprinkle your conscious and remove your guilt so that you could freely serve me not as one who is guilty but as one who is holy and acceptable in my love.

My loved ones; when you try to live by the commandments you are mixing the blood of bulls and goats with the blood of my Son. This is not acceptable. My Son told you that he was the only way to me. You can’t get into the holy place by any other sacrifice. If you think you have to keep all the commandments to be saved then you are saying the sacrifice of my Son was not enough and the cross incomplete.

The New Covenant is not like that at all. You don’t need a rule written on a stone that says you should not commit murder because there is a spiritual law written on your heart that says be kind one to another. You don’t have to have a law written on a stone that says you should not commit adultery because I wrote on your heart to love your wife as Christ loves the church and gave himself for her. You don’t have to have a law written on a stone that says you should not covet because it is written in your heart that I already gave you all things that you need for life and godliness.

All that you have been taught leads you into the same death that the old law demanded. This is why our beloved Paul called the law the ministration of death written on stones. All it could do was kill you but it could not raise you into new life. The letter kills, only the Spirit gives life.

In most of what you call churches they proclaim your guilt and demand that you repent of your sins and promise me you will do better this week. They tell you that you are just a sinner barely making it into heaven because I had pity on you. This only proves they don’t understand the New Covenant. What they should proclaim is that your sins were forgiven once and for all time at the cross. They should proclaim your holiness and innocence and teach you how to walk in the righteousness that was imputed to you by my Son.

This is the true gospel. This was taught to you by our beloved Paul in Second Corinthians chapter five. In this chapter you are told that I was in Christ on that cross “Not counting men’s sins against them.” Not only did I not forsake him but hung there with him on that cross. You don’t have a responsibility to tell people they are guilty. You have the ministry of reconciliation. Your ministry is to tell people they were made holy by my Son by the sacrifice of himself and teach them how to live in the holiness that Christ gives them.

As long as there is a mixture of life and death in the belief system then life and death will be seen in the church. Where my Spirit is there is liberty. Those who don’t understand that my true grace leads to holiness say this is a license to sin but truthfully embracing the new life you were given by my Son is the only way to live a holy life. If the law could have made men holy then there would have been no need for my Son to die. The law or the keeping of it could not make you holy. Holiness only comes by faith in my Son. By grace you are saved through faith in my Son and that is not of yourselves but is my gift to you.

The early church walked in signs and wonders and miracles because they believed the true gospel. They didn’t believe that my miracle power was something you earned by good behavior but understood that only Holy Spirit can bring about these manifestations of grace.

The New Covenant is not at all like the Old. The New is a spiritual covenant not written on stones or on pages with ink but written by my Spirit in your heart. This is why you were told if you sow to the Sprit you will reap life but if you sow to the flesh you will reap corruption. Trying to follow the old way with its rules only leads to death. Surrendering to the Sprit and walking in the Sprit leads to life.

You can’t proclaim that my Son took away the sins of the whole world while proclaiming the guilt of any man. If you truly believed in the power of the blood of my Son you would understand that all men are forgiven but those who don’t know they were forgiven still walk in darkness. I reconciled all things in heaven and in earth by the sacrifice of my Son. I do not keep a record of wrongs. All the wrongs of the entire world were paid for at the cross of my beloved Son.

So my loved ones; what do you believe? Do you believe that my Son took away the sins of the world or do you believe you are still guilty along with everyone else? If you believe you are guilty you will continually walk in disappointment and grief. If you believe you are innocent as a little child you will gladly enter my kingdom and live in my loving grace. You can’t have it both ways. You can’t declare your innocence while condemning another. As it is written, “If one died for all then all died.”

My beloved ones I tell you these things because it’s time for you to wake up. It’s time for the revealing of my children. You are all one and equal in all things as you were told by Paul there is no Jew, no gentile, no male no female, no slave or free for you are made equal by my Son.

It’s time to awaken to your true identity as totally forgiven, totally empowered children of God who are going to change the world into heaven. It’s time to get the mixture out of your hearts and believe the true gospel. As you do then the fullness of Christ who dwells within you will flow from you and heal the land.

You are not waiting on me. You are waiting on you. You must awaken to the truth and put away the mixture of the old and new and believe only in the new.

My Son fulfilled the Old Covenant. He kept every law and bore every curse and punishment. I didn't kill my Son so you could go free. The Old Covenant demanded death and my Son freely became sin on that cross to take all the punishment that could ever come upon my children. He did this because of love and not because of my anger. One died for all. You were crucified with him and you are raised unto new life.

I live within you. I am Your God! You are my child. What more could you need but to awaken to the truth. As He is, so are you! There is no separation between us. We are One Sprit! Believe the true gospel and the power that comes with the true gospel will flow through you and heal all those around you.

In my eyes all are forgiven. If you can see what I see then you can do what I do. The works are finished. His blood took away all your guilt. By his stripes you were healed. He became poor to make you rich. All you have to believe is that it is already done and you will live in the rest of the finished works. Will you believe the truth? Will you awaken to the One who lives within you and stop searching outside for what you already have inside? Will you stop looking forward to what is already done?

Those who live by the commandment will die by the commandments. As you were told in the letter to the Galatians; those who live by the law are slaves and will never receive the inheritance that comes by the Spirit. Those who live by the Spirit have already been raised to new life and don’t have to struggle with sin because it’s no longer in their nature.

All that you seek is already fact. All the works are finished. Those who believe in the finality of my Son’s sacrifice will walk in the power of the Spirit. Those who try to earn it will never attain it. Live in the truth. You were made holy by the sacrifice of my Son. Live in the holiness you were given and please give the same grace to all that you see. See all men as forgiven and lead them to the forgiveness that was given them when my Son took away all their sins. Preach the true gospel of rest and you will see the power of the Spirit confirming what you preach.

I did not send my Son to condemn the world but sent him to save it. There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ and Christ drew all men unto himself at the cross. Just because they think they are still sinners and live like sinners doesn’t mean they weren’t forgiven. It just means they don’t know the truth. Teach them the truth of the cross and the resurrection. Teach them the truth of the Spirit within them.

Love each other as you love me and as I love you. Please put away the old and live in the truth of the New Covenant. I am walking in you. I am your God and you are my people. I am never keeping record of your wrong but encouraging you to walk in true holiness that only comes from knowing who you are.

My beloved ones; get the mixture out of your heart and your belief system. Believe in my Son. Believe he took away the sins of the world, believe that we live within you and stop looking outside for life when life is within you. I love you and want you to walk in freedom and power. You were brought nigh unto me by the blood of my Son. Believe the truth and enter the rest that comes from knowing the truth. My Son is the savior of the world! Will you dare to believe the truth and stop listening to the lies?

This is the end of the words He spoke to me earlier today.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His grace,
I love you all

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