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Thursday, March 4, 2021

Let It Go!

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Philippians Chapter Three

7. But whatever gain I had, I counted as loss for the sake of Christ. Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith that I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, that by any means possible I may attain the resurrection from the dead.

Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Let those of us who are mature think this way, and if in anything you think otherwise, God will reveal that also to you. Only let us hold true to what we have attained.

    As I was praying these scriptures bubbled up in my heart and I felt in my heart that Father wanted to teach me what they mean so I sat down to consider them and as I did He spoke to me and asked me to listen and write and publish His words to his beloved ones. Here are his words. He said:

    My beloved ones; I long for you to know me as I know you and I sent my Son so that you could have life more abundantly while on the earth as you have it here in heaven. There is one thing that is really slowing your progress and that is your unwillingness to let go of the past and grasp the future.

    When the Apostle Paul wrote the words to the Philippians these words were something they had never heard. The whole gospel was brand new at the time. Some who were Hebrews had been under the Law of Moses all their lives. Had they not been willing to let go of what they had learned they would never have taken part in the truth of the gospel. It’s the same today. When I spoke these things through my beloved Paul and my other Apostles it wasn’t all I had to say. My church is stuck so far in the past they can’t lay hold of the present and the future is not even on their radar. They cling to the words of the past and miss the words I am speaking to them in the present time. 

    My loved ones, The New Covenant is not in your bible. It’s in your heart. I said I would write my laws on your heart and mind. The letters in what you call the New Testament are holy and important but most important is for each of my children to have a relationship with me in your heart and not through a book. You shall live by every word that is proceeding from my mouth. Not just the ones I said generations ago.

    Think of this: When these letters were written most people couldn’t read or write. So should they be left out because they couldn’t read them? Should those who live in poverty stricken places be excluded from a relationship because they can't afford a bible? My early church did not have what you call a bible. It came hundreds of years later. They understood that relationship with me is not a religion but a living, breathing, passionate fire that is unquenchable and can never be contained in just a book.

    There are so many of my children who never go farther than the book. There is so much more waiting for those who will go beyond what is written there and let me teach you heart to heart. Remember you were told that the Apostles were the foundation of the church and my Son is the Cornerstone. The purpose of a foundation is to hold up the building that is built on top of it. They gave their lives so that you could flourish in this relationship with me. They wanted better for you than they had for themselves. So will you love your bible but love me more? Will you only know the one who lives on the pages of the book or will you know the passionate love who lives in your Spirit?

    This is why it was written that I seek those who worship me in Spirit and in Truth. It is not this mountain or that mountain or this building or that building that I wanted. I wanted each of you to know that you are the holy place and I live inside you. You were told to make merry in your heart. We can do this together. You sing songs inside your heart and if you will only listen you will hear me singing to you also. This is true worship.

    Worship is not one way! It’s not that I need you to worship me so that I will remember how good I am. Here is the truth. You were brought into this loving relationship between me and Holy Spirit and my Son. We love and adore and worship each other. This is what true worship is. I adore Holy Spirit and I adore my Son and I adore you. It’s the same with my Son and with Holy Spirit. We adore each other and we adore you so much that we created eternity just so we would never run out of time to show you how much you are adored. This is what I am calling you into. Not a dead religion that is two thousand years old but a loving relationship that is renewed second by second.

    My loved ones it is not just the dead religion of your past I need you to forget. So many of you are so burdened with guilt over past mistakes that you can’t snap out of the pattern of destruction that has become normal to you. You continually play this movie in your mind of all the mistakes you have made and play the “should have could have if only I would have” game in your head until you are sick. You must let this go. You are causing your own chaos. Because you continually bring this guilt and self hatred into the creative power within you keep getting the same results in your lives.

    You have no excuse. If the Apostle Paul could forget his past and move on into the future you can also. Guard your heart with all diligence for out it flows the issues of life. Don’t let guilt or anger or any other destructive thought ever get to heart level. This is why you were told not to let the sun go down on your anger. Don’t let it settle into your heart even if you are angry at yourself. Dismiss it immediately so it never gets into your heart.

    So I hear you asking but how do I do this? You must change the movie in your head. Don’t think of negative things from your past but only focus on the glory to come. Staring at the problem will not fix the problem. Remember I told you before that if your car is broken and you stare at the broken part all day the car will not get fixed? You must look past the broken part and look for a new one and soon you are driving again. It’s the same in your lives. You must stop staring at the broken parts over and over and start looking for the new life that you were already given. It’s already inside you but your focus has been on your mistakes and not on the truth.

    Here is the truth. You were sanctified, justified and glorified! You were chosen in my Son before we made the world. Your sins and your guilt were taken away by the blood of my Son. If you keep proclaiming your guilt you are denying His sacrifice. By constantly crucifying yourself you are not giving him glory for what He did at the cross. If you believe I am counting your mistakes against you then you do not believe the gospel. Do you want truth or do you want to remain in unbelief?

    My beloved ones; forget your past. Awaken to who you are and how much you mean to me. Set your minds on things above. If the thought you are having is not beautiful then spit it out and don’t think it again. Think only on things that are peaceful and lovely. The only way to change your future is to forget your past. When any thought of guilt comes to you immediately say “The Son of God took away my guilt on his cross!” The absolute truth is that you and I are one. If you condemn yourself you are condemning me. Let it go. Let the past go. Again I say “Let it go!”

    There is a glorious future available to you but you must choose it. I would never force you to do anything. I love you and will woo you with my love but I will never force you or demand anything of you.

    So my beloved, dear children, will you let go of the broken past and sail full steam ahead into the glory that is coming? I want to fill the earth with heaven and we can do this if you are willing. If you will recognize that heaven is within you and can be released into the earth through you then we can move forward. Once again, you are not waiting on me but I am waiting for you to awaken to the truth that you and I are one. We are inseparable. I will never forsake you. As long as you see yourselves as separate from me then you have not believed the gospel.

    Remember the words of my beloved apostle. There is One God and Father of "all" who is above "all" and in you "all." You can’t focus on me and on who you are as long as you are focused on what you did. 

    What you did and who you are not the same. You are not your past mistakes. When you were a baby you soiled your diaper. You are not a soiled diaper. You are not any other mistake you ever made either. You are my beloved child. Let go of the dead religion that keeps you condemning yourselves and awaken to the truth of reconciliation. I reconciled “ALL THINGS” by the sacrifice of my Son. You are seated in heavenly places and so perfect and beautiful in my eyes and in my heart. See yourself as I see you and you will be whole!

    This is the end of the words He spoke to me earlier today.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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