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Monday, August 29, 2016

Running Your Race With Patience

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     Hebrews 12:1

     Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

     While reading my bible today I was drawn to the book of Hebrews as I am many times because there is so much still to be revealed in this book. As I was meditating on it and praying Father’s voice came to me and He said the following:

    My son, write down these words and share them with my children. Oh my beloved ones. I know your hearts are weary and your paths have been long. I know many of you have waited for years for prophetic words that were spoken so long ago to come to pass. Don’t give up my beloved. I will cause all these things and more to come to pass.

     I hear many of you say that you are old and it’s too late for the things to come that you have waited on all your years. It’s never too late, but if you come home before you accomplish all that I have promised you then your children or your closest loved one will inherit the word promised you so no promise goes unfulfilled.

     My loved ones. I need you to have patience while waiting for all these things to happen. Don’t harden your hearts as they did in the wilderness and then not receive the promise because of a stubborn heart of unbelief.

     This is why I told you in the letter to the Hebrews to not falter and give in to unbelief but to encourage each other each day. This is why it was said “Today if you hear my voice.” You must listen each and every day for the renewed promise so that you don’t grow weary. Many have grown weary instead of being patient and have died before all the promises made to them came to them.

     I don’t want you to be like that. I want you to fully walk in all the things that were purchased for you at the cross by my beloved Son. There are so many things that pertain to you that have not been accomplished.

     Think about Joshua and the spies that had faith. Even though they had faith and were ready to take their promised land they had to wait along with everyone else because of the unbelief of many. It is the same today. Some are ready to walk in the power of the age to come and some are dragging behind trying to live in days gone by and refusing to cross the river into the faith that will change everything.

     I know it doesn’t seem fair but there is one body. You are all part of each other. Many of you have seen great things to come and want to run right into those places right now, but your fellow brothers and sisters are not ready to go there. It will take patience and unity to get the rest of the body in place and ready to rule the earth. You are one faith, one baptism and one body and instead of running ahead you must take time to strengthen those who are slow and help them come along.

     Once you see the church as a body it will make sense. The eyes and ears and mind see the age to come but the feet are crippled, so the mind and eyes and ears must work on getting the feet well so that you can enter together. It is wonderful to reach ahead but very important to reach back and strengthen those who run slow because they are burdened.

     I promise you my children there is a day of glory coming like you have never imagined and you will see it if you will run with patience and help those who are behind you to catch up.

     Remember that Jesus wanted to teach more but he said the generation was dull of hearing and their hearts were hardened and their eyes were closed. Paul told the Corinthians that he wanted to speak many more things to them but they were babies in understanding. It’s the same today. Many of you see there is much more available but trying to get others to follow along is difficult but you must keep trying. The body only moves as fast as its slowest member.

     So my beloved ones keep seeking me with an open heart and look ahead to the great victories to come and don’t let your hearts become hardened because things move too slowly. Be patient and run your race and be encouraged. Just like your brothers and sisters the prophets who saw things long before they would come to pass.

     It’s the same with you. It’s not that I am slow, it’s just that some of you see really well and have seen what is coming from a long way back down the road. What you saw coming is right on time you have just been looking at it for a long time, so please my children, don’t become impatient. Rejoice and know that I always fulfill my promise to you. It will be well worth the wait so strengthen and encourage each other while it is called today. Hear my voice and don’t harden your heart but let your heart be filled with faith because of my voice.

     I love you my dear children and I have a great future ahead for you and your children and their children and their children and so on as long as the earth remains.

     Once you learn to take joy from my presence then you will have patience to wait on my promise. It is by faith and patience that you inherit the promises, but remember they are inherited and not earned. Think of it as a long journey with the one you love the most. Where you are going is very important but enjoying the journey is wonderful also. I love the journey we share together. Are you enjoying it also?

     This was the end of the words he spoke to me at that moment.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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