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Sunday, January 15, 2017

Practicing Heaven

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     As I was praying this morning my loving Savior spoke to me and asked me to write down these words and share them with you. 
He said

     My precious children. There is no end to my love for you or my patience with you. I proved that love for you when I hung on that cross for you. I did it because of that great love and so that you could be with me forever. Today I want to speak to you about practicing heaven. I told you in my word that you should pray to our Father that his will be done on earth as in heaven. This is what I want you to practice.

     Let us begin with your thoughts. When thoughts come to your mind ask yourself, would you have these same thoughts if you were not in your body but were standing in the presence of our glorious Father basking in his love? You are there already my loved ones. You are in me, and I am in you, and we are in our Father. You are our temple, so we dwell in you as you dwell in us. If you understood these things it would change your thinking.

     I know you have a saying on earth, “What would Jesus do?” How about also asking yourselves what would I think? If you are going to live my life it begins with thinking as I think. I know many of you will respond with the scripture that says “your ways are not my ways and your thoughts are not my thoughts,” but that doesn’t apply to the born-again believer filled with my Spirit. You can have my thoughts and you can have my ways, and it is our greatest desire for you to do so.

     For instance, if you are worried about money, would you be worried if you could see my Father in his glory sitting on his throne smiling at you and telling you that he will provide all you need and has done so already?

     Those of you who worry about your children would you worry if you could see your children in our hands and see the future we have for them. Would you fear for them or would you rejoice because we are saving you and your whole house? I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It wasn’t just Abraham I wanted but his whole family line. It isn’t just you that I want, but it’s your children and grandchildren and great grandchildren. I want all of them and I will have them. If you believe in me then I will save your whole house.

     Those of you who are worried about your health think about where you really are. Can you really stay sick when you are in my presence? When the healer lives inside you is there any chance you can’t be healed? Only if you don’t realize who I am within you and don’t let me work through your mind and heal you.

     Your mind is the door between my world and the physical world. Your thoughts are the wall that keeps me out of your life. The scriptures tell you that “as a man thinks in his heart so is he.” This is absolute truth. I saved you and love and I want you well and blessed, but I will not force you. You must choose as an act of your will to let me have your thoughts and let me live through them.

    My beloved, it’s not hard. You just need to learn how to practice heaven. That is what I did when I walked on the earth. I brought my character from heaven and modeled it for you. You are just as much in heavenly places as I am. Once that truth sets in you will begin to model heaven also.

     My beloved Paul told you that he didn’t come with excellent speech but with the demonstration of my Spirit and power. What he meant was that he came and demonstrated what a man filled with the thoughts and desires of heaven looks like. You can do the same.

     Here is a major problem. Your enemy has told you that you are not complete and you are still trying to attain to a place that you can never have. He tells you that you are a failure and a dirty rotten sinner and there is no way you can walk in holiness and power. These are lies that you believe in your mind and they keep you from awakening to who you really are. You are complete in me. I have already blessed you with all blessings in the spiritual realm. You are lacking nothing.

     You have all you need but it’s in one compartment of your being called your spirit. However, your spirit is subject to your natural mind and can only flow as you give him permission. As long as you do your thinking with your natural mind and not your heavenly mind you will face these problems. To be heavenly minded is life and peace. This doesn’t mean you won’t have problems. It means you are well equipped to solve them. You have all you need but you must practice letting heaven rule through you.

     Now that we spoke about your mind about yourself we should speak about your thoughts concerning others. You must learn to see others as I see them. You must love them but warn them. When I was on the earth I modeled this for you. The scriptures tell you in Hebrews chapter Seven that I am your high priest. I am undefiled by sin and separate from sinners. However; sinners loved me when I walked the earth. They knew I loved them but they also knew that I wouldn’t partake of their sin with them.

     I became sin on the cross to take away the sins of the world. I didn’t do this to allow the world to keep living in sin. Even if they won’t admit it, sinners don’t want someone who will let them sin, but want someone who can deliver them from it. Have you ever seen someone addicted to something who didn’t want to be free from it?

     This is where my church is missing it today. Yes, there is abundant grace but that grace is not so the world can live like they want and still go to heaven. Is that all that my blood means to you? My blood was to cleanse you from all sin and put you into righteousness and holiness. I came to free the world from sin, not to free the world to sin.

     I am not counting your sins against you but there is one who is. His name is Death. He keeps score, I don’t. He pays in wages and his wages are harsh. This is why I gave you the law of the spirit of life in me. It sets you free from this vicious cycle of sin and death. You don’t have to sin and you don’t have to die. But you say, everyone dies. Enoch didn’t. Elijah didn’t. So, it’s not everyone. Yes, it is appointed for man to die once but if I died for all then all died. Remember the words of my beloved Paul when he said “should we continue in sin because we are not under law but under grace? God forbid.”

     Do you remember when I told you that there is a new covenant and in this new covenant there are laws that I am writing in your heart and on your mind? Why would I write them in your heart? It is because they are laws of love. Not laws of punishment. It’s not a “thou shalt not” law. It is a promise. When I said “if you love me you will keep my commandments” that is what I meant. The way to keep them is not through keeping of statutes and trying to keep up with all the traditions. The way to stay holy is to once again “practice heaven.” In heaven love rules. Everyone loves everyone and would never consider sinning against another, because their love for me and each other is too strong.

     Let’s look at it this way. Those of you who are married do you want your spouse to be true to you because they have to, or because they are so much in love with you that the thought of being with someone else would never enter their mind? This is the love law. Once you know how much you are loved you will fall in love with me, and you will be filled with the fullness of that love, and your hearts and minds will change. You won’t need to look into a book of laws when my ways are written into your hearts.

     I tell you this because my church has been preaching the wrong message. Some are preaching that I hate sinners and can’t wait to destroy them because they don’t keep the law of Moses. Others are telling them that I love them so much they can live anyway they want to and all will be well. Those who tell them either of these things don’t truly love them.

     Think of it this way. If they legalize all drugs today and anyone can have any drug they want, do you want your children addicted to them because they are legal? If they legalize murder today do you want to kill you neighbors? Of course not, because you love them. If they legalize prostitution do you want your sons and daughters to become prostitutes? Of course not. Sin destroys lives because the only thing sin wants is you dead.

     I love sinners and I want them saved and free from the things that are destroying their lives and their homes. If you saw your child playing with a rattlesnake would you say “that’s okay, he is old enough to decide what to do on his on? My loved ones we must be truthful with the world. Yes, I am in love with them but their enemy is destroying them when freedom is available. “When I said “Be ye holy as I am holy” it wasn’t because I hate you, it is quite the opposite. I love you and living in holiness is living in heaven. I want you living in heavenly ways not earthly ways.

     I am not asking you to do anything in your own power. I gave you Holy Spirit to empower you. Why do you think his name is “Holy” Spirit? Could it because he brings the holiness of heaven and pours it through you so that you have the power to live in perfection? How do you think I kept myself pure and holy when I walked the earth? I did this through the power of the Spirit.

    Let’s look at this for a moment. When I was baptized and Holy Spirit came upon me it wasn’t for signs, wonders and miracles. The first thing he did was lead me into the wilderness where I faced every temptation that a man could face. Once I told sin to “get behind me” then I came back empowered to do the miracles I did. 

     Holy Spirit takes my righteousness and holiness and imputes it into you. You don’t have to do anything in your own power. I will walk in you and live in you and I will be your God and you will be my people. All I need is for you to do is wake up to the fact that if you are born again you are a righteous, holy being filled with heaven and that heaven is waiting to be modeled to the world.

     My beloved, please see who you are. You don’t have to be bogged down in the sins of the world. They want you to be empowered to help them not join in with them. The best way to save a drowning person is by pulling them to shore, not by drowning with them.

     Those of you with ears to hear, there is about to be a separation of those who are willing to let go of the world to gain me. I will separate the light from the dark and there will be no twilight. There will be noon day sun and there will be midnight darkness. You will decide if you will walk in the light by practicing heaven or hide in the darkness.

     Please choose the light and drag as many out of the darkness into the light as you can. If you love them, warn them. Don’t tell them I am about to pour out wrath on them. I am not. I told you he that believes in me will not perish, but he that believes not is damned already. I didn’t damn him, his own choices did. Salvation is a choice, love is a choice, holiness is a choice. I will send my angels “messengers” and gather out of “MY KINGDOM” all offensive things and then the righteous will shine like the noon day sun.

     Those who choose the light and to practice heaven will become great lights on the earth and you will shine and will walk in my power and might and there will be no end to the increase of my kingdom. You will learn to practice heaven and as you learn you will turn earth upside down until heaven and earth are mirror images of each other. When you have completed these things and made my enemies my footstool then I will come and reign with you. When you make my pathways straight I will walk them with you.

     I do love you so much my beloved ones. So much that I long for you to dwell in the holiness of heaven so you can enjoy the blessings of heaven. Don’t forget my loved ones. Love each other and encourage each other. The world is trying to discourage you and tell you that you can’t overcome this world. The truth is you already overcame when you were born again.

     Be at great peace my beloved. I will never leave you and my greatest joy is to dwell in you.

     This is the end of the words he spoke to me this morning. 
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all.

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