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Sunday, December 16, 2012

Father's Voice

     Some mornings I awake to the sound of the birds singing and the beautiful light of a new day and a new start, but this was not one of those mornings. It was much better. I awoke to the voice of my Heavenly Father lovingly saying "Wake up my son!" I have some things to share with you.

     As usual, I didn't want to miss a word so I quickly started my computer so I could write down His instruction. He spoke for quite a while and some of what He said was personal and some He told me to publish later but I am happy to share what I can with you.

     As I said in an earlier post, He doesn't give me these things because I'm some special messenger or prophet. It's really much simpler than that. He speaks to those who will listen.

     I encourage all my brothers and sisters to take time out to hear His voice. Father is not pushy, if you feel a gentle calling to get up and pray in the early morning hours then you are hearing His voice also. If you feel like you need to just get somewhere quiet for a little while that means you are hearing His voice. It's not some super-spiritual thing. It's just a loving Dad talking to his kids. Take time to listen. It's the most wonderful feeling in the world to be in His presence listening to His voice. Please excuse my rambling and the important words, the ones He spoke are below.

     My son, seek me early in the predawn hours. I will give you a vision and an outline for the day ahead. I will show you what needs to be done that day so we can get things done and still have time to spend together.

     I am not limited. I want both your fellowship and the carrying out of my will. I am trying to bring my sons and daughters into a place of rest from their labor. The problem is that they are trying to do too many things and not the things I have for them to walk in.

     When Jesus walked the earth He walked in fellowship with me and His ministry was the outpouring of the relationship we shared. He didn't do miracles to make me happy. He made me happy with his fellowship and so I poured the miracles out from there.

     There is so much more power available to you than that which you are walking in. I want to be able to spend time with you and shorten the work load and make it easier for you. Remember; you rule from a throne where you are seated with me. Do you remember what I wrote to you in the book of Ephesians that you are seated with me in heavenly places? It's that sitting down with me that gives you the power to reign with me. Come away with me each day and let me heal you from all the stresses of life. Let me renew your light in my presence and you will find rest for your soul.

     I know you are concerned about the things of the kingdom but come to the king first. Seek me for I am the king of the kingdom. If you have me then you have found the kingdom. I have conquered your enemies already. You can rule over them from the power of my presence. Be not afraid for I am with you and will never leave you. You can have it either way. I can be with you in trouble or you can be with me in victory. It’s your choice.

     It's all a matter of perspective. Where your mind dwells is where you live. If you dwell on the things of the Spirit as you were instructed, you will reign from this place of Spirit. If you dwell on the problems of the world then I have to come and dwell there with you, for I promised not to leave you.

     So choose where you will establish your dwelling. Remember I said you were in the world but not of the world. You are my ambassador. Your physical location is earth but your seat of power is in heaven. Come away with me and I will show you easier ways of releasing the healing and wisdom that I have given you to release.

     Most of my church does things the hard way. It's easier to rule from my Spirit. You can walk in works or you can prosper in grace. I will bless the works of your hands. If your work is to manually dig all day long to make a living that is honorable and I will bless it, or if you choose to make attending to worship and walking with me your life’s work then I will bless that too.

     Servants have no choice but to work all day in the heat. Sons come in and out and oversee the works of my hands. Remember I put Adam in charge of the works of my hands not the works of his. The works were finished and he was to rule over them. Learn this key. The works are done. Rule over them. I gave Adam a voice not a shovel. Servants toil to bring forth fruit from the earth. Sons speak and the fruit appears.

     Remember how the disciples fished all night and caught nothing but at Jesus’ command they cast the nets on the other side and caught many? Jesus told Peter to throw in a hook and when he threw in the first hook and brought up both food and money. See how easy that is?

     It was never my will for men to be slaves. I am a God of plenty and built the earth to supply abundantly all people need. The earth is man's slave but man has become the slave of the earth. Things are upside down. Turn them over and around with your faith filled words.

     Teach my people to rule over the works of my hands by using the same principle. Keep pressing in to me for these greater things that you are seeking. I want things to be like they are supposed to be. I want to walk with all my sons and daughters in the cool of the day. I didn't create the world to be a burden. I created it to be a meeting place for me and my children.

     If you can stretch this far then hear this: I created earth to be the playground for my children. Keep stretching the bounds of your faith and let me show you heavenly things. All I've shown you this far is earthly things. I am willing to take you higher if you are willing to go. All things are possible to those who believe but to those who don't believe even the simplest things are impossible. Believe and doubt not.

     Take every thought captive. The key to ruling your world starts with your mind. Until you understand that the mind is the last battleground that the enemy fights you on. I overcame the enemy in the heavenly and earthly realm. When are you going to run that snake completely out of your garden? You can't allow him even visitation rights into your mind.

     Declare your mind and your imagination to be holy ground. Did not I say that the last enemy to be defeated was death? Did I not also say to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace? So if you are willing to find that place where no darkness exists in your mind, then you can know my ways and walk totally in the light and you can see me face to face.

     The darkness of the human mind is the veil that hides me. Purify your mind from all evil. Let your mind be filled with my light and my love. When you come to the point that you are incapable of thinking evil of anyone, then there will be no darkness within you. There is a clear path to walking with me in the fullness I planned. It's laid out for you plainly in scripture but it comes down to ruling your own mind.

     People keep begging me for more, but believe me I've given all I have already. It's up to you to walk in what I've already accomplished. Remember, I gave my only begotten son? What does that mean? It's not that He was my only son, He created all things and all things exist by and in Him. He was and is everything to me so I gave my all. I didn't have any more to give. But now I have already freely given you all things but you have to take them out of the storehouse by faith and use them. Didn't I say that it’s by faith and patience that you lay hold of the promises?

     Why must you do things the hard way my beloved? You are breaking rocks with a hammer when there are explosives available to you; take them by faith and use them. You can move mountains with faith words or you can keep chipping away at them with your hammer. I give you free choice which tools you choose.

     Wake up my son and know who you are. You have already received your inheritance. Remember, Jesus ruled the earth in the body He was in. If you reckon yourselves to be dead unto sin I can quicken the dead body that you are wearing now and make it alive, but the only way to be transfigured is by the renewing of your mind. It's the last obstacle.

     Your mind is the last enemy to be put down. Just remember it is by the Spirit that you overcome it. Fill your mind with my wonders and my words and you will not leave room for anything else.

     Thoughts are the seeds that leave your mind and are planted in your heart. Then from your heart these things are spoken out though your words and are planted into your world. That's why it's so important to win the battle in your mind. Overcome evil with good. Plant good things into your mind and you will change your heart and then you will change your words and then you will change your world.

     Do you remember in Romans I said to be transformed by the renewing of your mind? To be transformed means to be changed from one thing into something completely different. Here is another clue my son; to be transformed is the same meaning as Jesus was transfigured.

     Just as I had my beloved Paul write in his letter to the Corinthian church: take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. I know that seems difficult but with the help of my Spirit it will become much easier. All I need you to do is start and I'll empower you to finish. 

     So remember today my son that you are in my love, and don't forget to come away with me to spend time today. I love visiting with you and you are my favorite, just like all your brothers and sisters. Each of you is my favorite. With you this seems impossible but with me it’s easy.

     I love you all with all I have. I created eternity just so I'd have time to spend with you all. Remember to walk in love and pray for peace. 

     So there it is my family. I hope to share the rest with you later as He permits. As always I hope you are encouraged by these words.

Until next time,

Grow rich in HIS grace,

I love you all,


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