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Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Miracle Bucket

     I was watching television one day and there was nothing on but a bunch of commercials trying to sell us products that we just must have. There was one that was trying to sell some kind of miracle mop to clean up messes with. I thought to myself that I would rather have the bucket than the mop. That’s when I realized I already have a miracle bucket. So here is my infomercial about the one and only miracle bucket. Play along with me and imagine seeing this commercial on your TV.

     Ever have days when it seems like nothing will go right? No matter how hard you try you just can't get things turned in the right direction. Are you frustrated with trying too hard in your own strength to make things work out? It seems the harder you try the worse it gets. Did your spouse get angry with you today or your boss ride you so hard that it ruined your day?

     Well my friend there is a solution. Today in a special offer I bring to you the miracle bucket! That's right there's a miracle bucket that will make things better instantly. Don't fall for those ads by the TV preachers trying to sell you the next book or CD series about how to perform miracles. There is a much simpler solution.

     Just take this miracle bucket and submerge it into the well of salvation. Take the full contents of the bucket and dump it all over your world. Completely saturate your entire world with its contents. Watch closely as things begin to change instantly. Watch your troubles vanish away and your problems being solved right before your eyes.

     So I’ll bet you are wondering how this miracle bucket works. Well here is the answer.

Isaiah 12:3

Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation.

     That's right this bucket is called joy. And here is the best part. This bucket called Joy is absolutely free to you. It comes as standard equipment with the inviting of Jesus into your heart. He prepaid all shipping and handling costs at the cross. He will even meet you at the well to show you how to use your bucket as demonstrated in John chapter four when He met the woman at the well.

John 4:14

But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; B
ut the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water, Springing up into everlasting life.

     That's the best part; the bucket comes complete with its own well to dip it into. No more standing around hoping for miracles and waiting through hours of thirst for someone to give you a drink from their bucket. You can have your own joy anytime, day or night.

     Supplies are unlimited and angels are standing by to assist you with your order. You don't even need a phone to place the order; just look up and say "Lord come into my heart and be my well and give me this bucket called joy so I can draw out all I need."

     It really is that simple and if you need any help just contact us, we'll be glad to assist you in any way. We won’t lie. Our operators are sitting down to assist you. No sense in them standing by when they are just talking or typing. So don't delay, Get your miracle bucket today! 

No assembly required, Warranted forever against defects. Bucket will never wear out or break. Salvation is limited to one per person so tell your friends to get their own by calling on Jesus. If for any reason you are unsatisfied you have probably quit using your bucket. 

I hope you are encouraged by these words of truth and humor.

Until next time,

Grow Rich in His Grace,

I love you all,


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